

'She didn't tell me that he was so into her,' Khan commented in his mind as his annoyance increased.

Khan didn't understand the entire speech, but the few words that he could translate in his mind had allowed him to get its general meaning. The Niqols was clearly trying to date his girlfriend, and he couldn't do anything about the situation.

The Niqols remained on his knees, and his expression didn't even flicker after Liiza's firm refusal. His face remained solemn as if he were in the middle of a deadly battle.

"[You will acknowledge me one day]," Ilman exclaimed before straightening his position and leaving the flowers at the base of the tree. "[I won't give up on us until then]."

Ilman's romantic words made some of the female Niqols gasp. Some even stood up to approach him with consoling words, but he ignored them until they started to offend Liiza.