

Silence engulfed them for a moment. Somehow she had to face the statement Lean had thrown at her. Lean's face now felt unattractive in her eyes. Not that Lean had just told her any of his secrets... or maybe it was a disgrace. She have no idea. What was clear was that Avery felt that looking at Lean's face now was not a good choice. Apart from being confused about how to respond to that man's statement, she also didn't know what to do in front of Lean. If she shows a sympathetic face, the man may become even angrier because she feels pity. After all, a man has a sky-high ego that is very difficult to break. And if that man had told her the darkest secret that man had, it could be because Lean wanted something from her.

"Are you surprised?"

"A little. What happened to you?"


"Oh, sorry. I don't mean to make you have to remember that bad incident. But what is clear, I'm confused to react in front of you. I'm afraid you will be offended."