
CEO loves me with all his soul.

Adrian Hudel has always been the invisible son in the Hu family, overshadowed by his elder brother Wryn, who was groomed to inherit the family business. Adrian’s only solace lies in his passion for painting, a dream he clings to amidst the cold indifference of his father, Wuner Hudel. But when Wryn abandons the family overnight, fleeing from an arranged marriage to the richest man in the country, Ethan Levistis, Adrian’s life takes a devastating turn. --- The cover is mine. The cover is of MC-Adrian Hudel. Free to collect. BL Story.

Zeal_Faust · 现代言情
48 Chs

31. Pregnancy

Adrian stirred as the soft morning light filtered into the hospital room. His eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, he felt a comforting warmth beside him. Slowly, his gaze shifted, and he saw Ethan sitting by the bed, his fingers entwined with his own. The sight of Ethan, awake and healthy, filled Adrian with relief, but there was a shadow of confusion in Ethan's eyes that made him worry.

"Good morning," Ethan said softly, his voice tender as he leaned down to kiss Adrian's forehead.

Adrian blinked, his mind still foggy from sleep. "Good morning," he mumbled, his voice hoarse. His gaze drifted to the IV in his arm, and a sudden wave of nausea hit him. "Why am I still here? Did something happen?"

Ethan took a deep breath, his thumb brushing gently over the back of Adrian's hand. "Adrian, there's something you need to know. When we brought you in yesterday, the doctors ran some tests."

Adrian's heart skipped a beat. The weight in Ethan's tone set off alarms in his mind. "What tests? Am I sick?"

"No, no, you're not sick," Ethan quickly reassured him, though his expression remained serious. "You're... pregnant."

For a moment, time stood still. Adrian stared at Ethan, his mind struggling to process the words.

"Pregnant?" Adrian repeated, his voice barely a whisper. His hand instinctively moved to his stomach, though there was no outward sign of change. "But... I'm a man. How can I be...?"

Ethan reached out and placed his hand gently over Adrian's, his touch warm and comforting. "It's rare," he said softly, "but it has happened before. The doctors explained that certain men, under the right circumstances, can conceive. It's uncommon, but not impossible."

Adrian's eyes widened, and his hand pressed more firmly against his stomach. "Our baby?" he asked, his voice trembling with disbelief. "Is it really here? Inside me?"

Ethan nodded, a soft smile forming on his lips as he watched Adrian's reaction. "Yes, Adrian. Our baby is here."

Adrian's gaze fell to his hand, which still rested on his stomach. His mind raced, a mixture of shock, fear, and awe overwhelming him. He couldn't believe it. He had never imagined that this could happen to him—especially not now, after everything they'd been through.

"What... what do we do?" Adrian whispered, his voice so quiet that it was almost inaudible.

Ethan squeezed his hand gently. "We take it one step at a time. You and I—we'll figure it out together."

Adrian's lips quivered, and for the first time since the chaos of the past few days, he smiled—a small, fragile smile. He looked up at Ethan, his silver eyes filled with emotion. "I'm scared."

Ethan leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Adrian's, his voice soft and reassuring. "I'm scared too. But I love you, Adrian, and we'll get through this. You, me, and our baby."

For the rest of the morning, Adrian stayed in the hospital bed, his thoughts a whirlwind. Ethan remained by his side, his comforting presence grounding Adrian as they waited for the doctors to finalize his discharge.


By evening, Adrian had been cleared to leave, and Ethan, with his usual protective nature, insisted on carrying him to the car. Adrian protested lightly, embarrassed by the attention, but Ethan wouldn't hear of it. "I'm not letting you walk, not in your condition," Ethan said with a teasing grin as he scooped Adrian up effortlessly.

"Fine," Adrian mumbled, burying his face against Ethan's chest as they exited the hospital. He felt safe in Ethan's arms, but the reality of everything still weighed heavily on his mind. Pregnant. It still felt unreal.

When they reached the car, Ethan gently set Adrian down in the passenger seat, buckling him in with a tenderness that made Adrian's heart flutter. Ethan then got into the driver's seat, and they headed toward Ethan's private mansion—Ethan's true home, where Adrian had never been before.


The mansion was grand, nestled on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by lush gardens and high walls that offered both privacy and security. As they pulled into the driveway, Adrian's breath caught in his throat. The place was breathtaking, yet there was a warmth to it that made it feel less like an intimidating estate and more like a sanctuary.

Ethan helped Adrian out of the car and led him inside. The moment they stepped through the front doors, Adrian saw two familiar faces waiting for them.

"Welcome back, little brother," Leclair said with a smile, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he sat in his wheelchair. Though his body still hadn't fully recovered, he looked healthier than the last time Adrian had seen him. Beside him stood Augustin, his husband, who gave a warm smile and gestured for them to come closer.

Ethan's face broke into a wide grin. "Brother," he called out, his voice filled with affection. The two men shared a quiet laugh, the bond between them evident in that small exchange.

Augustin, ever the gentle host, immediately stepped forward to help Adrian sit down. "You must be exhausted," he said, his voice soft as he guided Adrian to a comfortable armchair near the fireplace. "I've made some hot soup for both of you."

Adrian smiled gratefully, feeling the weight of the day finally catching up to him. "Thank you, Augustin."

As Augustin served them bowls of steaming soup, Leclair spoke up, his voice gentle but firm. "Since Augustin and I are free for the next few months, we want to help take care of both of you," he said, glancing between Ethan and Adrian. "You both need rest and care, especially now."

Adrian's heart warmed at the offer. He had always admired Leclair's quiet strength, but hearing that he and Augustin were willing to help them through this difficult time made him feel more supported than ever.

"I don't want to be a burden," Adrian said quietly, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"You're not a burden," Augustin interjected with a kind smile. "We're family, and family takes care of each other."

Ethan nodded in agreement, reaching over to take Adrian's hand in his. "Exactly. You're not alone in this, Adrian. We're all in this together."

Leclair's assistant and Ethan's own assistant quickly began organizing things around the mansion, making sure everything was in place for Adrian's comfort. The household bustled with activity, yet there was a calmness to it all—a sense of order and care that eased Adrian's mind.

As they sat around the fireplace, sipping their soup and enjoying the quiet moment, Adrian felt a sense of peace wash over him. For the first time in what felt like forever, he wasn't consumed by fear or uncertainty. He was surrounded by people who loved him, people who would stand by him no matter what came next.

Leclair glanced over at Ethan, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "So, how does it feel to be a father-to-be?"

Ethan chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, honestly." He squeezed Adrian's hand, looking down at him with eyes full of affection. "But I couldn't be happier."

Adrian blushed, feeling the warmth of Ethan's words sink into his heart. He looked down at his own stomach, still flat and unassuming, but now holding the promise of something extraordinary. A baby. Their baby.

Leclair's gaze softened as he watched the two of them. "You two are going to be great parents," he said quietly.


Adrian felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He had never expected this—a family, support, love. And now, a child. Everything felt like it was finally falling into place, even though there was still so much uncertainty ahead.

"Thank you," Adrian whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you all."

Leclair smiled, his eyes filled with understanding. "No need to thank us. We're family."

As the evening wore on and the fire crackled softly in the hearth, Adrian leaned his head against Ethan's shoulder, his heart finally at ease. For the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to feel hope.

Hope for the future. For their child. For the family they were building together.

I am...sorry guys...Please don't beat me for the next one. QAQ

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