

Silence settled in the room, all eyes on the two protagonists. Tilting her head to the side, a mischievous grin on her lips, Blue launched hostilities, shocking Estheniel's aura with her own before charging, daggers in hand. The demon narrowly dodged the blades and retaliated with an attack on her nape, finding it parried with a dagger, the other aimed directly at his stomach. He had to pull away to avoid serious injuries. Frowning, he pulled back and decided to be serious too, unleashing a series of vicious attacks which she dodged and parried, demonstrating agility and control far beyond anything he knew. He fully understood how much she had changed and was starting to wonder if he would come out unscathed. Determined to verify a theory, he made his skin glow, appealing to his demonic powers, hoping that would be enough. For the first time since he had known her, he had to use his powers when she wasn't using any. The happy laugh he got in response gave him all the answers ne needed: she wanted him at the height of her might. The remainder of the fight was breathtakingly beautiful and pure as the attacks, parries and dodges were smooth on both sides. Blue ended the demonstration brilliantly when she slipped behind the demon, knocking him off balance before placing her crossed daggers on his nape. He put his daggers down and spread his hands to signal her victory and she pulled away from him, putting away her daggers before reaching out to him, her eyes full of worry. Smiling at her, he took the outstretched hand to stand up and hugged her before turning to the audience, saluting together.

The thunder of applause that erupted in reward was worth every compliment and the young woman smiled as she returned to the central alcove under the shocked gaze of the vampire. Resuming her place on the throne, she leaned towards him and smiled before placing a kiss on his cheek. Leifr was still staring at her, amazed at the changes and more aware than ever of the power of the young woman who had at no point in the fight appealed to anything other than her human nature. She seemed neither tired nor out of breath from the effort but calmed and slightly worried about the demon.

"Forgive me, Estheniel, for pushing you this far... I should have warned you and asked if you were okay with this..."

"On the contrary, it is I who apologize for doubting you and your abilities. You just gave me a masterful lesson on what you have become in your absence without even forcing or using power. You have no idea how happy I am right now and I'm sure the trackers will think twice before they show up. How are you feeling? "

"Just one question, Blue, were you at your peak physical ability? And what do you need after such a demonstration?"

"I'm fine Estheniel, really. And no, I didn't push tonight, I stayed within a very reasonable limit since I'm not out of breath or tired. The plateau Axelian brings is more than enough for me to recover. if I ever needed it, which I didn't. I saved my energy for the private demonstration I will do at home. I will show you exactly what has changed and what my new abilities are. "

Smiling to the half-fae who arrived with her order, Blue put her hands on the two men's, squeezing them gently. She could finally relax in their presence, feeling at home and safe with them. Lucifer and Lilith had been incredibly supportive of her at this level, helping her find the buried memories of her parents, overcome Nemhain's abuse and find the inner peace she needed. Her new life starting off on a good footing, free from the scars and demons of the past, she had changed and could finally trust them. She had to talk to her guardian angels about her ability to share her gifts, powers, abilities at will, a gift she intended to give them if they accepted it.

Axelian put the plate and the glass of blood in front of her and bowed deeply, showing her respect. Blue leaned down and pulled him up, smiling.

"Axelian, please, you must never bow to me. None of you must: there are eleven of you whom I consider to be my friends, my relatives, members of my new family. As much as you accepted me as I am, without judging me and without running away from me, even after having learned some truths about your origins. You are also the only ones to whom I reserve the use of my nickname, all the others having the right only to my birth name and rank. No matter what the future holds, this will not change. "

"I am honored that you see me as close, Princes ... Blue. With your permission, I will pass these words on to others that they do not make this mistake."

"Can I ask you to be familiar with me, please? The same with everyone else ... I'm embarrassed when you're formal with me or use my title. For all of you, I'm Blue, just Blue."

"Heard! We're all happy to have you back and your demonstration was beyond what we expected. We all can't wait for you to teach us what you know."

"I can promise all of you that the first class will take place soon, by the time I organize myself and settle a couple of things. It will take place in the parking lot at the back of the Moon so that we have the necessary space and peace..."

The half-fae grinned away and circled around to spread the word about her wish and the lessons. The demon and the vampire had remained silent during this exchange and could sense her sincerity, she saw them as members of her new family seeing no need to maintain a certain distance. The calm she showed was not just superficial but much deeper, just as her relaxed demeanor was not a facade. Eating heartily, Blue let her gaze run around the room as she nodded slightly to Lucian at the few at-risk customers she could see. When her meal was finished, Lucian had Arghan bring her a cappuccino, while Dan cleared the table. Moon's nine staff members went out of their way to accommodate her every wish, happy to have her return. The evening went off without incident, the trackers showing no sign of interest in her, perhaps having understood the message she had conveyed during the demonstration.

Once home, Blue crossed the living room and made her way to the patio at the back of the house, removing her jacket and untangling her hair to be more comfortable. Her newfound confidence made a few vampires wince once they realized that the victim no longer existed and that she would defend herself if provoked. With a smile on her face, she saw that her practice targets had been delivered and set up as Lucifer had promised. Everything was ready for her private demonstration and she felt ready to show all her talents to those present. She inhaled slowly and turned to the vampires and the demon.

"Over the past few weeks, a lot has changed, including my powers and talents. It turns out that Lilith and Lucifer have added their bloodlines to the ones I already carried, which makes me Meldiriel Lune de Lys, Heiress of Six Bloods. What I am going to show is the result of this unique crossbreeding from all points of view. For those who doubt the addition of the two new lineages, I encourage you to ask the interested parties for details on this subject. Small warning for those who would be tempted to verify whether or not I can give birth to dhampirs, I will not be the victim of anybody and will have no remorse to exterminate you with the blessing of Lilith, let things be perfectly clear. There are only four people whose authority I recognize: Lilith, Leifr, Lucifer and Estheniel, Lilith and Lucifer being my godfather and godmother, Leifr and Estheniel my legal guardians. Any questions?"