

When Khan opened his eyes, haziness filled his mind. That lack of immediate clarity was unusual for him, proving how exhausted his mind had been. Still, the fog quickly dispersed, restoring his usual incredible awareness.

The soft sensation under Khan's head made him smile. He looked up, finding a loving face glancing back at him. Monica had guarded him all night, and her fingers promptly resumed their caresses upon his awakening.

"Morning, dear," Monica whispered.

Khan lifted himself, sitting on the thick cape. A groan escaped his mouth, and a chuckle followed when Monica hugged his back. She even kissed his neck before nestling on his shoulder.

"Feeling better?" Monica asked.

Khan reached for his shoulder to immerse his hand in Monica's curls. He actually didn't know how he felt. He still grieved for his father, and Lieutenant Dyester's speech resonated in his mind. Khan had much to consider, but the tiredness had vanished, at least.