
Captured By The Dragon

##WARNING This story will contain. Strong sexual content, strong language, dark scenes about human trafficking. ## Fear instantly overcame my senses. I had been trafficked. They’re selling me to shifters. Shifters paid irresistible money to own human girls as sex slaves. ** Everything was shaking all around me as if I was in the back of a moving car. An unpleasant smell that could have woken me from even my darkest dreams filled the air and convinced me that I was wide awake. Fear instantly overcame my senses. Where was I? What was I doing here? Who took me? “Help…” I tried to shout. My torn throat wouldn’t allow it. In my mind, images flashed of barbaric shifters standing outside that door. Big, tall and rough creatures that knew no manners and only wanted to claim things. I’d heard stories since I was old enough to understand that they favored pretty human girls and plucked them off the roads as if they were all free for the taking. ** Patara tried to move back away from the handsome young man, but he held her firm. Squeezing her chin a little harder to keep her in place. His blue-grey, beautiful eyes looked over her every feature as if he wanted to burn the image in his mind. “Would you like me to take you away?” He asked in a husky voice. His words made her skin litter in goosebumps. She couldn’t speak, only nod desperately. “And what do you offer me in exchange for your rescue? Would you like to follow me?” Slowly, she nodded her head and put her hand in his. “Remember your promises,” he said against her ear. She held her breath. “The last person who betrayed me got to see what his insides looked like before I slit his throat.”

Caroline Above Story · 奇幻言情
90 Chs

Chapter 82

#Chapter 82 Fire and Claw

The fire consumed the first line of defense. I banked left as the three behind me left forth fire and banked right. They fumbled trying to shoot us as they ran and screamed. The fools hadn’t been prepared for an attack. The Tiger King must have stroked their egos with his little speech and in secret for them to be so bold as to declare allegiance with him and not expect retaliation.

Bullets flew past, missing me. I dove and avoided their shots easily, ordering the rest of my unit to drop to the ground while I kept them distracted. They tore through the wolves like paper. The few who cowered in their homes, clutching their children to them were spared so long as they didn’t look like they planned to be a threat.

When I landed, they had the leaders dragged out among the raging fire. It was just the beginning. I landed and walked towards them, looking down as they had the nerve to glare up at me as if they didn’t understand.
