
Celebrity Love

Jesy!Jesy!Jesy!, Jesy has been a global sensation although all the glitz and glam she has never been in love because she afraid of the media and Paparazzi reaction. ............................................................................................ What happens when she finally finds love with the leading company's CEO Jayden Nelson READ TO FIND OUT!!!

DaoistlcEnDm · 现代言情
37 Chs

Superstar Life

Although Jesy had all the glitz and glam but she had problems too like how she could not go anywhere without the paparazzi following her , how people on social media cyber bullied her and how it took a toll from her mental health. Jesy was afraid of dating anyone because the media will have an opinion on her partner , Jesy just wanted her normal life. As Jesy was heading home, she saw all the nasty comments about her performance and started having a panic attack . When she got home she started drinking all her sorrow away until she dosed off. The next morning Jesy was woken up by a call from her manager Chris

Jesy : Hello who is this, Jesy said in a lazy voice

Chris : Jesy it's me Chris

Jesy immediate jumped out off where she was sleeping

Jesy : Hy Chris what can I do for you

Chris : I Just Wanted to tell you that you will be going to Atlanta for a business meeting with the owner of JN tradings the new leading company in ATL

Jesy : What do they want to talk about

Chris : They want you to be their new brand ambassador

Jesy Felt a wave of excitement and fear washing over her

Jesy : Oh wow that would be wonderful

Chris : And that's not what you going to Atlanta only

Jesy: What else am I going to do

Chris : You will be recording a song with an upcoming group

Jesy : Ok , when will I be going to Atlanta

Chris: Today Evening

Jesy : Ok

Jesy just said those words like it was nothing but deep inside she was feeling nervous

Chris : See you later

And that's how the conversation ended living Jesy Feeling nervous and anxious.