

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · 奇幻
21 Chs

The House Fire

As I left I saw a giant fire caused by a power line falling onto a house, how it ignited I did not know, but I didn't have the time to think about the cause, I flash stepped (an ability to move at super high speeds) to the entrance which was luckily not ingulfed in flames just yet. I yelled "Is anyone still in there!?"

'This would be a perfect time for me to have access to my Celestial form, but I knew I wouldn't be able to summon it. I heard a voice cry out from inside "Help! I'm still in here!" I grit my teeth and rushed in ignoring the pain of the hot flames, I ran past multiple rooms, not being able to find the source of the voice.

I then heard Abbie cry out from the entrance "Jake! get out of there its dangerous!" I yelled back "There's someone still in here!", I heard the voice again "I'm over here, in the bedroom!". I ran as fast as I could dodging blasts of flames and ash before getting to the master bedroom, there was a man stuck under a broken piece of wood that had fallen from the ceiling.

I grabbed the wood and lifted it off of him, it was burning hot and caused blisters to form on my palms, as the man got up from under the wood I said to him "Go! Get out of here before this whole place gets ingulfed!" he ran out of the room, I dropped the plank of wood and swiftly followed him out of the house.

As I got out of what was left of the front door I realized a lot of my skin was burned luckily it was only Abbie and the man outside, so no one would see my flesh magically heal itself. Abbie tried to look at my skin and feel it but I winced and told her not to, I then leaned over and whispered to her "It should take two minutes or so to heal but damn it hurts.". Abbie then turned to the man who had, surprisingly, not been burnt at all, not his clothes, not his skin and not even his long curly brown hair.

"You okay? No broken bones or anything?" I asked him, he replied gently "No, I'm okay you don't have to worry-" he was about to continue when we heard Abbie's mom rushing toward the burning house, I turned to Abbie and said "Quickly give me your jacket so she doesn't see my burns!". Abbie rolled her eyes and held out her hands, a golden white light shone on me and my wounds seemed to have vanished, but I could still feel them itching and stinging.

Abbie's mom ran up to us and frantically started saying things along the lines of "Are you two okay? Neither of you went in there did you?!". I looked over at Abbie who was concentrating and struggling to keep her Rays of Hope illusion intact, so I replied "No, this man just got out in time before the house fully caught alight, we are all fine don't worry, you can go back inside now". Abbie's mom raised her brow and said "What man? It's just the three of us out here.".