
+Chapter 129+

Caspian hung up the clothes he picked out on an empty mobile closet in the room, looking around the lavish room with wide eyes as he started to undress.

Just a couple of swim shorts would have worked just fine but he wasn't sure how comfortable he was with being in public without a shirt.

The shorts fit perfectly, almost going down to his knees, but the spandex shirt fit like a priest's robe.

He stared at himself in the mirror with a sour expression, he had been expecting that.

He couldn't put on weight quickly enough for his liking.

The rest of the swim shirts were the same so he didn't even bother trying them on, the only other option was the one clearly feminine swimsuit he had picked out.

It was black with bold white stripes around the edges, which caught his attention.

He had just picked it out for the sake of it, he hadn't even planned to try it on.