
Chapter 103: The Father's Betrayal, Part 15, A Gift For Charlotte


James brightens but purses his lips. "Don't bother with perfume or jewellery or anything like that...."


"No, she's not really a perfume and jewellery kind of girl is she...." I laugh.

"No, she's not. And nothing too expensive either." He flashes me a look.

Is he trying to be offensive?

"James, money is hardly an issue for me...."

"It is for her." He sighs, scratching into his hair. "She's sensitive about being given money. Even Michael and I have to be careful about it."


"Seriously? Michael's married to her. So are you for all practical purposes. A husband is entitled to give his wife gifts...."

He rocks a hand back and forth. "I don't think she's fully wrapped her brain around that one yet. She started life and grew up with so little. She's not used to being pampered or cared for. I'm not sure she ever will be."

You want to give her everything...

.... but she won't let you...

What would I do?