
Chapter 16

William's gaze fell on Bella and she scrutinized him. After a while, she pretended to be surprised and claimed, "Oh my! Sara, did you not want to stay at the Bishop's family any longer? You can't be thinking of eloping with a new boyfriend, can you?"

Yen flew into a great rage upon hearing the suggested situation, "Sara! Can you get any more shameless?"

Sara was speechless. She hadn't said a word yet, she couldn't figure out how the conversation had escalated to her being shameless.

Sara thought for a while and realized that they had never met Bella, and that was probably why they misunderstood him as her boyfriend. She then spoke in a serious manner, "Mr. Martin, this is Bella, Master Bishop's loyal subordinate."

"You b*stard! What did you just call me?" Yen was furious. Just as his fury was about to explode, he paused. Looking at Sara, he asked incredulously, "What did you say?"

Bella forced a smile and made a self- introduction, "Hello, Mr. Martin. I'm Bella, special assistant to Master Martin."

Yen and Lilly's faces instantly blanched, and they didn't dare to stay seated. Lilly hurriedly said, "We didn't know you were coming, Bella, please forgive us for our poor hospitality! Please, take a seat."

She said that while she rearranged the seats and told the housemaid to serve some refreshments.

"Her change of attitude is way too fast."

Sara thought.

William knew that she had said the wrong thing earlier. Afraid of getting Bella's attention, she shut her mouth and sat as far away from him as possible.

Yen, on the other hand, became so much more welcoming. "Bella, may I know why are you here today? Did Sara misbehave and cause trouble?" He asked assumingly.

"No, that is not the case. On the contrary, Master Bishop has found her very obedient!"

Bella replied.

Yen immediately answered as if he had been praised, "Yes, yes. Sara has always been obedient since she was a child. It's great to hear that she isn't causing you any trouble. Sara, why didn't you inform us earlier that Bella is visiting? We don't have anything prepared at all..."

His words and tone were absolutely different, he sounded as though he wasn't the one who scolded Sara just a moment ago.

"I came here under a hasty decision," Bella said in a flat tone.

He glanced at Sara, who seemed to be in low spirits, and continued, "It is about Miss Martin transferring to Scrollania College."

William and Lilly had already filled Yen in on the story and even added in some of their own tales. From what Yen had heard, Sara was a jealous sister who wanted to destroy her sister's future. As soon as he heard Bella mentioned the transfer, his face darkened and he said, "I know what you mean, Bella. You came to ask for the guardian's signature, right? I would have agreed initially, but..."

Yen looked at Sara with a threatening look in his eyes as he said, "Sara, didn't you tell me that your form teacher is very kind to you and that you don't wish to leave Seventh High School?"

Sara inwardly heaved a sigh once the words left his mouth.

Yen was going to use her Grandfather to threaten her again.

She was revolted, but she had no choice but to compromise, "...Yes."

Yen and Lilly's eyes met, and the man immediately beamed. "Bella, you see, Sara values her relationship with other classmates a lot. We can't do anything about it. Besides, Seventh High School is also a good school. Let her continue her study there then."

Truth to be told, Bella had come across all kinds of people and their despicable tricks in his career. Yet, it was his first time seeing such a shameless person. He wondered if Yen could be considered a man at all, as there was no trace of humanity in him. Both of the girls were his daughters, but the treatment that they received was poles apart.

Even if Sara was an illegitimate daughter, it was Yen's fault that he had an affair.

A rare feeling of sympathy arose in Bella's heart, he ignored Yen's sickening words and then jutted out his chin at the man whom he had brought along, "Attorney Collens, please take the items out."

The gentleman, Attorney Collens, immediately took out a document from his briefcase. He placed three copies of a form on the table and said to Yen formally, "Mr. Martin, this is a guardianship transfer agreement. Please sign it."

Yen and Lilly were both stumped at the sight of said agreement. Lilly looked perplexedly at Attorney Collens and asked, "What transfer agreement?!"

The attorney answered carefully, "It's for Mr. Martin to transfer his legal guardianship of Miss Martin to Mr. Hank Bishop."

"This is absurd!" Yen said angrily, "She's my daughter! Why should I sign this?"

Bella said calmly, "Your daughter? Mr. Martin, did you forget that you have sold Miss Martin to Master Bishop?"

Yen became quiet at once.

Sara's eyes widened in shock and thought, "A guardianship transfer agreement? Is Master Bishop going to be my legal guardian?"

Lilly was also exasperated. She pointed at Sara and berated her, "Sara! Was it your idea? You just left home and now you are disowning your family? You don't even want your father?"

Yen said bitterly, "I have raised you for so many years! You unfilial child! Unfilial!"

If the agreement was signed, they would no longer be able to control or use Sara for their benefits. Now that Sara had such an obvious value, they weren't willing to let her go.

Sara's face was a little ashen, and her fingers grasped the hem of her shirt tightly.

William who was sitting at a corner started commenting, "Sara, you can't be like this! Mom and Dad have worked so hard to raise you, you can't just disown your family! If Grandpa finds out, who knows if he might die of anger?"

"You!" Sara abruptly raised her head and glared at William "Shut up!" She yelled at her.

William smiled disdainfully and stopped talking.

Yen said, "Bella, this is coercion!!

will not sign it!"

Lilly was afraid of offending Bella, so she quickly made up, "Dear Bella, being parents is genuinely a difficult duty. Although we had no choice but to send Sara to the Bishop family, she is still the child who we have nurtured for years. We really can't sign this agreement."

Bella was an ill-tempered person, and he was close to hitting the roof. But Yen still had the audacity to glare at Sara and scolded, "Sara, you are so ungrateful! Don't you feel sorry? Didn't your grandfather teach you to be kind, righteous, and polite? Have you forgotten?"

There he went, bringing up Grandpa again... Sara thought as she bit her lip forcefully, it almost bled.

Out of nowhere, a hand gently opened up her mouth. A male voice underlined with coldness spoke, "It is bleeding."

Sara was startled. When she turned around, it was the face of a pallid Hank.

The man's frame was slender, and his striking face was expressionless. His eyes slowly fell on Yen.

His unwavering gaze terrified Yen to the extent that he almost fell onto his knees.

William and Lilly were also scared out of their wits. They felt that as soon as the man appeared, the atmosphere in the entire building became grave and dreadful.

Bella was a little surprised at his sudden presence. "Master Bishop, why are you here?"

Hank glanced at him coldly and said, "Because you are useless. Why did it take you so long to settle such a simple task?" Bella fell silent.

Upon hearing how Bella had addressed the man, the Martin family immediately understood who the newcomer was and did not even dare to breathe. Although the man before their eyes looked exceptionally stunning, he was Hank Bishop, the infamous devil!