A sequel to Face of Fate.
Aiden glared at her surprisingly. She was a complete different person right now. The color of her hair and eyes changed. The way she was gazing in his direction caused goosebumps on the back of his neck. Averting her head, she looked at another wolf. It flew and fell back like the previous one. Even Aella noticed this time. She took a couple of steps away from her.
"Where's my sword?" In a voice that doesn't belong to her.
Glancing at each other Aella and Aiden gulped by fear. Aella pulled out her dagger from the wolf and walked towards Cressida. Keeping a safe distance, she forwarded her hand towards Cressida.
Looking down at her dagger, Cressida spoke.
"No." She then looked around and continued. "Where is the frozen sea?"
Her question astonished Aiden. Only the royal members of the family knew about the froze sea. How could she talk about it.
Standing on his feet, aiden ran towards her.
"Who are you?" He asked.