
'Shady moves in Konoha.

While Genji surprised those present with those words. In another part of Konoha village, two people were respectfully saying goodbye.

The frail man walked to the exit of the Nara compound with a cane in his hands.

He had dark-colored hair, and his right eye was bandaged to hide a Sharingan from people. Danzo was being escorted out of the Nara clan's territory by the leader Shikaku Nara.

"I hope our conversation helped you make a decision."

Danzo said as he walked calmly through the huge wooden door and said goodbye to Shikaku.

"I appreciate your time in visiting our clan."

Shikaku took his leave with the proper respect Danzo had in the village.

Shikaku knew of Danzo's rumors within the village but admitted that he had to be respectful to some people so as not to get into conflict because he always thought he would be a nuisance later on.

However, the two people who had a conversation failed to notice small snails that had turned some flowers, trees, and stones into their homes to get a better view of what was going on inside the Nara clan.

The eyes of the snails did not miss any information from the two people present and were so well adapted to the enemy's terrain that they went unnoticed by most of the ninja, thanks to their diminutive size.

Back to Shikaku's situation.

As Danzo moved out of his sight, Shikaku couldn't help but think of the words Danzo said to him.

"Prestige is what his successor needs."

That simple word permeated Shikaku's mind as he understood that a clan needs to have the money, a voice in the politics that made up the leaf village, and most importantly 'Prestige'.

Prestige has always been recognized as the most powerful force within a village.

The Senju and Uchiha clan were clear proof of their great stories that left their mark all over the world, even the Uzumaki clan was another strong clan that was recognized as a global threat because of the power they held in their hands.

The Nara clan did not have the same prestige as those three clans mentioned, but it was an incomplete balance with other clans in the village.

However, the leader of that clan had to show his strength within the battlefield or by his ingenious processing skills and thus earn the position of the clan leader.

For Shikamaru, who is just beginning to gain recognition within the village after being promoted to Chunin, his accomplishments were minuscule in comparison to other ninjas who helped defend the village from invasion.

A clear example of why prestige was necessary was; Genji Shimada who was discovered to have Uzumaki lineage in his blood and not to mention his development of techniques and a future engagement to the only daughter of the Kazekage of the sand village.

It was clear that the young man would win the support of the people and show future amazement as a Konoha ninja.

He might not have the resources to expand his clan, but he was beginning to develop some recognition within the village from other clans and if he continued to improve his performance in the village, he would soon gain some political power.

Shikaku scratched his head a little at the discomfort he was feeling at the moment.

- Shikamaru indeed needs to have some prestige within the village to be recognized as the next clan leader, but I can't fully trust Danzo's words about an opportunity that might appear in a short time -.

Shikaku thought he had to think deeply about Danzo's words.

With a few seconds Shikaku took to think, he could only lift his defeated shoulders and return home to rest.

"How annoying!" He said as he sat down on the floor and lit a cigarette.

"In any case, there's no use dwelling on things that haven't happened yet, but if the opportunity to help my son come along, I'll take it."

He said to himself as he released the smoke from his mouth.


Shikaku grabbed his head in pain as he was hit with the pain his wife was holding with her right hand.

"What's wrong, woman!" Shikaku complained as he rubbed his head with one of his hands and looked in confusion at his wife.

Yoshino Nara is an adult woman who has long brown hair in a ponytail, with three strands of hair on her face. She was wearing a pink shirt with a black skirt and a white apron over her clothes.

His wife Yoshino didn't bother to respond and simply hit him again.

*SHOCK*, "Let that be the last time you ever smoke inside the house again." Yoshino said as she returned to the kitchen.

Shikaku understood his wife's words, as she would have forbidden him to smoke inside the house so as not to give his son a bad impression or induce him to smoke at a young age.

"What a nuisance with women," Shikaku whispered as he dropped the butt and used his foot to crush the cigarette.

* SHOCK! * "Pick that shit up and throw it in the trash." Yoshino had hit him once again by throwing a pan from the kitchen.

Shikaku was slightly annoyed, but his wife's next words silenced him completely.

"Don't think I'm not listening, perhaps you'd like to visit my parents' house this weekend."


Shikaku said nothing more and picked up the remains of the cigarette so as not to disturb his wife anymore.




While Shikaku was scolded by his wife, Danzo on his way to the next clan.

Two ninjas guarding the door of the Aburame clan patriarch greeted him respectfully.

Once again the eyes of some snails watched them from the top of the houses and hid in small spaces inside the wood of the houses, other snails watched from the ground.

"In a few minutes, someone will report their arrival in the leader."

One of the Aburame clan members told him, and they waited a moment for another clan member to appear who would take Danzo to the clan leader's house.

While walking through the halls of the Aburame clan, Danzo thought about how to eliminate some heirs and place his puppets that belonged to those clans to gain some control within that clan.

- I don't know what kind of plan Orochimaru is planning, and the information I got about some suspicious movements within the fire nation.

It gives me to understand that an attack or a mission is planned, but if I manage to move my pieces correctly inside the village and wait for the right moment to get some benefits for the loss of his heirs or capture some good shinobi with good lineage.

The profit is going to be very good for me, so I have to prepare a squad for the next few days in and out of the village.

The only clans I have a chance of profit from are the Aburame clan, Nara clan, and possibly the Akimichi or Inuzuka clan. But if the village moves some Uzumaki or Uchiha clan ninjas, then the benefits are great -.

Danzo couldn't hide a smile on his face, but seeing Shibi Aburame approaching him, he regained his old expression.



A snail's point of view.

Ever since I was born in this wide world, I always wondered what would become of me.

I am the seventh snail to awaken the third evolution of my siblings, since I was little my older siblings showed the first evolutions before me, which does not lower my self-esteem compared to others of my siblings, however, I quickly caught up with them as I evolved.

Our species is known to continuously learn things and develop some way to evolve in due time to create their web of life and get a name of their own.

My parents; Soshiro and Kokuro had developed an amazing life for all my siblings, including me.

This is for us to have a connection between us to facilitate our information network and when one of my siblings passes away in the work field. Their network of life would help the information from the snail to be transmitted to everyone in real-time.

All of my siblings were given a number when we were little that was used as a name. My parents did this so as not to confuse us with all my siblings, as my parents could have almost 30 new children the next month.

The number we received was the number our contractors used to connect a call with another one of my siblings.

When I opened my eyes for the first time in this world, the first thing I found was Genji-sama giving us some delicious fruits and vegetables to all my siblings.

After my parents signed the contract with Genji-sama, some of my siblings presented the first evolution and even some the second evolution, and some of my siblings developed some different abilities than our parents.

When I managed to evolve to the second stage, my case was that I got another pair of eyes and I became known as the first four-eyed snail.

My eyes were famous because I could expand the field of my vision 180 degrees and have the eyesight of an eagle, this was equivalent to five times the vision of a normal person.

This was a huge improvement compared to others of my siblings who had to get very close to the target. However, I have the misfortune that I do not have very good hearing and could barely hear people's voices.

That changed when I met Tayuya-sama by interacting with her and listening to her flute. Eventually, she taught me how to read people's lips, I'm not sure where she learned it, but I thanked her with all my heart and thus created a new friendship with Tayuya-sama.

After the invasion ended and Genji apologized to my parents for exposing one of my brothers and having him die on the battlefield. At that time my body had another evolution and I managed to acquire the ability to split my body into several clones and finally create my web of life.

"Banzai, banzai!" I shouted for joy that day, and my siblings congratulated me for becoming the first adult in the family. It was quite an accomplishment because I would finally have my name and start having my children working in the same field as mine.

That day, I met with Tayuya-sama to sign my summoning contract with her. After that, I decided to create my name about my number and the new field of work I was thinking about, but in the end, I was undecided.

I thought being a ninja snail would be great for my field of work, but with Tayuya-sama's help, I decided to be the best spy because of the extensive knowledge she gave me and more so when Genji-sama gave me a cool name.

My thoughts might be derailed a bit by staying hidden high up in a tree, but I concentrated on my work because I was seeing how a dangerous guy has been moving around weirdly.

With the information gathered and Genji-sama's orders to keep an eye on any suspicious movements of the target named Danzo, my clones have been staying at some specific points in each ninja clan in the village.

One of my eyes started blinking rapidly, and it was a sign that one of my clones was trying to connect with me, so I answered the call.

"This is agent 007, what are your situation and danger level?".

"This is clone 007 B... I have a code black; The target named Danzo has been visiting the Nara clan, and they had some suspicious conversations. In a few seconds, my memory will be uploaded to the web of life, so you can see my report in detail."

One of my colons answered and as I was about to say something else, another one of my eyes blinked several times, so I answered the call.

"This is agent 007, what is your situation and level of danger?".

"This is Agent 007 D... Code Red; The target named Danzo has entered the Aburame clan and left the location quickly. My report will be on the net in a few minutes."

"It may be linked to my information." Clone B responded by joining the conversation.

"We can't jump to conclusions, for now, I'll look at the memory of you two and decide if the danger level is correct... Agent 007 is out." I said to my clones.

"Affirmative, Agent B is out." "Affirmative, Agent D is out."

Both clones told me at the same time as they cut the call, and I began to look at the memory of clone B and then clone D.

As the minutes ticked by, two of my eyes blinked at the same time.

"This is agent 007, what is your situation and level of danger?".

"This is Agent 007 C... Code white; The target named Danzo has passed through my field of view several times, I believe he is acting differently today. I don't know if my information will help, but some people have traveled the same path as Danzo within seconds of the target passing through my field of view."

"Post your memory on the net and we'll put some pieces of this puzzle together to see if the target is planning something wrong."

"Affirmative, Agent 007 C is out."

With those last words, another one of my clones cut the call and flew to work, but quickly reacted when he learned that the call was continuing with another of my clones who wasn't talking at all.

"Clone 007 E, why aren't you saying anything?".


"I hope you didn't call about something insignificant, again!" I said impatiently as I heard a sigh on the other end of the call.

"A-this is Agent 007 E... Code Green."

"You know we don't have much interest in that, but say it," I said with denial, even though I knew I would be interested in some gossip.

"I'll have you know that one of the butchers in town closes his store every time at 4 pm, but the interesting thing is that an older woman always comes into the butcher shop regardless of whether it's closed. This happened over two weeks, and the lady who enters the butcher shop belongs to the city council. With this information, Genji-sama can take advantage if he thoroughly investigates this strange relationship. "

I thought about my clone's words and flashed a smile at my clone's ingenious idea.

"You are a devilish clone."

"Thanks for the compliment, but you know we are just like you."

"Hehehe, so what other tidbits do you have?"

"You remember the lady who sells vegetables from the north side."

"The girl Genji-sama thinks has the best ass or the one with the brown hair tied up and masturbates with fruits while dispatching people."

"NO... The one with long blue hair and likes to bully boys."

"Ahh, I remember."

"Well, apparently today she was having a bit of a different fight with a 30-year-old man because she found out she was pregnant, and the man doesn't want to take care of the child and nor her."

"You don't say," I replied with surprise.

"Yes I tell you and the best part is that her father is about to retire from the city council and leave this guy in charge."

"This information is unbelievable."

"I know, I can't wait until tomorrow to find out what the woman says to this guy, if he doesn't deliver things are going to get hot because apparently, the girl has ninja training."

"Ohhh, things are going to turn on tomorrow."

"Very true."

The conversation with my clone went on for hours with some juicy gossip that when I finished listening to it, I connected with my parents to send the information to Genji-sama since I had disconnected from my parents' network.

(Spy snail danger level.

Black = A high-level potential danger, planning something harmful to the village or Genji.

Red = Suspicious target with a medium level of danger and lack of information.

White = Normal target acting differently than usual.

Green = nonsense that can entertain people or profit (gossip in simple words)

NOTE: I am using a new Spanish to English translator and I don't know if it is better understood, but it would help a lot to know your opinion and tell me that you notice some changes or that the reading was a little more fluent or clearer.

I will be using the new translator in the following chapters and I would value your comments to know if the reading is better or worse.

Thank you very much for your comments and opinions.)


