
Snooping Around Leads To Trouble But For Some, Opportunity!

Amon didn't know that his involvement with Emory and Violet will create a beautiful friendship. Now that the class was empty, Amon picked up his stuff and returned to his office.

As he got close to his office, he heard the sound of keyboard keys clacking from inside and he knows it was not Caroline because she is known to drag her classes to the very last minute even if she finished the material she prepared for the class.

Now filled with intrigue, Amon made his way towards his office with an increased pace but he also made sure that he doesn't make any sound, and just like he expected, there was someone inside snooping around.

With a smirk on his face, Amon pushed the door opened and saw the culprit looking at Caroline's computer screen. Amon looked at the culprit and was surprised by who it was, but he also found it very interesting. The culprit is the same boy that Caroline humiliated in front of the crowd when he tried to confess to her.