
Chapter 10

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months as Elle's belly grew. The entire castle was excited for the new member of the family to arrive. Maids bustled around with drapes and rugs for the nursery. Every night, there was some type of company in the castle, here to congratulate the expectant couple. Everyone was happy, everyone except for Kevan that is. He was currently sitting in a room full of guests, across the table from his beaming brother. Elle sat to his left sitting with her hands demurely over her expanding stomach.

 Dinner had just finished, with dessert being served shortly after. Kevan kept his gaze down at his pudding, attempting to avoid Elle's pleading glances. She had been trying to speak to him since the day he walked out of her room. He couldn't bring himself to speak to her just yet. His heart pounded in his chest when she came into the room. What was the matter with him? He didn't have feelings for his sister-in-law. He barely knew her, how could he? He tried to convince himself that he was being ridiculous and until he got over this, he had to stay away from her. He refused to do something to jeopardize her reputation or relationship with his brother. He could only imagine how Aedan would react if he caught them acting in any way more than sibling-in-laws.  Even if he managed to stop his feelings from growing towards Elle, he just wasn't ready to congratulate them on their upcoming birth. This child cut Kevan off completely as a possible heir to the manor. If it were a boy, Kevan would have nothing left to him. Everything will go to the heir in the event that Aedan were killed. At most, if the child were a girl and all the other family members died, Kevan would be a place holder until the girl married. Then, he would be in the same predicament as he is now.

The sound of chairs and feet scuffling over the wooden floor jolted Kevan from his depressing thoughts. It was time for the women to retire to a different room, while the men entertained themselves in ways they could not before. It wasn't long before a group of less modest women joined the group. Kevan recognized one as the woman he had went to the day he found out about Elle's pregnancy. Her dark eyes scanned the room and fell upon him in recognition. She licked her lips and sauntered over to him, lifting her skirts in order to straddle his lap. "Goo'day mi' lord. Fancy seein' yer 'ere." She leaned in close enough for him to smell the sweat of another man on her neck and whispered in his ear. " Wud yer loike ter repeat our last meetin'?" He was about to push her from his lap and leave. Glancing up, he saw a pair of eyes looking at him through the cracked door. Elle's eyes. He couldn't stop himself as he held her gaze. "Ai." He agreed and nuzzled his chin into the whore's neck. His arms snaked around her waist and pulled her closer to him. His hands ran up her back and into her hair. He gripped a handful and angled her face down to his. He kissed the mouth that had probably done more things than he wanted to know, all the while staring straight into the piercing eyes at the door. Then they were gone. He could hear faint clicks of her shoes as she walked away.

Shite. He thought to himself. Why did he do that? Kevan stood quickly, peeling the woman off of him. He tossed her a few coins and left the room before she could reattach herself. He jogged down the hall after Elle. He had to apologize. Walking past a doorway, he heard faint huffs. He turned back and walked through it, finding a set of spiraling stairs leading up to a tower. He got about halfway up before he caught up to her. He almost laughed at the sight of her wobbling and trying to hold onto the slick wall.  "We really shud git a rail in 'ere before yer fall on yer arse." He smirked as she turned to the sound of his voice. The glare in her eyes reminded him that he shouldn't be teasing. "Oi'm sorry. Really." He sighed and took a step towards her. "Oi shouldn't 'ave done dat'." He reached out carefully for her arm. "Please, let me 'elp yer." He pleaded at her hesitance. "Aedan wud 'ave me 'ead if anythin' were ter 'appen ter yer." She seemed to agree, since she took his arm and allowed him to help her climb the remaining steps.

At the top of the tower, she released him and moved to the edge of the balcony, staring out into the darkness. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Kevan took a deep breath. "Oi don't know what ter say." Elle looked back at him as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Oi've been keepin' away from yer as much as possible. Oi know yer've noticed. Oi just didn't know how ter react." He sheepishly shrugged at her. "That was not the correct way." She told him smartly. "Oi know. Oi jus' 'ad these feelin's and then yer was pregnant." He stopped talking and looked at her belly. She noticed and covered the bump with laced fingers. "I'm happy with my husband and overjoyed to be having his child." She stated bluntly. There was no emotion in her words, as if she didn't believe them herself. Kevan merely nodded. "Oi understand." Elle reached out a gently hand to him. "I would like for us to be friends. I do not have anyone else in this house to talk to that seems to understand me as well as you did." She smiled softly at him, her hand still outstretched. He took it in both of his and brought it to his lips. "Oi would love dat." If only I can keep these feelings to myself.