
Carl's Rise

Carl, a calm and introverted young man, finds himself reincarnated in a medieval fantasy world after his death on Earth. Determined to survive, create a family, and become the strongest in the world, he embarks on an epic journey to become the strongest man and achieve the position of king. With his knowledge of Earth and exceptional intelligence, Carl faces challenges, overcomes adversities, and harnesses the mystical energy of "mana" to strengthen his body in pursuit of unlimited power.

CreativeCJ · 奇幻
20 Chs

Devastating Consequences

The city was immersed in a heavy silence, which contrasted with the sounds of battle that had echoed through its corridors. The damage from the invasion was visible on every street and every building. Smoldering ruins and wreckage were silent witnesses to the chaos that had ensued.

Carl walked through the streets, observing each bleak scene. The faces of the people reflected sadness and despair. Houses burned, businesses looted and lives lost. The weight of the invasion was palpable and tears welled up in the eyes of many.

He approached a group of survivors who were gathered in a square, seeking solace and hope in each other. Among them, he saw some of his subordinates, Mountain and Pen, with haggard expressions. They had witnessed the destruction and fought valiantly to protect what they could, yet they still felt the weight of their losses.

Carl joined the group, offering words of support and comfort. He shared the pain and suffering everyone felt, making it clear that he was determined to restore the city and bring justice to those responsible for the invasion.

As he walked through the streets, images of the damage seemed to merge in his mind. The church that was now just a pile of rubble, the orphanage in ruins, the central square where children used to play, now abandoned and destroyed.

Carl visited families who had lost loved ones, offering words of comfort and strength. He heard stories of courage and tragedy, of people who lost everything and struggled to move forward. Each story was a reminder of the cruelty of the invasion and the importance of their mission.

As he continued his walk, Carl saw the old city market, now reduced to ashes. The stalls where merchants used to sell their wares were destroyed and looted. People who depended on trade to survive now found themselves in a desperate situation.

He approached an elderly merchant who was sitting among the rubble of his shop. His tired, vacant look reflected the loss of a lifetime of hard work. Carl knelt beside him and offered his hand in solidarity.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Carl said sincerely. "I promise that I will do everything in my power to rebuild our city and bring justice to those responsible for this destruction."

The merchant looked into Carl's eyes for a moment and then shook his hand tightly. It was a silent gesture, but charged with gratitude and hope. Even in the midst of the devastation, the flame of resistance was beginning to ignite.

Throughout the day, Carl visited more areas affected by the invasion, finding similar stories of loss and pain. He gathered information about the invaders, their leaders and their motivations. Every detail was a piece of the puzzle he was determined to solve.

At dusk, Carl returned to the castle, where his subordinates had gathered for an emergency meeting. The room was full of weariness and sadness, but also resilience and determination. Carl spoke with a firm voice and determined eyes.

"Today we witness the worst that war can inflict on us. But we will not give in to sadness and despair. Let us unite, rebuild our city and protect those we love. Let us hunt down those responsible for this invasion and bring justice to our enemies. Together, we will raise our home from the ashes."

His subordinates looked at Carl with admiration and renewed hope. They knew they were looking at a courageous and determined leader, someone willing to face the toughest challenges on behalf of his people.

As night descended on the ravaged city, Carl and his subordinates hatched plans for rebuilding, for finding information about the invaders, and for ensuring that justice was served. They knew the journey would be long and difficult, but they were united in their determination to overcome the devastating consequences of the invasion.

Still in the castle meeting room Carl was thinking about how to deal with his soldiers lost in battle. Their bodies were scattered across the city and they couldn't stay that way for long as they would pass on diseases to the remaining inhabitants. In the midst of his thoughts Carl remembered a series he had watched when he still lived on planet earth. It was a series about Norsemen and the important people in that series were put in a small boat, and in that boat they were set on fire.

"We're going to gather the fallen fighters and we're going to make a big pyre in their respect" said Carl breaking the silence that prevailed in the room.

His subordinates didn't take long and went to follow his orders, they took some horses and carts and collected all the bodies that were in the city, gathering everyone where before it was the commercial district, since everything was in ashes now it was an empty place.

During his training Carl cut a lot of trees, and those cut trees were conveniently in a place that wasn't was hit by the flames near the castle, so using his strength he moved these big heavy logs towards the shopping district. His plan was to turn that place into a memorial for those lost in the invasion.

After a few hours a large pyre was ready. Carl's subordinates had already positioned the bodies on the pyre and some people were already gathering nearby. Carl went back to the castle to get Erika and the lord to be cremated with the soldiers, after all they also fought bravely.

Back at the castle some maids had prepared Erika and the lord, Erika was wearing a beautiful white dress and the lord with his most elegant attire, Ray had not left his room so Carl went to talk to her, getting close to her room he saw two maids with a downcast expression on their faces, they when they saw him just moved out of the way.

Carl knocked on the door and called for Ray but there was no response so he just walked in. She was standing at the window looking out at the horizon. Carl hugged her and said "we need to go, everyone is waiting" Ray took a deep breath and just nodded "I'm going out so you can change your clothes, I'll wait for you outside" With that Carl went to the hallway where the maids were "she's going to be fine, don't worry, help her choose an outfit" And the maids went to help their lady.

10 minutes later Ray was ready, she was wearing a simple black dress with a fur coat made to protect from the cold, it was already dark and consequently cold. Carl led the way and Ray just followed him without saying anything, when they got out two carriages were waiting in front of the castle. One was carrying Erika and the lord and the other was for taking Ray.

The journey wasn't long but inside that carriage the silence seemed to have lasted an eternity, when they got there most of the survivors were already there, a large pyre was made for the soldiers and inhabitants who lost their lives in this invasion and a smaller pyre a little forward to Erika and the lord.

Ray didn't get out of the carriage as Carl transferred Erika and the carriage lord to the pyre. When he finished Carl went to Ray and said "come on, you have to show people that despite the loss everything will be fine, seeing you people can have hope for a better future" Ray didn't know if she was ready for that but Carl grabbed his hand and said "I'll be with you" even though reluctant Ray struggled to go with Carl.

As the fire began to burn, Carl and Ray stood in front of the pyre and began to speak.

"The city is engulfed in sadness and silence. But today we gather here to say a final goodbye to our loved ones, to the valiant soldiers who fought with courage and honor to protect this city. Their lives were taken so unfairly, but their sacrifice will never be forgotten."

Carl looked at the pyre where the bodies of fallen soldiers and their brave hearts rested. He felt the sadness and pain of loss, but he also felt the strength of those who were still there, gathered together to honor those who left.

"Erika and the lord, our exemplary leaders, also gave their lives to defend our city. They were examples of courage and leadership, and they will never be forgotten. They believed in this city and in each one of us. It is now our responsibility to honor their memory and continue his legacy."

Carl's voice resounded in the air, carrying with it determination and hope. He looked into the faces of those who had gathered around him, seeing the pain in their eyes but also the determination in their hearts.

"Today, we make a promise to our fallen loved ones and to all who suffered in this invasion. We promise that we will not let their deaths be in vain. We promise to rebuild this city and make it stronger than ever. We promise to hunt down those responsible and bring justice to our enemies."

Carl raised his arms, his words mingling on the wind, reaching the hearts of those who heard him.

"This city has been shaken, but it will not be defeated. We are here, gathered together as a community united by pain, loss and a desire for a better future. Together, we will overcome the challenges that lie before us. We will rebuild our homes, our lives and our pride. We will not be defined by this tragedy, but by our ability to rise again."

The heavy silence was broken by the sound of the crackling flames in the pyre. It was as if the souls of the departed were present, surrounding everyone with courage and strength.

"This is a time of mourning, but also of renewal. We must remember those we lost, but also find the strength to move forward. The road ahead will be difficult, but we will be on this journey together. No matter what the future holds reserve, we will face any adversity with determination and courage."

Carl looked at Ray beside him, meeting his eyes filled with of sadness. He squeezed her hand gently, conveying comfort and support.

"And to those who are still here, who survived this invasion, I want to say that you are strong. You are proof that our city will not be forgotten. Let's support each other, heal our wounds and build a better future for all. Together, we are invincible."

Carl's words echoed through the square, reaching the hearts of those present. It was a speech of hope and resilience, a call to action and unity. The flames from the pyre continued to burn, lighting the way to a new beginning.

As the crowd dispersed, each person carried with them the memory of the departed and the determination to honor their legacy. Carl and Ray stayed side by side, knowing they had an arduous journey ahead of them, but knowing they were united in this fight.

The city was in ruins, but within those shaken hearts there was a flame of hope that refused to go out. They were ready to rebuild, to seek justice and to restore the peace that had been stolen.

And our story officially begins

CreativeCJcreators' thoughts