
Rankings and Clubs



Merit Points Class Ranking.

1. Shin Kinghad – 10 800

2. Jean Camus – 9 800

3. Diel Hendrickson – 9 700

4. Dylan White – 8 200

5. Arthur Springfield – 8 000

6. Leonard Fireheart – 7 800

7. Simone Bartolomeo – 7 700

8. Thomas Brook – 7 200

9. Falcon Hawkins – 6 900

10. Ezio Williams – 6 500

11. Cloe Cilvana – 6 300

12. Alice Stuart – 6 200

13. Lorraine Goldstein – 6 000

14. Jillian Potter – 5 900

15. Molton Potter – 5 800


There was a total of fifty students that were accepted for the special program of the school after a series of exams and all of their names were ranked based on the merit points that they had accumulated.