
Back At Megan's House

Amon drove back to his house and he got there right on time. The sky has turned dark and it's 8 PM, he parked his car inside and looked at Megan's house. He could hear the sound of the tv coming from inside which led him to believe that Stewart is back home as he is the only one that seems to watch football (soccer) in this house.

He also sensed three people inside Megan's house confirming his belief, he walked up to her door and rang the doorbell and it didn't even take a few seconds before the door was opened by a very cheerful Rea who is smiling ear to ear while looking at Amon.

"Amon, you are here!" She cheered and hugged him, Amon hugged her back while also getting a feel of her cute little butt before letting her go, Amon looked inside and saw Stewart wholly engrossed in his game, and seeing this Amon just smirked.