
Troubles, Date & Confessions


9:30 AM


I rubbed my temple watching the whiteboard filled in with scribbles with reasonable assumptions, references and evidence to last night's revelations.

I didn't speculate until now that a broad new civilization vast of creatures of fictitious and mythology would be in this world, I reckoned that this earth would be just like my prior earth with slight alterations as the few NTR doujins I read are of a slice of life genre, How ridiculous of me to imagine that.

I flopped down in a close seat and replayed all the knowledge I remember in my mind.

Clue 1:- I didn't come upon any other supernatural creature till yesterday, so they are not many of them blending with humans.

Clue 2:- The guy Andrew died due to a mark on his chest, which seemed to burn him inside out when he was answering back to my questions. It looked like some sort of slave mark from animes I watched in my former life, which means either it was a failsafe to protect their secret or something else.

Clue 3:- The kid called togawa said Andrew was a guest of Obata. Thereupon searching about him on the internet, I found he is a wealthy millionaire owning shares in major companies in the city and also a lounge called SIN, the most luxurious establishment in this city. So, Obata may know more about this supernatural stuff.

Clue 4:- The men safeguarding Andrew are from an organisation called Special Police Force. As they are protecting him, someone high up in their organisation is not human. So, there is a 90% possibility, that most of the people in authority are either not human or in their control, even in my enterprise.

I sighed worrying about all the shit, I have to face from forthwith. I, also can't ignore the fun I had in massacring those people last night. It was unlike me. Yeah, I killed too before last night but I did it out of wrath, hatred and vengeance, I never felt pleasure in it.

I, also never devoured the people who I kill, since it somewhat nauseates me, but the earlier night I consumed every drop of blood from the kids, I felt the flavour of their blood in my mouth, it was delicious. I tried to forget about that, but I can't. I can feel the changes happening in me, it seems all the killings are taking a toll on my psyche.

" Aahh...Goddamn it.So many complications. Why can't this just be normal earth?." I mumbled to myself irritated.

**RING** ( AN: Just take this as a doorbell noise )

Hearing the doorbell, I got up from the chair and went to the door wondering who it might be.

Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of Kyoko wearing a knee-length pink floral dress.

" Hi, Kyoko" I greeted Kyoko nervously, wondering about her sudden visit.

Kyoko is another problem that I have been avoiding. Day after the first time, we had sex I have been keeping my distance from her. Because the implication of what I did came crashing down on me.

Due to the effect of the previous memories and emotions of this body, I rushed into a relationship with Kyoko. I felt that I can start a new life but the remembrances from my past still torment me. I can't disregard the grief the women that gave birth to me and wedded me caused me. I can hear the voices in my head whispering, an aspect of me tells me to believe no one, another aspect tells me that this time it will be different.

I can't agree on what to do, so I ceased visiting Kyoko's house, didn't pick up her calls or answered back to any of her messages. I know, I may be behaving like a jackass, but some wounds never heal. I, for one, am not ready for getting wound again.

" Are you free, Shiro-san ? " asked Kyoko drawing me out of my thoughts.

" Yes, I'm free, What's the matter ?" I said eyeing Kyoko, who was clenching the sides of her dress nervously.

" I got tickets to YOUR NAME film, so I wanted to ask if you would like to come with me," asked Kyoko hopefully.

I know, this is not just going to a film. She's asking me out on a date. I'm not ready to resume our relationship without getting rid of my issues. I want some time. I was about to say no, but looking at Kyoko's hopeful expression. An aspect of me felt guilty.

Sighing, I nodded and cursed the part of me, which was acting like a simp. I invited Kyoko into my home and went into my room to get changed.

' It's not terrible. I can use some time for myself from all these headaches. Also, spending time with Kyoko maybe can give me some clarification on our relationship ' I thought convincing myself with the pros of this date.

Looking in the mirror, I nodded in approval to my dress. I wore a shirt, pants and a blazer all in black colour with black leather shoes. I swiped my hair to the side with my hands for the last time and went into the hall.

Hearing my footsteps, Kyoko who was reading the magazine on the sofa turned towards me and froze looking at me for a second. I smirked inwardly due to her reaction and cleared my throat to get her attention.

Kyoko blushed and stood up from the sofa. I gestured towards the door and after locking my home. We got into my car, which I bought recently. It was a matte black BMW 7 series.

We went to the movie, which I forgot to tell was created by my company. After the movie, we had gyudan for lunch in a nearby restaurant. We went to the arcade to play some games, read some manga in a manga cafe.

Currently, It was 5: 30 PM and we are relaxing on the grass in a park seeing the kids playing in the play zone, dogs running around. I looked towards the setting sun on the horizon and I never felt this peaceful since my arrival on this earth.

" Thanks for bringing me with you, Kyoko. I enjoyed our time." I said looking at Kyoko sitting beside me.

" Then, why have you been avoiding me? " asked Kyoko out of nowhere looking straight into my eyes.

I was about to say that I wasn't avoiding her and cover up with some lie. But, a part of me wanted to tell her the truth.

" I avoided you because I needed some time. I love you, Kyoko, but the last time I loved someone they wound me so deeply. I thought that I would never love anyone after that, but you came into my life. I thought, that this time it will be different. Everyone says wounds heal, but they are some wounds that never heal. I can't be with you, thinking every time that somehow even you will hurt me. I can't bear the pain again " I confessed looking straight at the sun, avoiding Kyoko's stare at me.

I stiffened when I felt Kyoko's hand interlacing with mine. I looked towards our joined hands and at Kyoko who was also gazing at our joined hands.

" Seems like we both are not that different. After my husband died, I had to raise Koharu and yuka alone. I still remember the stares that men used to give me like I am some toy that was now available. I was disgusted by them, but more so I was afraid of them because of an incident. Before you moved into your house opposite of my house, a man used to stay alone in that house. He looked like a good man until he tried to rape me one day when Koharu and Yuka went to school. I begged him to not do anything, but the more I begged the more he became excited, But nothing happened to me, as Yuu came pounding on the front door hearing my voice. The man who attempted to rape was arrested, everyone said that I was lucky as nothing happened. But, I had nightmares of that incident for months, before I went to a therapist. She made me forget the incident and move ahead in my life for my daughters. Even then, I started having visions of that night whenever a male approaches me. " told Kyoko.

I didn't know what to say and just took her into my arms.

" Until you moved into that house. You were different from others. You never ogled me inappropriately, you always respected me. You made me feel like a woman, not like a sex object. When you said that you love me, I was overwhelmed with happiness. But, after the day we had sex you started avoiding me. I thought that you just used me for sex. But, I know you would never do that, so I asked you out to get some answers. " said Kyoko looking at me from my arms.

" I did not say that I loved you because I wanted to have sex with you. It never was about sex, it was about you. I would never do that to you. Believe me. " I said to Kyoko, hoping she would convince.

" I believe you. Then, you should also believe that I would never hurt you. I'm not a fool, like from your previous relationship. " said Kyoko.

I smiled and planted my lips on Kyoko's. I pulled back before we get more passionate in public. I stood up and extended my hand towards Kyoko who was dazed.

" Earth to Kyoko. Let's go, it's getting dark " I said and Kyoko got out of her daze and stood up taking my hand.

I interlaced my fingers with hers and started walking towards my car. We reached my car, in the parking lot and was about to get in, when I saw something in my peripheral vision.

I looked in the direction and saw a girl and a man going inside a karaoke box near the parking lot. Seeing that I was looking somewhere else, Kyoko looked in the direction I was glancing.

" Isn't that Saki Yoshida from Koharu and Yuka's class?. I didn't recognize her for a second," said Kyoko.

I was not responding to Kyoko, because I was focused on the man beside saki. Hayato, from the doujin metamorphosis, is the animal whose very existence disgusts me. I happened upon the doujin in a forum and looked at it. This guy is one of my main goals for transmigrating into this world.

' The day just keeps getting better ' I thought savagely, while the carnage is itching to come out from inside me.


Thanks for reading.

Hope you like it.




In a metropolitan city, heavy gunshots can be heard echoing around in a street.

Vehicles are abandoned on the road, People are running wildly. As NTR supporters wearing firing at everyone with their firearms.

Amidst, that destruction was a lone man, firing at the NTR supporters with his AKM while taking cover behind an exploded car.

The man, squatted behind the car and was checking his vest for ammo. Seeing, as the man was out of ammo, the NTR supporters started advancing towards him.

The man noticed the NTR supportes advancing in the broken car window. The man looked in every direction and finally looked towards you.

" Hey, YOU. Yes, you, the one who's reading this. Those bloody NTR supporters are coming and I'm out of ammo. Give me those, power stones, you have. So, I can reload my AK and show those Motherduckers their place " said the man while extending his hand towards you.
