
Cut one branch to save the tree (3)

Even though he was a little nosy, Luis Desparte wasn't too unpleasant to talk with. He had asked them many questions, maybe trying to confirm their versions before proceeding - just like a real detective, even though he was something like an executive manager. He had also asked them for the second time whether they would proceed with the charges for Vera's treatment, but she had refused.

«It would weaken the case,» she said. «Since I am the one bringing proof, and I was also the one who was mistreated, a judge might think I had too much interest in proving the agency's ill-doings.»

«There will be no judge,» Luis pointed out. «The case will be brought to an internal commission and, if there is enough evidence against them, there will be consequences. All those involved will likely lose their job or be demoted - if their involvement turns out to be influential to the result of the crime.»

«Demoted? So, no one will serve a day of prison?» Vera murmured.