Gaining weight while single, carless, houseless, 25-year-old Tang Song, could see no hope in life. After facing workplace bullying, the Attractive Man nurturing game he had played for three years suddenly descended into the real world, along with the massive wealth and elite talents he possessed in the game. This is a story about nurturing an Attractive Man.
The developer ran off, and the relocation housing is still just a pit in the ground.
With the home prices falling, that slightly remote plot of land has remained unclaimed, and everyone is living in rented houses.
This has become a common concern among them, every gathering or visit would include cursing a few times, followed by sighs, hence they place extra emphasis on property.
After earning some money, Wen Ruan and her parents pooled together funds and bought that two-bedroom unit in Oasis Garden, finally stabilizing the family's living situation.
However, now she has to pay a mortgage of 3300 yuan every month.
Qiao Lina is their eldest aunt's daughter, a few months older than Wen Ruan, practically peers, but she has been married for two years now.
Recently her husband's business has been doing well, and with plans of preparing for pregnancy, they moved to a larger three-bedroom in the city center.