
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · 奇幻
43 Chs

Chapter 35, The Scroll back to Zhu

Shao Qi sniffed the scroll given by a palace messenger, he knows the invitation is for the peace gathering that will be held for this month, the game event will be held after the four empire has greeted each other

Shao Qi threw it on the table and sat down to take a sip of his newly made wine, it was a smooth taste of delicate strong alcohol which he loves to sip during the afternoon

it was a minute after Master long came and slammed a big wild turkey

"there, it weigh a ton and it's damn fast!!!" says Master Long trying to catch his breath

Shao Qi had a wide eye and stand up to check on the turkey, it was as big as the round table that can feed at least 4 families

"long, you really captured this devil!" Shao Qi had a joyous look, a wild turkey as big as 4 feet man is a devil and fast runner, it's rare for anyone to catch it

"is your ass clapping!!!"

"you wanna see how it clap!"

"shut up, let's just bring it to the kitchen and make your stupid new ways of cooking!!" Master long said

they both pulled their strength and carried the turkey all the way towards the next side of the pavilion

"you are such an idiot, you could've bring it straight to the kitchen!!" Shao Qi said pulling the leg and making sure no dirt touch it's feather

"I wanted you to suffer the way I did!! hahaha!!!!" Shao Qi rolled his eyes and tried to kick Long, but the weight of the turkey is really killing his back so he just glare at him

Shao Qi pulled the kitchen apron and threw one at Long, they boiled hot water and let the turkey swim in it

they both prepared ingredients and fire for the turkey, it wasn't a hard process, they even compete on the ingredients that should be made, they were both good cook but very competitive

Fei Jin walked inside the dining hall road look for Shao Qi but he saw no one inside the pavilion, he thought maybe they are at the kitchen, and as expected, there are sounds of metal and spoon smashed on the floor, when his eyes laid on the door, Shao Qi and Master Long had a tiger eyes on each other

they were competing about the new ingredients they made, it was an afternoon start but they are always competing so Fei Jin walked towards them and spoke

"what are you two up now?" he said, they both looked at Fei Jin and glared

"stay out of this!"

"go read the scroll on my desk?" Fei Jin walked away to avoid getting in trouble

he just did as told and went to Shao Qi's chamber

Fei Jin slowly walked inside the chamber all the way to his favorite balcony, it was a mess but what attracted his attention is the invitation scroll made with gold silk

he knelt down and read the message given by the emperor

The invitation holds a message for Shao Qi to return Fei Jin back to the palace, he outh to let Fei Jin participate with the game event or would let someone participate for him because he has a weak body and power

Fei Jin sat down on the pillow and made himself a cup of tea, he smiled on the scroll and looked up the birds chirping in the wooden corridor

"let's see!" he mumbled

it's been months since he rejected the emperor's royal birthday, and now they gave him a sure invitation to make sure Fei Jin will come to the palace, all his life he never really wanted to enter such place, the state he will enter is not the same as what he read on the book and novels he collected, it's not all about romance and friendly people, but Fei Jin can feel the aura of that place just by looking at his father's eyes, what Fei Xu feel Fei Jin can absorb it in just a blink

Yunxi in the other hand has been quite comfortable with her new life, she can come and go to the temple and likes to go out searching for herbs, she learned to cook averagely with Shao Qi and made medicines with her own experiments, Yuan trained and trained til she learned sword weapon with Yi Ce and sometimes she even forget about doing medicines but likes dancing with weapons, but she is too loyal to Yunxi, she never leave her behind and still prepares her daily task as her loyal maid, but Yunxi wanted her to keep learning what she wants so she is free

"Diánxià!" Yuan ran up to Yunxi making a cool fire for her new pill, it was made with new leaf herb for fast absorbing of body toxins, it was a hard process til she made it right

"Yuan, what's with you shouting all the way to the entrance?" she said pulling away woods that can cause more fire

"Diánxià, a palace invitation arrived, Master Fei Jin has it and Yi Ce said we will discuss it during dinner time!" hearing the word made Yunxi's face grow messirabe

"palace invitation huh-" she paused and opened the medicine pot, a puff of medical herb slapped Yuan's nose for it is too strong

"it must be for the game event of the four empire peace gathering that is held once in a 25 years" she said

"Yuan, prepare my clothes I'll go take a bath!" Yunxi went back to her medicines stirring it around while Yuan slowly walked away

Yunxi never wanna go to the peace gathering of four kingdoms but she will see her father there, so it must be a good upportunity for her to see her loved once including Xiuyan and Xiuming

The evening turned out quite, but Shao Qi and Master Long made their own turkey recipe which is sauced in mushroom and spicy ingredients, I have no idea what they did but it's spicy steamed turkey with mushroom side dish and vegetable

Fei Jin entered the dining room and saw his family making a tiger eye on the food, Shao Qi and Master Long in the other hand is proudly giving rice and dishes towards the people on the table

Fei Jin sat down next to Yunxi, his food is prepared given by his wife, looking at every meal he has he is always spoiled but when Yunxi turned out demon, he'll have nothing in his plate

in the middle of the dinner Fei Jin spoke about their travel, but no one spoke about it and continued their meal, it was quite awkward when he asked so he shut up, Shao Qi gulped his food and looked at Fei Jin

"Jin, we'll discuss about the travel, come to my chamber tonight!" he said, Fei Jin nod on his respond

Fei Jin looked at Yunxi who is eating next to him, he knew she does not wanna go to the Zhu palace and preferred to stay on the castle temple, she got used to wondering around without rules

but he was worried that if she does not see her family, she might grow sad and lonely

after the dinner, everyone bid goodbye after a small talk, Fei Jin walked Yunxi out of the hall and spoke

"Yunxi, aren't you happy? you will see your family there" he said, Yunxi frowned and heaved a sigh

"Fei Jin, it's not that I don't want to see my family, but my sister and brother think I am a shame, and if I show myself to the crown prince of Zhu he might kill you!" she said, Fei Jin puffed and smiled

"what about it, you are made to be mine, I'll handle that crown prince myself, and don't you want me to see your family?" he asked with a smile, his smile was pretty that it made her blush thinking about the word he used

"Fei Jin-" she stuttered


"I- I do want you to see my family but-" she did not hold her little palpitating heart and pushed Fei Jin, she was blushing so hard to show her face

"what's wrong?"

"I'm fine!" Yunxi walked away

Fei Jin walked back to Shao Qi's Chamber and saw Master Long playing his flute next to his favorite tree on the second floor balcony

Shao Qi poured himself a tea made by Yunxi's tea digestion made with ginger gensing

"About the travel?....are we in a hurry?" he asked

"the Emperor want us present as soon as possible!" says Shao Qi

"that's sudden?"

"The peace gathering starts next week, the other country must be on their way to Zhu state with army" master long spoke, he went down on the tree and sat in the middle of the two

"Fei Xu will be waiting for us there, Fei Jin, don't worry we got your back, your father is waiting for you, and we need to make a plan" Shao Qi said, Fei Jin frowned and sipped a tea

"when I go to Zhu state, I won't reveal my face just yet, I wanna participate in the game events disguise as someone else?"

"clever my son" Shao Qi made a wry smile and grinned back

"they might end up targeting your ass if they know you are the prince I have hidden in my sleeves, don't worry I'll prepare your mask and favorite white robe!" Shao Qi said

the other two nod as a respond, after all, it makes sense that the people inside the palace is eager to see Fei Jin

with all the monk spies of Shao Qi, he has a secret ears, he knew how much the emperor wants to see Fei Jin and how the ministers look down on the prince, he also share this to Jin but the man just keep a calm face

Fei Jin knew he was always exempted towards all his family, although he never saw or meet them, he could feel it with Fei Xu's palpitating heart

the insult his father takes comes to him straight, he never let Fei Xu know for he knew how soft hearted Fei Xu could be, he is not quick to anger and can endure all kinds of insult

But Fei Jin is from a different story, he was as tough as Fei Xu but can be a devil behind his smiles, no one knew how he can turn to demon once Fei Jin concentrate in feeling what Fei Xu is going through, his anger can burst out making his energy grow stronger and feircer, he tried not to concentrate on his father's energy but as a son Fei Xu matters to him even if he is far away

their strong bond is hard to break, and it's necessary for Fei Jin to feel What Fei Xu feels, he just never say it to avoid his father from worrying

"we will put Yi Ce as your double and Yuan in a battle for sparring, there is also no way Yunxi will not swim in a battle, she will participate in an event tasked for her" Shao said, this made Fei Jin grew in concern

"what game was she given to?"

"Cave hunting, it's a game for hunting pixie stone used for medicine?" Master long said, he laid on the pillow and looked at Fei Jin

"don't worry, Yunxi had been training every morning, she even made tricks on her weapon?"

"a fan is barely a weapon!"

"pfff, your too afraid your wife will get a scratch? I talked to her much earlier about ten even, she accepted it!" said Master long kicking the blanket away from his feet

"stop that!!" Shao Qi glared upon seeing the lazy old man


"she agreed without letting me know?"

"it's her decision, trust her will ya!" Master Long said kicking Fei Jin slightly

Fei Jin just sigh and excused himself back to his secret chamber

The peace gathering is held, from the water beast to treasure land and fairies of a healing country

the game will start, people will come, new face will be revealed and guilt will overflow

Fei Xu is worried as hell thinking about the arrival of Fei Jin, his only son who should rule the land, he knew he is still the rightful heir of the throne and does not wanna let Fei Lin or any of his descendants rule over Zhu, he have had enough looking at people suffer from lies and greed of false ministers

"hopefully Miss Liang, hopefully I can have my strength with my son upon taking the throne, I just wanna take it back, I don't wanna rule but want peace for the people who became a slave!" he said, Miss Liang tapped Fei Xu's shoulder and smiled

"Fei Xu, were with you, Fei Jin is coming to help you avenge your suffering!" she smiled