Song recommended: Upgrade By Jessie Murph
"I want the first born you both will create together. I want that child's soul and I want that child's life." She said, making sure that the demon wouldn't trick her. she knew how they worked. They were slick with words and would always let the deals take place but the way in which one said something. That's how they would apply the deal.
Deal or no deal, demon?" she said and her hands glowed a bright blue. Aural felt as though she was about to scream. She wanted to tell the spirit that they didn't love each other. That there was no way for them to be together but she could barely even feel her body.
Barely even move.
"Deal," came Aamon's words and a scream spread through the cave followed by the cry of a child.
"Done." The spirit said and right before them was an orb that glowed brightly and the spirit's eyes glowed ghost white. Her flame had deemed slightly, turning her into a slight ghost. "You have three questions, ask and you shall receive what you truly desire." She said.
Aural fell back when she felt her legs begin to vibrate, signally to her that the control in her body was now back. She felt utterly shocked at what had just taken place and she couldn't describe the pain that went through her. It felt as though someone had forcefully taken something from her.
Something that she wouldn't get back and she knew that it was the damn spirit's power that had probably done damage to her. She wanted to fight the damn spirit but she knew that it wouldn't be wise to do that. So, she backed away from the woman till she felt the wall behind her.
"Three questions?" Aamon said as he stepped forward, looking at the spirit as though she had tricked him. "You can't take a whole being from us but only give us three questions. That's not how this works." He stated. "A deal is a deal demon, take what I give you or leave and know that you handed over that child for nothing in return."
"Give me back what you have taken!" Aural spat, feeling her body buzz from the anger and the pain. "Give me back the spirit that belongs to me and me alone." She continued as the tears streamed down her face. She watched the woman smirk, even though her smile didn't meet hers.
"It will only return when I get what I have requested. Weep all you want fallen one but I will always take precautions when I make deals with a devil's seed." The spirit hissed at her. "Alright three questions it is. Get up Aural and think of a wise one." Aamon ordered and she pushed herself up.
Even though she was only getting up to jump the spirit.
But Aamon was quick to grab a hold of her waist and keep her at bay. Knowing well that her intention wasn't anything good. "See how things work in this realm. Your kind tricked hers into eating the fruit, now you are the one controlling that realm. Purpose always revolves around each other." The spirit chuckled.
"Now ask before I close this opportunity."
"How did this become a realm of its own and not of earth?" Aamon asked. "Because it still needed to serve a purpose and who said this realm wasn't of earth and you just travelled to the past. Where the future chooses to parcipate? This is the beginning, where all that should have been forbidden and innocent were separated but still found a way to clash." She answered vaguely.
"Who rules it?" Aamon continued. Trying to piece certain things together as he knew that they wouldn't get the answers they fully desired from the wicked spirit. "One who we all call mother. One who nutures and cares. feeds and takes. One who oversees all and makes ways that no one else can. But still no one sees her, yet she is mother." The spirit answered.
Aamon kept quiet for a moment trying to see what question would be wise to ask next as this was the last question they had and losing it to something stupid would be unwise. They needed to get closer to the root of their purpose and not just to useless clues.
"What is the golden angel?" Aural asked and he turned to look at her as though she was stupid. What kind of question was that? It would have been best if she had found a way to ask the spirit how the golden angel looked like who where we could find him. Not this kind of question.
The spirit smiled, "The golden angel is a part of all of us. He is bred through darkness and light. Good and bad. He is the hybrid of all elements that should have never existed but nevertheless did. He is the one whose angels glow a bright gold and his eyes are as fierce as a forest fire.
He is the beginning and the end of even the Messiah's son." The spirit said and suddenly vanished. Leaving Aamon and Aural to figure out what had this woman just told them.