
Cheating on my husband gives me xp - Naruto world

Nanna was reborn in the world of Naruto but only awakened her memories at the age of 25, now she was a Milf Uchiha, she had two children and her husband was just a weak guy at the chunnin level of the Uchiha clan, she knew her clan was about to be destroyed by Itachi, but a system woke up and she could gain XP and items by cheating on her husband, to protect her children she can only be a good bitch

Jade_beauty_tits · 漫画同人
18 Chs


Mina ran across the roofs of houses, in her hand she threw pieces of paper out the window, on the paper it was written to hide the children because they were suffering from attacks

Mina is not a great strategist or a prophetess to know where Itachi will come from, her plan is basically to look for him and neutralize him, meanwhile she uses this way of warning

So she basically focused her help where the weakest Uchiha lived, she still believes Itachi should start with the military elites.

As for why not screaming or doing something that wakes up everyone in the clan is because that would generate a huge conflict and the Uchihas would probably win

Do not judge the fact that Itachi massacred the entire clan because he had the power to defeat them all, Itachi won using the surprise factor and it would be impossible for him to defeat all the elites of the clan

As stupid as the Hokage was to accept this massacre, in the end he has a good argument and if the Uchiha clan goes to war with the village no matter who wins, in the end Konoha will be massacred by the other villages

Mina stopped on a roof and saw something

'As I thought...Itachi attacked the strongest, while the damned Danzou had the weak massacred.....' Mina

She looked down and saw several masked ninjas breaking into houses, no doubt members of the root.

"too many ninjas....so a group attack is good" Mina thought, her eyes activated her mangekyou

'a name for this attack... rain of petals is good..' Mina

suddenly a strong event started, hundreds of rose petals appear out of nowhere

"what is that?" root ninja 1

"...up there, look?" root ninja 2

*medium strong jounin ninja is attracted to you, gain 60xp*

*an initial jounin ninja is attracted to you, gain 50xp*

*an initial jounin ninja is attracted to you, gain 50xp*

*advanced chunnin is attracted to you, gain 40xp*

Mina standing on the roof, her hair blowing in the wind, her huge breasts visible through her blouse and mask, her red eyes glowing nonstop.

Mina smiled

'increase gravity'

the hundreds of petals that were flying in the wind suddenly started to fall..... now they weighed tons

the root ninjas were elite, they tried to use substitution jutsu

however their minds failed, their desire to escape faded and all that was left was boundless lust.

these ninjas had a strong urge to rape their comrades, regardless of whether they were men or women.

however.....not a chance


Petals fell on top of everyone... their bodies were crushed and then the ground

a troop of 20 elite ninja are gone, all that's left is a soup of blood and guts

Mina observed everything coldly, the combination of her two eyes is deadly.

Mina then vanished with the wind, she continued her journey in slaughtering these root ninjas.


Itachi looked at his beloved brother on the floor

his eyes were bleeding from sadness, he just used his genjutsu and slaughtered his parents

Itachi at that moment had already massacred the entire elite of the clan.

'for the sake of the village... for the sake of my brother' Itachi

gripping the sword, Itachi left to finish the massacre, a ninja must finish his work

He ran and soon arrived at a house, his eyes showed love

"Izumi..." Itachi

The girl he loves, the girl he once thought would be his wife but now...he would kill

Itachi went to his beloved.....he used a genjutsu on her

the beautiful Izumi was on the ground, on her face there was a smile

Itachi sadly raised his kunai

however, suddenly, Itachi stood up and was on guard and his eyes firmly glued to the shadow of his back.

Itachi saw red eyes...not ordinary eyes but one just like his own.

'....I was very stupid to think that I could attack Itachi by surprise....too bad' Mina thought

Mina stepped out of the shadows, her huge breasts swayed as she walked.

Itachi didn't look up though, his focus was fully on the battle.

The greatest Uchiha genius since madara.....how could he lose focus on the fight?

Mina for the first time felt enormous pressure

the two mangekyou face each other and soon after rush to attack