
Chillin' in DXD

Warning : This is a fanfic. . . .I don't own anything!!! All characters expect MC and the World belong to their original owners ___________________________________________________________ Synopsis : Well you all know the drill. . . .A loner get's bitch slapped to the world of Highschool DXD with some overpowered wishes. Follow his journey as he spends his time chilling around in the new world while getting a harem. ___________________________________________________________ A/N : This is my first time writing and I am doing this to pass time but I'll try to complete the fic. As I said this is my first so there may be mistakes, plot holes and cringe. And English is not my first language. So if you can't overlook some mistakes then this story is not for you. I hope you give it a try before dropping. All I try is to bring some smiles on your face while reading my story. This is a wish-fulfillment story and an AU.

YK_1309 · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Power up and Chess

Back with Leo currently he could be seen resting on his couch since he had decided to let his presence known might as well go all the way. Standing up he created a few hundred or so clones which transformed themselves into chibi form.

"You know what to do so get going" Leo said as his clones disappeared and spread around the world. He had sent them to collect the blood of various beings like the blood of 72 pillars of Devil race, fallen angels, archangels, vampires, yokai and finally dragons.

After all his clones left he also disappeared and appeared in a dark space with several silver lines running across for what seemed like infinite distance. He was currently in the space-time continuum, his mastery over Space-Time had far exceeded the norm, it had successfully reached the meta level. As he closed his eyes he could sense and reach all of space and time. Everywhere and Anywhere. Every star that ever was. As he calmly floated in space-time continuum for what seemed to be an eternity he opened his which had turned from blue to that of cosmos, it was as if all of space and time was laid before his eyes free for him to do whatever he pleases.

Achieving Meta Space-Time manipulation not only improved his overall prowess but it also led him to understand many interesting things about the omniverse. As his understanding of True Immortality increased giving him one way to get closer to it.

With a smile he re-appeared in his house enjoyed a hearty meal and finally got to sleep.

While he was busy his clones had spread themselves across the world completing their mission.

-[Timeline : Great War]-

A swarm of chibi Leo's appeared in the sky as they soon split up and went in different directions.

In the capital city Lilith, inside the majestic castle of Lucifer clan a group of satans and their trusted followers were seated across a round table. They were all discussing the current battle situation and how they should proceed further. No one noticed as the chibi Leo entered and collected some of their blood.

Similar things were happening around the world.

-[Scene change]-

In a barren wasteland a red dragon was lying mumbling about how he was gonna beat the shit out of his rival. *snap* Robotically turning his head he looked down seeing a magic artifact snapped in two sweat poured down his face with horrified look on his face he hastily looked around to see if someone saw it sighing as he found no one around he thought for a while just then a light bulb glowed in his head as he left some blood and scales of his rivals there making it look like it was his rival who broke it and not him once done he swiftly flew away.

After a little while a majestic dragon with royal blue sclaes reached there seeing her precious treasure snapped in two her aura started leaking making all the monsters around flee. Reaching down she saw white scales around thinking who it was she gave an angry roar as she would get the answers for it and left with the broken artifact.

What the two dragons didn't know was a chibi Leo was floating there all this time with an amused smile as he got some dirt on our little oppai dragon. Even then he didn't forget his mission of collecting their blood.

-[Scene change]-

In void a large beast with seven necks, seven heads, with ten horns, as well as seven long thick tails of different shapes. It also had four stout arms and two legs that were thicker than its arms. Its main body that of a primate leaning forward covered in black fur and scales all over its body. Its size well over several hundred meters was looking at a white haired and blue eyed human in front of it.

-[Timeline : Back to Present]-

Slowly all of Leo's clones returned as they tacitly entered Asora while Leo was still sleeping.

-[Location : Sirzechs office, Underworld]-

"What is it Sirzechs-chan calling me all of a sudden like this" grumbled a young lady with black hair tied in twintails and blue eyes wearing magical girl outfit with a wand in her hand.

"It concerns our sisters Serafall" said Sirzechs

"Is my So-tan in danger…I'll not let anyone harm my So-tan" Serafall was ready to destroy Kuoh if need be.

"Calm down she isn't in danger…first have a seat" calming his fellow sis-c*cough* maou.

Taking a seat across Sirzechs, Serafall motioned him to continue. Nodding Sirzechs got to explaining her about Lionel and his request to meet them.

Listening to Sirzechs, Serafall fell silent as she thought about Lionel. No matter how childish she could be at times she was still the one incharge of Foreign Affairs she understood it wouldn't end well if they made an enemy out of Lionel so agreeing to his request for a meeting was the best possible option and if luck be they might possibly get a powerful ally.

"There is one more thing he might help us further our plans for Peace Meeting with other Factions" said Sirzechs.

Serafall nodded at his words since she knew the dreams of her fellow friend was to achieve peace with other factions to let the devil race flourish.

"Alright I agree let's meet him…hehehehe I can meet Sona as well…hehehe" said Serafall grinning at the last part as she thought of her dear little sister with a blush.

Sirzechs sighed as he could understand her sentiment.

-[Back to Leo]-

Next day Leo woke up a bit early compared to usual as he had a satisfied smirk considering all his clones got the mission completed without a hitch. Entering Asora he looked around as the once flat Minecraft world was now replaced with a majestic mansion and garden with a lake in the backyard. The whole property surrounded by lush plains. He also had a small zoo not far from his mansion where he had kept several mythical and extinct creatures he even had Dinosaurs which could actually use magic.

After looking around for a while he reached the training grounds, seating in meditative position he summoned the drops of blood his clones had gathered.

Sorting them based on races he slowly started merging them with him as one after the other blood drops started entering his heart through his chest. While his clones surrounded him to ensure the process goes smoothly.

As almost all of the bloodlines assimilated within him he started manipulating them calming the chaotic energy surge they were causing. Opening his eyes he looked at the three drops of blood in front of him. These drops were from The Ouroboros Dragon – The Dragon God of Infinity aka Ophis, The True Red Dragon God Emperor – Dragon of Dragons aka Great Red and lastly The Emperor Beast of Apocalypse – 666 aka Trihexa.

He slowly got to absorbing those as well as gained understanding of Infinity, Dream and Nether.

After a long time he opened his eyes as floated in air. A memory flashed of his former self being chased around by a dog through his eyes laughing he looked at himself now a being which was standing at the apex of all in this and many other worlds.

Shaking his head he knew this wasn't a stop but just the beginning he still had a whole lot to achieve.




Name : Lionel Wayne

Age : 17(physically) , incalculable(mentally)

Race : ???

Bloodline : [True Dragon God], [True Demon Lord], [True Vampire God], [True Angel God], [Nine-Tails Kitsune], ...…

Titles : [The Heir of Wayne Family], [The Demon King], [King of Kuoh]

Origin Abilities : [Meta Ability-Creation]

Abilities : [Absolute Condition], [Indomitable Will], [Meta Space-Time Manipulation], [Death Manipulation], [Life Manipulation], [Elemental Manipulation], [Yahweh – God of Virtues], [Yaldabaoth – God of Sins], [Absolute Power Control], [Absolute Energy Manipulation], [Omni-Energy Breeder Reactor], [Martial Arts Mastery], [Weapons Mastery], [Existential Veil], [Asora], [Cloning], [All abilities of Manas Ciel], [Creation Manipulation], [Illusion Manipulation], [Destiny Manipulation]

Eye Powers : [Mystic Eyes of Life and Death Perception]


Nodding he sent his clones back to training this time with the addition to train in Laws of Destruction, Infinity and Dreams and to work on Nether and Aether forces as well.

Satisfied with his progress he left Asora for his normal routine day well there were some awkward moments here and there with Sona and Tsubaki who was quite worried that it might affect their friendship which was especially true for Akeno, Koenko and Kiba while Rias just avoided him. But his nature and with how chill he was they all got back to their usual-self thinking that yesterday's action wouldn't affect their friendship.

Just as he was about to leave Sona approached,

"Umm…Leo please follow me to Student Council Room there is something I need to inform you about" Sona said turning her head "…you too Rias" Rias who was leaving with Akeno stopped and turned to look at her friend in confusion as what she wanted to talk about but still nodded nonetheless.

Now seated in the Student Council Room unknowingly an awkward silence descended as Sona got a bit worried about it.

"Hahaha…geez what's with you'll today getting all worked up for no reason…I am not going to eat you'll you know well I wouldn't mind 'eating' you though" Leo said as he glanced at Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno making the said women blush.

Rias gave a fake cough as she was annoyed to be left out like that.

Soon the mood relaxed as everyone got seated. Seeing the chess board Leo looked at Sona,

"So Sona do you play chess?" Sona nodded at his words.

"Then how about a match?" …. "Sure" as both Sona and Leo sat across each other with Leo choosing black. Sona made her move and looked at Leo, "My sister and Sirzechs-sama have agreed to meet you…"

Her words caused everyone to look at Leo who just nodded making his own move.

"…The said meeting will take place this Saturday" Sona continued "Alright" Leo said as the two stopped talking and an intense game of chess began. Though considering his skills he was a living cheat so he didn't use any of his powers for the match he was playing based on his experience from his past life he used to and still enjoys playing chess.

Everyone was engrossed in the match while Rias was looking at Leo from time to time as if contemplating something.

After about half an hour...


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