
captive of the billionaire mafia

Title: Captive of the Billionaire Mafia Nikki Peter was a young, beautiful woman living a luxurious life in the bustling city of New York. She had everything she could ever want - designer clothes, expensive cars, and a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park. But her perfect life was about to come crashing down. One fateful evening, as Nikki was leaving a charity gala, she was kidnapped by a notorious mafia boss named Alexander William. Nikki's father had owed Alex a substantial amount of money, and when he couldn't pay, Alex decided to take Nikki as payment instead.

leoniza01 · 现代言情
52 Chs

chapter 45

As Nikki approached the final stretch of her pregnancy, she was filled with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. With each passing day, her baby bump grew larger, a visible reminder of the new life growing within her.

One day, as Nikki joined Chloe to celebrate her friend's birthday at a local restaurant, she felt a sudden, sharp pain shoot through her abdomen. At first, she brushed it off as typical pregnancy discomfort, but as the pain intensified, she realized that something was wrong.

Chloe, sensing Nikki's distress, immediately sprang into action, helping her friend to her feet and guiding her outside to get some fresh air. But as they stepped onto the sidewalk, Nikki's water unexpectedly broke, sending shockwaves of panic through both women.

"Nikki, are you okay?!" Chloe exclaimed, her voice tinged with concern as she rushed to Nikki's side.

Nikki, breathing heavily through the waves of pain, nodded weakly, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending birth. "I think... it's time," she managed to gasp out, her voice strained with effort.

With no time to waste, Chloe quickly hailed a taxi and helped Nikki into the backseat, their hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. As they sped towards the hospital, Nikki clung to Chloe's hand, her thoughts consumed by the imminent arrival of her baby.