
Chapter 3.

It only took me a couple of minutes to get back to my homeroom, and when I did I saw that I thankfully wasn't the last there.

The teacher this time was a foreign woman, around her mid-forties. She had a sort of homely aura about her, with long silver hair and blue eyes, she was also wearing a white sweater and a puffy white hat.

"Hello class, I'm Melony-sensei, and I'm here to teach you English!" She said excitedly as she bounced up and down, causing her rather ample chest to bounce with it, which also had the effect of causing some of the other boys in class to cheer.

Well, this was definitely a nice change of pace. Hell, I might even actually pay attention in class for once.

Taking a look at the problems that were handed out to me, I'll be honest… I didn't see it.

How were these supposed to be problems? English was supposed to be harder, right?

Just looking at the questions on the page, I was able to quickly and easily answer them. But that wasn't right, right?

"Uh, Sensei. Can I get some help here?" I asked after a moment, causing Melony Sensei to walk over to me.

"Yes, um… Hyoudou-san, what do you need help with?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"I think I got the wrong test?" I gestured to the test that I was given, "Because this is way too easy. Maybe there was a mistake and this is for the middle school division?"

"Hmm? No, no this seems to be the right test, and… wait, you've already answered all the questions?" Melony Sensei asked curiously as she looked down at my page.

"Uh yeah, that's why I was thinking it was the wrong one?" I said with a shrug, as I looked at the new teacher.

"Well alright then, I'll get you another test, maybe there was a mistake," Melony Sensei said with a soft smile, as she went behind her own desk and grabbed another test.

Looking at it, I could see that this was intended for the college students, but… it was still far too easy.

I quickly answered all the questions, and looked back to my teacher, who was watching me this entire time.

"…No, really?" She asked with a small pout as she returned to my desk, pressing her breasts up to my side as she peered down to my page, "Huh they're- they're all correct"

She quickly went back to her own desk and pulled out another test, which I answered with ease. Then she did it again, again, and again.

By the time class had ended, Melony sensei looked utterly defeated, and had a very slight manic look in her eyes as she slumped in her chair.

When the bell rang, she seemed to be full of hope, as she quickly ushered me and all the other students out to go home.

Well, that was… that was a thing.

After school was over, I watched as my sister, who was a part of the Going Home Club went home.

I waved her off with a smile on my face, before going to my own club, the Cooking Club.

"Good afternoon everyone," I said with a smile, as I opened the door. Already, I could see the Club Advisor, Mama Sensei already at the oven pre-heating it for whatever we were going to create for tonight.

"Ah, hello there Ryuuji-kun! Astolfo-chan and Ikumi-chan are getting the ingredients for tonight!" Mama Sensei said with a cheery tilt to her voice, as she made sure the silverware were clean.

"Alright then, I'll take stock of what we have then" I said, as I went over to the cupboards and made an itemized list of everything there was.

After all, sometimes we had a lot less to work with than I'd like due to the Home Economics class, or because of people making their own little snacks.

By the time I was finished, I noticed that Mama sensei was finished with her little preparations, and was just waiting for the others to come back.

"Yahallo! We're back~" And speak of the devil, I heard Astolfo shout out from outside, as the doors were opened and the effeminate pink-haired Third Year Student came barreling through with a large cart full of groceries.

He wasn't wearing the school uniform anymore, and was instead wearing a pink and white crop top with a purple jacket that hung off his shoulders, along with a black skirt and thigh high socks.

"Ryuuji-kun! I haven't seen you since last year!" He exclaimed happily, as he practically torpedoed towards me.

I managed to catch him mid-air, spinning around a bit to disperse the force of his 'glomp' as he called it.

"…Yo," Said the other member of the Cooking Club, another fellow Third Year Student, Mito Ikumi. She was a Gyaru through and through with tanned skin and dyed blonde hair, along with lips that looked a bit too plump to be natural, and bright blue eyes.

She was also wearing something other than the school uniform, instead wearing a simple bikini bra, a pair of denim shorts, and calf high leather boots.

It was a good look, that's for sure. But I was sure that if Shitori-san saw her? She'd have conniptions.

Meanwhile, Astolfo was still in my arms, and he was trying to snuggle further into my chest, his face slightly flushed… but I was used to these sorts of antics with my own sister, so I just dropped him onto the floor.

"Agh! Nooo!" Astolfo whined for a moment, before quickly getting back up, "Ah right! We got a lot of stuff this time! Come on, check it out!"

He gestured toward the cart, which was filled with various different cuts of meat and… a couple of small bags of vegetables that seemed to have been grabbed at the last moment.

Looking at both of my fellow students, I noticed the small smug looks on their faces and couldn't help but sigh.

…Oh Kami, why did we decide to let the two meat lovers go out without any supervision? Sharing a look with Mama Sensei, I saw that she was regretting her decision as well.

"So, Cooking Club. What do you all think we should cook tonight?" Mama Sensei announced after a beat of silence.

I looked at my fellow club members, as they tried to think of something to actually make with what they had gotten.

"Ooh, ooh! What about burgers? We could make hamburgers, chicken burgers, pork burgers…" Astolfo started off, before listing the various different burgers that could be made.

"Yeah, but we don't have any buns. And what's a burger without the buns?" Ikumi said with a slight shrug.

"W-we don't even need the buns! We can just use more cooked meat instead of buns, have them be burger burgers!" He said with a small laugh, one that teetered out as he noticed that nobody else was laughing, so he gave a small playful pout, "Well I thought it was a good idea…"

"Anyway, I was thinking that we could make a sort of… Multi-Meat Lasagna!" Ikumi said after a moment, stars practically gleaming in her eyes, "Just think of it! Every layer, a different type of meat. We can mix in the vegetables with the meat and use different types of cheese for each layer to compliment the flavors!"

"That… that's not a bad idea, but Ikumi-chan. We don't have enough cheese" Mama Sensei said consolingly, as my clubmate knelt to the floor in utter despair.

"No… no! This can't be… please, let me go back out I- I'll get the cheese we need!" She pleaded to our advisor, but she merely shook her head, causing the Third Year to let out several tears.

"Now, Ryuuji-kun, do you have anything in mind?" Mama Sensei asked, as she looked over to me.

Looking around at what we actually did have, and reading through the itemized list I made, I remembered that we had a lot of kebab sticks, and now we had a lot of meat… it was fairly obvious.

"What about kebabs?" I suggested, causing the advisor to quickly perk up.

"Ah, yes! Kebabs! What a wonderful suggestion, now… let's get to work!" Mama Sensei said with a grin, as she made a mad dash to the kart and started opening up the carefully packaged bundles of various different meats.

Not long after, the three of us followed suit. This was a rather regular occurrence, as our advising teacher usually got a bit too into the cooking aspect at times…

As I was grilling the meat for the kebabs, I couldn't help but smile at the antics of my clubmates.

Mostly because Astolfo had somehow managed to slip and drop a metal bowl on top of his head, making it look kind of like a helmet.

I honestly have no idea how he managed that, but it was a pretty funny sight, and admittedly a cute one too.

He was pretty clumsy most of the time, unless it came to the actual cooking process or any athletic feat. But anything in between that? He was tripping and falling practically every time.

Due to his usual clumsiness, it was decided that his job was to stick all of the meat and vegetables onto the sticks. A simple task that he did fairly well.

Ikumi on the other hand, was cutting slices of meat with extreme precision, using a meat cleaver as if it was an extension of herself.

I'm pretty sure that she didn't have to use a cleaver for that, but… she seemed most comfortable with it.

"Alright, Ryuuji-kun how are the kebabs going?" Mama Sensei asked after a few minutes, causing me to look over to the grill that had several sticks of kebabs sizzling on it.

Her main job as the club advisor was to mostly look over us, and making sure that we didn't somehow end up cutting off one of our fingers.

"They're going pretty well, sensei. I think these ones are done" I told her, as I carefully grabbed each one and placed them on their own respective plates, with several sliced vegetables underneath them.

"Ooh~ Those look good!" Astolfo exclaimed happily, as he walked over to me… before tripping on nothing once again, "Agh!"

Thankfully he was able to stop himself from falling by grabbing onto one of the nearby kitchen benches.

"Are you alright?" I asked, as I continued grilling the kebabs, while my effeminate clubmate shakily stood back up.

"Yeah, yeah… just getting used to these heels," He said, as he gestured to his feet. Looking down, I saw that he was actually wearing two inch heels.

"Huh, I thought you looked a bit taller," I hummed, causing him to give mea cheeky little grin, before slowly stumbling to me.

"So, those kebabs… you need a taste tester?" He asked, and I just shrugged in response, "Don't mind if I do then!"

In an instant, he grabbed one of the kebabs and stuck half of it in his mouth, letting out a small sensual moan.

"Ahn~" He said, his eyes widening as he suckled on the hot meat, wrapping his lips around it and twirling his tongue over the juicy beef.

Then he took it out of his mouth with a wet pop, and looked at me with slightly hazy eyes.

"You didn't warn me that it'd be so hot~" Astolfo told me with a breathy moan, before returning to sensually sucking on the meat.

I didn't react whatsoever to his actions, mostly because I'd grown completely used to this from Tomoko's attempts to do this exact same thing.

So I just ignored him and got back to cooking.

Though, as I continued grilling the meat and ignoring Astolfo's antics, I noticed that both Mama Sensei and Ikumi were looking at Astolfo oddly, and their faces were ever so slightly flushed.

Well, it's not like he was being at all subtle about his attempts to seduce me.

And I continued to ignore him for however long it took to finish up grilling up the kebabs.

By the time I was done, I all gathered around the meals that we'd made… and I may have overdone it.

There were well over a hundred kebabs here. Way more than any of us could eat, even if we divided it four ways.

"So, uh… should we just eat whatever we can and take the leftovers home?" I suggested, getting nods of agreement from my clubmates, along with one from our advisor.

With that, the four of us grabbed several kebabs each and started to eat them.

"Holy shit that's actually so good," Ikumi said with a small grin, as she chewed on a tender pork kebab.

"Language, Ikumi-chan. It may not be school hours, but you're still in an environment of learning" Mama Sensei chided, before looking over to me with a smile, "And this is absolutely wonderful, Ryuuji-kun"

Astolfo on the other hand was distracted by his attempts to tease me by licking the tip of one of the kebabs.

I just ignored him, while the others tried to do the same, and ate some of our own kebabs, and they were right. These kebabs were pretty damn good.

With that all done, the four of us quickly cleaned everything up and packed the leftovers for later on. I ended up taking forty damn kebabs to go.

…Yeah, I definitely should have stopped while I was ahead. This is going to take ages to eat.

As I was walking home, I heard yet another tearing sound… causing me to sigh slightly.

Damn, so it looked like I wasn't getting more magic stuff. That's kind of annoying.

But even so, I continued on my walk home, my bag now quite a bit heavier with the container filled with an abundance of kebabs inside of it.

At least I could take solace in the fact that between myself and Tomoko? Those kebabs will probably be gone by the time they start to get gross.

Or I could try to give some to my sister's new friend, Koneko. She seemed like the type of person who'd enjoy free food. At least, if the way she stole my sister's, was the norm.