
Chat Group of Wealthy People

Brandon Michaels was your average 25 year old until he woke up one morning and found that he had some how been reincarnated back to when he was still a kid who had just started 7th grade and he was some how added to a Skype group chat, and he seemed to be the administrator of it. In this group were the worlds wealthy people. One couldn't join this group unless they had a certain net worth or were invited by those who did. Follow along as Brandon uses this group to become the worlds most influential and wealthy person. ____________________________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction but will have some real world names and people included in it. This story will be mostly fiction, but may include some true events just as my other story did. This story is partly inspired by another one. It will likely have similarities to a story on webnovel called "God-Level Tycoon Chat Group" by Shushu Xingxing. That story can be found here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/god-level-tycoon-chat-group_19697500705965805

9 Chs

Chapter 2: Back to School and Starting to Earn Money

Brandon being only 11 years old and about to start the 7th grade had to go back to school. He also thought that if he didn't use this opportunity to invest in the stock market knowing what companies to invest in based on his knowledge of the future events, then it would be a complete waste of his reincarnation into the past as well as his rights as the administrator of the chat group.

First he needed to get ready for school though as today was the first day of school for him. He got out of bed and took a shower before having breakfast and going out to the bus stop. While he was waiting for the bus his friends Philip and Devin also showed up, they were also his neighbors and had been friends for a few years now. On the way to school they were talking about a game called Runescape that they all played and how far they had progressed in their respective skills. Brandon vaguely remembered the game but couldn't remember anything other than his username. He also remembered that the only thing he really ever did regularly was a skill called woodcutting which is exactly as it sounds, you go around and you chop down trees to get logs. Other than that he also remembered having written a program that would automatically mine ores for him as well so that he didn't have to click all the time. It had been 13 years since he actually played it last before coming back to 2008, meaning he had originally stopped playing it in 2009.

Time passed quickly while at school, Brandon's phone kept buzzing in his pocket but he didn't want to take it out while at school since it shouldn't exist in this time. He was worried that people would try to take it from him and realize that it was far more advanced than anything else currently on earth. He decided he would go to the restroom and check it there. He noticed that there were a few people messaging him and also that Bill Gates had left the group before requesting to join back into the group. This meant that Brandon had made $580 million from Bill Gates just now. Since he didn't have a bank account connected yet he wasn't really able to do anything with the money other than purchase points in the group that he could then spend in the group shop.

For the time being he didn't touch the money that was stored in the group and instead accepted Bill Gates request to join back into the group. He then sent a message to everyone in the group by using the @everyone feature.

"@Everyone, Please be mindful when choosing to leaving the group. As I'm sure Mr. Gates has already found out, when you leave the group you are required to pay a fine of 1% of your total wealth before you are permitted to leave. Otherwise you are stuck in this group. Another thing I would like to mention, is that Mr. Gates, as well as any other people with assets valued over $1 billion US Dollars, can invite others to join this group. Please take your time to view the groups rules and settings before doing anything. Thank you!"

When everyone saw his message they immediate became quiet and started to look through the groups information. While this was going on Brandon went back to his class and spent the rest of the day basically doing nothing since he still remembered all of the information they were teaching. After the final bell rang signaling the end of the school day he was in a hurry wanting to get back home. He wanted to have his parents take him to open a bank account so that he could transfer a portion of the money from the group over. When he got home he looked into what banks offered the best benefits and decided on going with a Credit Union over a regular bank. The overall benefits were better when it came to interest rates, though he wasn't expecting to earn much in regards to that as he wanted to invest in the stocks that he knew would mostly rise until 2022.

After deciding on the bank he told his mom where he wanted to go since he didn't trust his dad not to access the account. In the future he had learned that his dad had a habit of taking money from others that didn't belong to him so that he could spend it on the people he was dating. His dad would even spend the money meant to pay bills on those women which had caused financial difficulties multiple times for their family.

When the arrived he asked his mom to make the initial deposit since he didn't have a way to access the money in the group yet. The initial deposit was actually not that high, only $35 total. Once the deposit was made he was given his account information and they went back home. Once he was home he linked the account with the group and transferred half of the funds from the group into the account, leaving him with $290 million in the group. He then used half of the $290 million in the bank account to invest equally into Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Starbucks while planning on saving the other $145 million to invest into Tesla later when Elon Musk releases stock to the public in 2 years time.

He invested using E*Trade since it was the best option for the time being. After that he went into the group and checked on the chat and found that people had started asking questions regarding the shop. They saw the things in the shop and were wondering how they could get the points in order to purchase the items.

"@Everyone, You can obtain points by uploading files that contain information that is relevant to the world such as stock analysis, current policies that are being voted on, the real estate market, etc... I will be uploading my analysis on the current market as well as future predictions of what will occur in the market in a while for you all to look at. I will also warn everyone that these files uploaded will cost money for others to download, and the number of downloads will determine the number of points the person who uploaded it will receive. The cost of the download and number of points will also depend on the value of the information. The majority of the cost of the files will be transferred to the person who uploaded them while the remainder will be transferred to the group administrator."

Everyone was curious what this mysterious group administrator would think of the stock market and future trends so they waited for him to upload it. When Brandon uploaded it the document included some information about Microsoft and Amazon stocks and information about stocks that he knew would fall in the near future. The file ended up having a cost of $500,000 and offered 2 points per download.

When everyone downloaded the file they were surprised by the amount if information in it as well as the cost of it. The information that Brandon provided was that the price of Microsoft would remain about the same with a prediction for growth in 2014 while Amazon would lose half of its value this year and would more than double in value by 2010. There was also a recommendation to invest into Starbucks as the stock was expected to rise over the next decade starting in 2009. He also made mention of a company that not many really knew about yet, Tesla. He didn't provide much information about this company as he wanted to be the one to profit the most off of it, All he did was mention what the company did which was innovate electric vehicles.

After everyone downloaded the file Brandon had made another $5million and obtained 20 points, meaning only 10 people downloaded it. He then decided to look at the shop and noticed that he had the option to purchase points using the money that was in the group funds. He could purchase 1 point for $250,000. He decided he would spend $100 million on points for the time being and leave the rest of the money alone. After spending the money he had 420 points that he could use to purchase items in the shop. The only thing he wanted right now was the AI Assistant and the Basic Gene Strengthening which would cost him a total of 250 points. He wanted to use the AI Assistant to help him moderate the group as well as to assist him with any future businesses he may set up.

When he made the first purchase in the store the Group Chat actually sent him another notification.

It took me a while to think of what to do for this chapter, I initially didn't want to have any of the billionaires leave the group, but figured that one of them doing so and learning of the fine imposed for leaving would make others less likely to leave.

TWINBORN_DOD_ANANcreators' thoughts