
Chasing the Wind (English Version)

Meet Xavrina Alexiahiana P. Fortalejo, a girl who loves Quart Raven S. Montemayor the most, she is chasing him for almost 5 years yet Quart doesn't care about her, she gave up but regrets starts to fill Quart up, now he is the one chasing

XamWrites · 青春言情
17 Chs

Chapter 4



ITS BEEN 2 DAYS since we continue to decorate the room. As of now she is getting better, there are cob webs and skeletons we have installed, there are green and red lights and fake blood on the door and windows. Were busy not until Sniper shouted "Fuck you, Gunter! Your fart can kill any person here in the room" we all just laughed as Sniper throw a crumpled paper to Gunter, we just continue doing our work, we didnt smell it thou. "Xav! Do you want to join us tommorow?" Vina said, "Where?" i asked while removing the tangle on the lights, "Mall sis" Bianxi replied. "Pass i have somewhere to go to" they just rolled their eyes on me and i just laughed.

I will go to Quart's house tommorow to pay his mother and his sibling a visit. I missed them, i didnt have a chance last week to visit them. I used to teach Quart's sibling how to bake, its our bonding anyways. There are times, Quart's grade is literally low thats why his mother always ask for a favor for me to teach him and we have no choice to be stucked inside their mansion's library to study, well it benefits me. Even thou he doesnt pay me attention whenever he's with me during our teaching lessons, im happy as long as his with me. "Jeez, Xav! I know your conduct, youll pay Quart and his family a visit at his house. Your lame excuse sissy" Bianxi shouted that made every person in the room look at me, my gaze were diverted towards Quart who's busy fixing the rope for our classroom. "Well, well, well my little Xavrina, you have no shame do you? Its been 5 years yet youre still chasing Quart. You are no longer ashamed yet you plan to visit his house. Youre creeping me out, youre creeeping us out. Are you a stalker?" Yvonne said, Bianxi was about to pull her hair when i stopped her and talked.

"Ahm you contributed nothing in my life so please shut your mouth and dont open it unless you have nothing to say with sense" i said, I'm already beyond rage because of her, as if she was belittling me. "She's right, Xavrina, i don't know what you don't understand from what i say everytime. I've repeated it almost hundred times.. 5 years straight saying 'Stop Chasing Me' yet you stil continue what you we're wishing. Are you obsess?" Quart said, that made me shock, i was frozen till i can't move anymore. I'm stuck at my place staring at him. He stormed out of the room

Yvonne just rolled her eyes on me as she follows Quart outside. I always become so weak when it comes to Quart. He can make me melt



I'M HERE outside the Montemayor's house, inshort Quart's house. Yes, i still continued, I'm just used to do it every week, in this past 5 years, this is the loop of my life, just because he shouted at me? I'll stop? Now way! I press the doorbell and I'm now waiting for someone to open it until it does. It reveals the family's head of maids, she is grandma Loli. I smiled. "My Xavrina, You're here. C'mon come insde" grandma Loli said and i made my move to enter. I saw Quart's mom which is Aunt Queenie, as if she was reading something but i dont know what is was. "Madam! Ms. Fortalejo is here" grandma Loli said that made Aunt Queenie turn her head towards me, a big smile plastered on her face as she walks towards me and gave me a hug

"I missed you Xavrina, you didn't stop by last week" Auntie said and hugged me. I laughed because of her joke, i looked around the house and i guess maybe Quart is still not up based of what i saw, it's quite. "Mommy! I want pancakes" i saw Quency running down the stairs, by the way, she is Quart's little sister and she is 6 years old. She is cute and bubbly, she and her brother has the same skin tone and her face is really identical with her brother, Quart. "Wait baby! grandma Loli is still making it. Pateince" Auntiee said, Quency is just staring at me, i bet she just woke up and really have a blasted sleep until she realize i was here and run towards me

"Sis Xav! You came! I missed you" she said happily, i am always her playmate when it comes to her teaparty. I immediately carried her even thou she's quite heavy, i still managed to carry her up. I instantly kissed her reddish cheeks. "Im sorry baby, Sister Xav can't pay a visit last time, she has many things to do, but don't be sad, I'm here already, i can play with you 24/7" i said while pouting and she just smiled and hugged me again. "Get down, Quency" Auntie carried her away from me at put her down, she just run towards the kitchen as soon she smells the pancakes

"Sit down, Xav" i seated, i know where this topic will lead to. My sight were transfered towards the living room's center table and i saw our previous report card for our 2nd semester which what Auntie was looking at earlier. "So, Xav. I know you know. I've already seen Raven's previous report card on its 1st semester but it gotten worst on his case today. There's not even a flick even on the line of 8. Xav, please help my son" i looked at her hands holding mine, begging for me to teach his son, i didn't even think twice, i just nodded. "I'm really thankful to have you, Xav. Go wake him up for me" Auntie said and pushed me up. I slowly went upstairs until i reached his room door, i also slowly knocked

No one opened so instead i opened the door, all windows were closed and the sound of air-conditioned is the only thing you will hear, that's why i opened the curtains that made the sunlight enter the room, i walk slowly until i reach the side of his bed, he is tightly wrapped with his blanket, i am slightly pushing him to wake him up but he didn't move a muscle thats why i started talking. "Quart, wake up. Your mom is waiting for you downstairs" i heard him groan but i am still pushing him slightly to wake him completely. When he got up, he instantly provoked me with a bad look. Instead to feel bad, i feel butterlies in my stomack. Jeez, i am blushing because I've seen him topless and i just immediately diverted my gaze to avoid him. I don't want him to see me like this.

"What are you doing here?" he said coldly but still i can't managed to answer. I feel the tension building up between us and i know he is mad. From kneeling, i immediately stand up straight and look down. I maybe looked like a tomato now, my cheeks are now completely red and my heart was beating so fast as if it wants to come out of my body. I can't take what the atmosphere is creating

"ANSWER ME?!" i flinched when he shouted. Yes, I'm right, he is mad at me. His shout made everyone enter the room with their worried expression plastered in their faces. I can't take it anymore, my tears began to betray me. Why do i need to be week everytime I'm infront of him. He can make me melt or what so ever. I'm still crying and I'm embarassed on the same time, why do i need to cry just because he shouted at me. Am i that weak? I looked at him and he smirked making him brushed his hair with his hands, i know he hates seeing my weak side but i can't take it. It's betraying me.
