
Pact (2)

Entering the room shown to him, Estheniel sighed. Undoing the ties of his pants, he turned on the shower and stood under the icy spray for a few minutes before setting the shower to a more pleasant temperature. Looking at the unique fabric of his garment, he watered it to wash away the blood and dust before putting it back on. Showering quickly, he came out of the bathroom, a towel over his shoulders to mop his hair. Blue was still against the wall and looked just as docile as a doll. Sighing, he slowly approached her, put his hands on her shoulders before hugging her to lift her up and carry her to the bed. The vampire had walked as far as he could without leaving the room and was not making any gesture to approach the girl. The situation promised to be complicated. Blue stood still, her eyes blank without emotion, as if absent, Leifr stood away from her so as not to impose himself and he would have to play the messenger between the two. Shaking his head, he tucked her in and took care of her wounds. Filling a basin, he walked back to the bed to clean the blood from her skin and saw, horrified, the condition of her hands. He motioned for the vampire to approach and frowned when the vampire shook his head. Insisting, he finally persuaded the vampire to come near the bed to examine them. The young girl's hands were raw, as if eaten away from the inside ... the skin seemed to have vanished to leave the flesh bare. Leifr took the basin and left to change the soiled water before returning to the bed with a first aid kit under his arm.

"I don't know if that will help him… there is enough to cure burns in the kit but it looks like her wounds are coming from inside… like his body is rejecting something."

"Putting her hands in water to clean them is going to hurt like hell, but we have to..."

Taking her hands as delicately as possible, Estheniel plunged them into the cold water, drawing out a muffled moan from Blue, the first sign she was still there somewhere. What happened, however, amazed them both: the water began to smoke and boil in contact with the hands of the girl who immediately removed them from the basin.

"The fire… the blue fire… every time… wait… will go…"

"Wait, you mean every time you use the fireblades your hands are in this state? And when were you going to tell us? Did you hope you could hide such wounds?"

"Not… the first… time… always…"

"Wait a minute, Vampire! You mean she managed to hide injuries like that before today?"

"Not exactly hidden. Before you attacked her, I had just bandaged her hands. She already had burns but they were less severe... it wasn't at this point: her hands seem to be burning from the inside..."


"Not… Meldiriel… Blue… the… fire… must go out… if… I keep it… be worse…"

Rising from the bed and walking away from them, Blue fell to her knees and two huge flames shot from her hands up her forearms before going out on their own. She looked exhausted, drained of all energy but her hands were feeling better… yes, they still had burns but less than before. The two men stared at her, quite surprised but didn't say anything… She didn't raise her head, just staring at the ground, not moving. Something in her attitude put them on alert.

"Fae… to be here… to feel it… it is coming for me… and is not alone, the world is moving… I can feel them… very close… HERE!"

At that cry, she threw the dagger she had picked up between the two men, surprising them. A shape fell at their feet… a half-fae could be seen. A roar was heard and Blue stood up, completely covered by the fire burning within her. She was ready to fight despite her condition, despite the wounds that were bleeding… everything about her was screaming in pain but she was standing, the fire feeding on her pain… She was a soldier… a weapon of war… Estheniel took full consciousness then that she had never seriously fought against him. Even though he had been in doubt, having it confirmed hurt him. What he saw in front of him was a killing machine, trained for combat, that nothing would stop. She stared at the space between them, waiting for the next assault. Moving away from that point, they moved between her and the point ready to fight to protect her from whoever came out. She beat them, launching a flame that caused two more half Fae to appear before she calmed down.

"Finished… they are gone… they will come back…"

"How could you see them? Feel them? Your senses are really more developed than ours, I understand why they fear you"

"Monster… what I am… abomination… error…"

"Stop with that… you're none of that… you're a young girl, certainly different from most humans, but a young girl nonetheless."

"They are right: I am a danger for them… a danger for everyone… fire is only one facet of what they fear… and I don't know what will happen next�� my powers develop, I discover others each time... and that's what I would pass on to the child... not to mention that I don't know much about the powers of demons... not really had time to study them..."

"There won't be any children, Blue, even though the legend is true, I won't be the one to take your innocence from you… I won't force you to share my bed."

"I'm not to the taste of the master… I had suspected it a little when I saw those women at the club… I am nothing like them… unfortunately your maker decided otherwise… unless you find another vampire to do it, you will have to deal with... I made a pact, I would respect it, no matter what it costs me. I'm just asking for a little time... to heal... with the blood you gave me, I should be on my feet quickly..."

"Do you understand what I'm saying? You won't share my bed… not in that sense… I won't sleep in this room… it's your room now… for the next three years… but I won't conceive a child of you… you won't have to submit to my wishes. I prefer to face the wrath of Lilith. I am not a monster, I am not my sister. First of all, we need to prevent further attacks on you... can you put up some protection in this room? Prevent the appearance of doors or portals that you do not voluntarily summon?"

"I can try… by drawing on all magics… and the dark arts… but I cannot guarantee the result… I am not completely in control… demon blood sometimes interferes… although it also strengthens the power of the spells…"

Turning to Estheniel, she took the dagger he had in his hand and slashed her hand, letting the blood run down her fingers before taking a deep breath and saying a few syllables in a throaty tongue. The smell of magic invaded the room and the walls began to vibrate and sparkle softly. In many places around them dots shone brighter than the rest ... pointing to them, she let them know that these were portals that had been opened or that one was attempting to open. Handing back her dagger to the demon, she wanted to move forward but her legs gave way, she had assumed a little of her strength. Kneeling on the ground, she took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Blue… if I run you a bath, will you let one of us help you? You have to rest… and eat… you didn't even have time to touch the tray at the club… as you didn't have time to drink your cappuccino… If you wish, Estheniel or Sue can you help… I won't go near you until you want to. I…"