

A story told from the 3rd person of a girl named Kimo, who has to go through a new life at college, a beautiful girl and her troubled past.

kroyvo · LGBT+
6 Chs

Rough beginnings

"BEEP BEEP" It was the day that Kimo would finally be moving out of her moms care, Kimo sluggishly got up to shut off the alarm clock, then she looked over at the only pair of clothes she hadn't packed. She thought of how this would be the last day she would be here, any normal person would be less than happy about finally living on their own but Kimo was ecstatic. She was not very close with her mom and was ready to finally be independent. Putting on the clothes then grabbing her bags she began walking down the hall running into her mother on the way.

"where do you think you're going?"

"I told you I got accepted for that apartment across from the college"

"How will you pay for it? you can't hold a job and pass college at the same time"

"the school agreed to pay for it"

Her mother scoffed and kept walking

"just like your disgusting father"

Kimo wanted to argue but knew it was a waste of time. Ever since the incident with her father, her mother had changed into an irritable drunk, always mad at something and complaining. Kimo mad at herself for thinking of it decided to atleast write a goodbye note, writing 'Bye mom, I love you, call me whenever' on a sticky note, then putting it on the door and leaving.

Regret filled her head while boarding the train, she hoped her mom would call and what she said wasn't true, but she knew it wouldn't be that simple.