
Chasing The Sun

Freya Milano isn’t just any vampire but she is vampire with the blood of original vampire running in her veins. She is known as the second line vampire. The crucial advantages of being the second line vampire are: she doesn’t need special ring to protect her from the sunlight like any other usual vampire and cannot be killed in normal ways such as a stake in the heart or chest bone. The blood of original vampire in her veins made her special pretty much like the original vampire. Freya Milano has been a vampire for four hundred years. In the long course of her life, she has been through a lot of things. She has caused many problems. She never really works out her problems. It doesn’t mean that she wants to run from that. She is trying to figure out. However, while figuring out how to work things out, she enjoys her vampire life so much that she only causes more problems on the way. What matter is this time she vows to take care of everything. Quoting from her very own brother, Alessandro Milano “You ruin everything you touch.” Freya was once innocent human, badass vampire, but who knows? She can be the heroine who will put the villains to rest not in peace. Sure it won’t be easy. No one says it will be easy. It takes time, sacrifice, struggle, absolutely blood and a lot more blood. This may seem your normal supernatural genre but it’s deeper and more intricate than it seems. Nevertheless, there will be romance that balances the cruelty.

Anjaa_Birrqiy · 奇幻
3 Chs

Chasing Two

Alessandro is on duty tonight, hunting for vampires who have caused a mess in the town. One of his personal reasons to come back home in Afton is the attacks that have happened lately to the people in town and the police haven't been able to solve the cases. Alessandro thinks it's his call to come home because hunting vampires is what he does for life.

He's walking in the middle of the night at the woods, only darkness accompanies him. He sets his hearing and sight to catch every suspicious movement while his hands are ready with a gun.

A creak of fallen leaves on the ground makes him heighten his hearing. He follows to where the shrieking and creaking noises come from. As he gets to the source, he instantly blocks his smell.

The smell of fresh blood is in the air. Alessandro finds a girl sprawls on the ground with blood seeping through out of her neck and wrist.

The smell is so sharp that it makes him feel dizzy because he has to restraint himself. His bluish black veins are popping out around his eyes as the effect of him restraining from the blood.

He grits his teeth, carefully helping the girl. She's dying from blood loss. The only way to save her is by giving her his blood. Alessandro helps the girl to sit up, holding her back. He bites his wrist to let the blood seep so he can make the girl drink it.

He's been experienced in restraining himself and saving human's life from blood loss. He knows what he does, as torturing as it is for him. It feels as though thousand needles slit inside his veins.

Alessandro inhales and exhales deeply after giving the girl enough blood just to keep her alive until he gets her into the hospital. Few deep breath taken, he makes his popping veins back to normal.

He drives an abandoned car outside the woods he found before he roamed in the woods. The door is half open and the keys are still inside the car. He assumes the car is hers.

"Hey brother!" Freya suddenly appears beside the car, knocking on the window. "Busy night? Just want to let you know that I got myself into hospital as a doctor! Isn't that great?"

He lets out a sigh at his sister's sometimes childish manner. "Get in now Doctor Freya! I need to take her to the hospital."

"Just kidding! I decided to go to the local college. I met a blazing hot guy this afternoon and he said he went to the Afton local college." She hops on the passenger seat.

Freya continues her story of how she met a guy named Hayden Ford. She met him while she was checking some data that her brother asked her to get about the attacks which have happened in the city. Hayden was at the police department, dealing with his younger brother who got into trouble.


Wavy, shoulder length, black haired girl walks by the bench on the main hallway. She's wearing pretty striking blue top under her leather jacket that goes with her jeans.

"Hey there Milano girl!"

Freya turns around at someone calling her last name. "How do you know my family name?"

A guy wearing blue sky t-shirt and washed jeans, catches up on her. "Your last name?" his eyebrows is raised in confusion.

"Yeah, Milano. Are you stalking me?" Freya smirks. "Guess I'm easily well known in this town already." She actually has easily recognized face. She's born Italian with Spanish descendant. Her wide blue eyes always look so alive and bright. Once she smiles, one will always remember that cheeky smile or smirk.

That guy just laughs freely. "We met two days ago but I didn't get to know your name. You look like an Italian girl so I called you Milano, well Milan was the first city name came in my mind."

"Ah I see, I was in rush because my brother was such a pushy telling me to get what he needed. It's Freya, though." She chuckles. "And you're Hayden Ford, right? So you have nothing to do with that Ford, Henry Ford?"

Hayden extends his hand to her. "No, I don't know, maybe." They shake hands. "Why's that?"

Freya nods. "Ford is my favorite person. He's inspiring."

"Ford! You mean me?" he laughs. "At least I have the last name of your favorite person. I know he's great at several fields. I like the story of his life too."

Freya and Hayden talk more about Henry Ford's biography. They're engaged easily with that topic. Freya loves history as she may as well be involved in some histories throughout America and Europe in the long course of her life. She didn't just know from learning them; she witnessed quite a lot of moments and people that made the histories.

Hayden is a man of respect. He knows because he reads but not even half of what Freya knows. Though, he keeps himself interested and attentive so the conversation can keep going from one to another topic.

"How's the matter with your brother?"

Hayden lets out a sigh. "He's grounded after making a mess at café. It's his senior years in High School but I think he's still lost at what he's going to do next."

Freya nods. It seems that she knows Hayden's brother better before even she meets the person. She can understand because she thinks she's pretty much like that, going with the flow.

"I think he may be a person who doesn't really make plan and it's okay Hayden." She laughs. "I'm actually the kind who just goes with the flow too."

Hayden smirks. "Your brother and I might get along just well, considering we both have carefree younger siblings."

Freya scoffs. "Oh! Seriously Hayden? What did you imply? Your tone was kind of offensive."

"Was it, really?" he shines with that playful look. "I love my brother, unconditionally." His head nods at the words 'unconditionally'.

"My brother loves me to the eternity." Freya says. "Ha! You can't top that."

Hayden shrugs, chuckling. "Eternity sounds like a hell lot of word."

"You have no idea." She winks.

They separate ways to different classes. Freya waves a hand in the air just above her shoulder, flashing a smile to him while Hayden responds with a nod and smile that makes his eyes looks charming.
