Time to step in...
I rise, striding across to stand behind her. Reaching around I hold her wrists tugging them, none too gently, behind her back, then in a voice loud enough for James to hear. "Your Master expects you to be on your knees, not crawling up near his face."
Her breath catches. James' eyes meet mine and his mouth twitches...
Pupils dilating...
That's doing it...
One palm on her shoulder, I press. "Down, madam." As she drops, James' gaze follows her. "That's better," I say, backing off a step or two, giving him room to move. He circuits her as, head bowed, she submits.
"You should be naked, Charlotte," I say, "before your Master."
Head still bowed, she nods, her hair swinging, hands moving from the flat of her thighs to the hem of her pullover. I beat her to it. Fisting one hand into her hair, I tug, raising her head, lifting her to kneel upright. "Take it off then."