
Can you survive a fantasy world as an ex mafia leader?

As a mafia leader, Jonathan Straikil finds his doom when he tries to win over another family by a contest. After both leaders of the respective families die, shooting each other, Jonathan wakes up in a forest. He takes the form of a young boy. Will he be able to survive in a place he doesn't know at all?

Rin_092801 · 奇幻
7 Chs

First Meeting. A New Beginning

As we traveled to the old King's house, the little boy Chop had started to worry. The boy's thoughts were all about why would the old King need a boy from the church to take care of him. He thought the King should already have loyal servants who would take care of his every need, so if that is true, why would he need another slave? Chop was very scared of the King's motives.

When we approached the King's house I started to realize why no one of the kids in the church wanted to go and serve the King. If all the kids had the same reaction as Chop had, that means they don't know, they were slaves to the church. They should have thought, at the church, they were working for their food and studies. They didn't have the knowledge of what their work was actually worth. They think that is a fair deal, but the church overworks the kids. It seems like they compare that whit being slaves whit no rights, they don't realize they already are.

When we arrived, the carriage stopped and two buffed men, which seemed to be wearing thick metal armor, each with a spear on their hand, were approaching fast. They both picked me up from an arm and they started carrying me as if I was a murderer up to trial. at that moment I got a little scared, but I kept my cool and let them carry me. They broth me to the King, who was an old man, probably in his 70s, he had a beard that grows down to his chest, a white hair and he was wearing a white robe, white golden threads sewed through it in an almost perfect symmetry design. He didn't look as scary as everyone said, but, the moment he opened his mouth, I realized why everyone was so scared of the old King.

He was speaking in a grave tone and whit his head raised up high, talking to me as if I would be executed then and there.

"Well, boy, what is your name"

"Your highness, I am 1 21 273. Glad to be of service" I said, as my voice was trembling for the first time in 25 years. I never felt like this.

"So, you are almost 16?" The king mumbled to himself. "Now, that won't do. Boy, you should tell me your unofficial name. I will not call you 1 21." He said, returning to his grave voice.

"I...I am Chop, your highness. All the brothers and sisters at the church call me Chop" I said, whit the same trembling, locking at the flor, whit the fear that if I raise my head I would be killed on the spot.

"Well, that is better. Chop you will be living here within my mansion. You will have your own room and will be assigned jobs, but more on that tomorrow." He said, as his once grave tone, suddenly turned into a vibrant voice that filled my ears whit joy. "Maiden, show Chop to his room and make sure he has all he needs to feel welcomed here!"

And now the maid was dragging me around the mansion, making sure that I know every little part of it. She was very meticulous, never messing to show me the little details of the building.

In the end, I finally got to my room and got to sleep.