
Chapter 195: Her Enemy's Promise, Part 15, The Legacy



He's depressed...

What can I do?

Change of scene maybe?


"Charlotte, I was thinking, we're about due for your road-trip."

She pauses, half a sausage impaled on a fork midway to her mouth. "Road-trip, Master? What road-trip?"

"Have you forgotten that you were bequeathed a house? And everything in it. Perhaps it is time to make good your claim?"

The half-a-sausage drops back to her plate. "Go back to the farm you mean? The last time I was there, they... they weren't very welcoming."

Michael is listening, chewing on toast and marmalade, suddenly looking more animated than he has for days.

Thank God...

"Things have changed since then, haven't they," he says. "You've spoken with your friend Tom. He knows the truth of what happened. And of course, there's Chad."

Still she stares at the sausage and the fried egg congealing by it. "I'm not sure..."