in the bustling city of Tokyo, one can see a futuristic bike going by the desolated places of the city, the bike was being ridden by a tall young teen with yellow hair and sharp eyes, he was 5.9 feet tall and was using a normal business suit, he was Aiki and was going to the territory of fallen angels for a job.
he was riding in silence deeply thinking about something, but that didn't last long because he arrived at an enormous mansion, waiting for a bit in the main gate the doors suddenly opened before him and a tall middle age man came walking just in the middle of the road with his hands in his back and a mysterious smile pasted on his smile, seeing that our protagonist rolled his eyes and said.
Aiki: Again with the weird mysterious vibe of yours, I don't know how many times I have said the same thing but I'll say it again no one likes it.
with his sharp words, the middle-aged man almost fell to the floor, he then said with crocodile tears.
Azazel: and you are still a complete douchebag.
hearing that our protagonist had a little twitch in his mouth, the two started looking at each other in silence but that didn't last long because of a female voice suddenly interrupting.
???: father can you stop acting like a little child.
hearing those words Azazel fell to the floor with a defeated face and said.
Azazel: even my own daughter is going against me, DAMMIT.
the new participant started looking at Azazel with disgust in her eyes meanwhile Aiki was trying his hardest to not laugh, seeing that Azazel got up from the floor patted his clothes and smile at Aiki like nothing never happened.
(A/N: I know some of you don't like the gender bend but come on a white hair waifu can not be avoided.)
seeing that Aiki rolled his eyes and said.
Aiki: what do you need old man?
hearing the question of Aiki, Azazel made a professional smile before saying.
Azazel: well you see these days there's been a group of exorcists who have touching my nerves a lot these days and I think is time for them to dissapear.
hearing his necessities Aiki did not even think he was in danger so he asked.
Aiki: how much?
Azazel at his wor
Aiki: don't worry they will disappear for tomorrow.
Saying that Aiki started walking out of the mansion but he stopped because he suddenly fell a tug on his sleeve, turning around Aiki could see a white long hair teen with grey eyes and pale skin, she had a small blush and was looking at the floor but she said with a clear voice.
???: why don't you stay to eat with us, please.
hearing her words made Azazel smile mischievously at Aiki who wanted to go, but seeing how she asked, he wasn't capable of saying no.
Aiki: yeah why not.
hearing his reply the teen brightened up and with a radiant smile welcomed him to the mansion forgetting completely of his father leaving him alone, walking by the large corridors the teen was talking about everything with him and as the antisocial Aiki was he always responded pretty simple but by how it looked it seems that the teen didn't care they walked and talk with each other until they reached the dining room.
reaching there the two sat on the middle of an enormous table, suddenly one of the doors opened and entered inside an old man on a business suit and Azazel, Azazel go to the last seat of the table meanwhile the old man started putting plates full of tasty dishes, Aiki started eating he could making the duo dumbfounded for the sheer amount of food he ate, but seeing how fast they decided to eat before being left without food.
finishing everything on the table Aiki started rubbing his belly with a contented face meanwhile Azazel looked at him with a hateful look, but suddenly Azazel opened his eyes wide and with a mischievous smile asked Aiki.
Azazel: hey aiki do you have anyone you like?
hearing the question azazel asked Aiki, the teen or Lucina perked up from her seat but soon sat down again and with concern written in her face greatly expected the answer, seeing the intrigue of the two Aiki sihed before saying.
Aiki: nah too busy with work there's been a lot of work lately.
hearing his reply the teen showe a relieved expression meanwhile Azazel a dissapointed one they talked for a bit more before Aiki de ided that it was time to leave, giving his goodbyes to the lucifer family he went to his parked bike and put a location on the GPS following that he started the bike and ride it.
leaving the underworld Aiki went driving in a high speed to one of the cities of japan Yokohama, going by the city he started searching for any type of paranormal activities and 2 hours later he found a bearded man with the clothes of the church, seeing his prey our protagonist activated the camuouflage form of his bike and waited.
hours passed and when the exorcist saw it was already night he started walking siletnly by the streets, seeing that our protagonist followed him through a large distance, minutes later Aiki could see how the exorcist stopped in front of an old factory of shoes, he started hitting the door with rhythm showing that it was some type of pattern making that the door of the factory opened letting the man enter.
seeing that that was the place our protagonist left his bike parked on the side of the avenue and made the same pattern on the door, waiting for a bit the door opened and what Aiki could see was a bad illuminated room with 6 sillouted on the middle.
seeing the appearance of Aiki everyone inside the factory grew alert and put themselves on a fighting position, then the one in the middle shouted at him.
hearing his question Aiki chucled a bit before suddenly saying.
Aiki: the man who is just about to fuck you up.