
Can't stop hating the Protagonist - Tales of Demons and Gods (fanfic)

Transmigrated as Shen Yue, reader receives a curse which fills him with hatred toward the original Protagonist Nie Li. His goal is to destroy Nie Li's reputation, paint him as the villain and bring forth his demise. For this story, the update is planned only once a week on Wednesday. It's a face-slapping and MC bashing story I'm writing on the side for fun and because I was inspired to.

Jaed21 · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 3. Bet with Nie Li

Seeing Nie Li's enraged expression Shen Xiu smiled in satisfaction. She resumed lecturing, "After being tested, among the students in this class, Ye Ziyun, with a Cyan soul realm, has a soul force of 86. Shen Yue and Xiao Ning'er both have a Green Soul realm, with a soul force of 78. They will soon reach 1-star Bronze rank. Congratulations to them!"

Listening to Shen Xiu's words, the students in the class all cried out in surprise.

In the eyes of the other students, these three existences were like the full moon, shining but impossible to touch.

The achievements that these three geniuses will have were not something they could ever dream of. No matter what, ordinary people had no hope of catching up to them.

As these names were mentioned, Shen Yue's eyes drifted toward Xiao Ning Er as he felt someone's eyes on him.

In the first row, he saw a beautiful young girl with a bashful expression. She had a slender and slim figure. Her lush orange hair was bound into an elegant half-ponytail.

And she was looking straight at Shen Yue.

But the moment Shen Yue glanced at her, she quickly looked away.

Shen Yue gently smiled as he also slowly retracted his gaze.

'How cute.'

The truth is that yesterday night he had already met with Xiao Ning Er in the forest and helped to treat her bruises. He had also modified her Cultivation Techniques. (*There will be a flashback later, going back to that scene.*)

Of course, with this there was no chance for Nie Li to accidentally run into her and gain her support.

This morning Xiao Ning Er did not share a breakfast box with him like she did for Nie Li in the novel, but she clearly acted quite bashful.

Next to Shen Yue, he saw the purple-haired Ye Ziyun looking at Xiao Ning Er with a longing expression.

However, Xiao Ning Er was looking away and acting as if she did not care.

'Is she pouting?' Shen Yue thought secretly.

After all, he had been sitting right next to Ye Ziyun.

The original Shen Yue had always been showing interest in Ye Ziyun for a few years already. If Xiao Ning Er grew interested in him after their little encounter at midnight, it would only be natural that she would be a little unhappy with Ye Ziyun.

Shen Yue slightly smiled, feeling a little happy when he thought of this.

In the original story Xiao Ning Er poured out her heart to Nie Li, dedicating her life to him. She was a very hard-working and determined girl with great potential, willing to sacrifice everything to be by Nie Li's side.

Not to mention, she was gorgeous.

But in turn, Nie Li mostly behaved like a retard toward her in general. Eventually he accepted her as his second wife, but it felt more like he did it out of pity.

It was painful for Shen Yue to read about how Xiao Ning Er was treated by Nie Li whilst he chased after Ye Ziyun like a fool and a creep.

"In two months time there will be a Fighter and Demon Spiritualist test. I hope that there will be a few 1-star Bronze rank Demon Spiritualists. Both myself and the Holy Orchid Institute will be proud!" Shen Xiu said proudly.

Obtaining a 1-star Bronze rank is considered the starting point of cultivation.

Once a Fighter's strength or Demon Spiritualist's soul force reaches 100, they can be considered a 1-star Bronze rank. Entering the entry level is extremely difficult.

Lots of people are unable to step into the entry level to become a real Fighter or Demon Spiritualist, only less than 1% are. 

Hearing Shen Xiu's words, the students in the class started whispering to one another. In order to become a 1-star Bronze rank Fighter you must be able to lift up a 100 pound rock and break a tree as thick as an arm with a punch in order to qualify. For these kids, it was simply too difficult.

Unless one has been consuming elixirs since being young, it will be hard to achieve.

As for becoming a Demon Spiritualist, one is required to refine a large amount of Soul Force within their body and this is a lot harder to accomplish compared to becoming a Fighter, because the limiting factor is one's innate talent. 

Soul realms are divided into seven colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Azure and Indigo.

A normal human would have a Red soul realm; for them becoming a Demon Spiritualist is nearly impossible. They would normally choose to become a Fighter instead.

As for people with Orange and Yellow soul realms, they're more suitable to train in soul force, while people with Green or Cyan soul realms are considered extraordinary talents.

The students in the class all looked at Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning'er and Shen Yue. They envied them because they are the only ones that could become a 1-star Bronze rank in less than half a year. 

Among the students, several girls in class gazed at Shen Yue, touching their cheeks in adoration.

Not only was Shen Yue handsome and with a noble background, but he was also a genius Demon Spiritualist, his bearing was high-class and he was quite daring. 

Under the many admiring gazes Shen Yue felt slightly embarrassed. 

Conceptually this kind of attention didn't mean much to him, but it was impossible for him to not be affected. This kind of attention and popularity in school felt quite new to him.

'It's certainly not bad to be the popular guy in school for once.'

As Shen Yue noticed the young girls staring at him in wonder, he lightly smiled, his eyes accidentally made contact with the eyes of a girl sitting at the right of Ye Ziyun.

The girl wore a green silk dress and her brown hair was tied into two buns at the side, with the rest of her hair dropping down her back loosely. She had a graceful disposition and although the girl's hair made her look a little ordinary, she was certainly a beauty.

Being seated in the first row next to Ye Ziyun and Shen Yue, she should be a noble as well.

She immediately blushed and lowered her gaze with a bashful smile.

The few other girls in class had similar reactions and Shen Yue couldn't help but rub his nose.

He basically had the looks of Sasuke Uchiha.

In addition, his soul realm also had amazing potential, the result of ROB's tempering.

Shen Yue intertwined his fingers, placing his hands together in a prayer below his chin.

For all this, he shall praise his God who placed him here every night from now on and entertain him to his heart's content.

Meanwhile Shen Xiu continued her lesson. "If you have a Red soul realm you have nearly no chance of becoming a Demon Spiritualist, so you should focus on your studies and raising your physical strength. Don't waste your time with delusions."

Shen Xiu glanced toward Nie Li at the back of the classroom as she finished.

Seeing Shen Xiu stare at him, Nie Li felt a bout of anger arising in his heart.

"Teacher Shen Xiu, you believe that Red soul realms cannot become Demon Spiritualists. In that case, do you dare to make a bet with me?" Nie Li suddenly said.

All students in class turned to Nie Li at the back of the classroom. A bet? What is Nie Li going to say again?

Shen Xiu was also stunned. Was getting humiliated once not enough for Nie Li? She sneered. "What bet?"

"Teacher Shen Xiu, my soul realm is Red. We'll bet that on the coming test in two months' time I will be able to reach Bronze rank. If I fail to do so, I will resign from school. But if I reach Bronze rank, then you will resign, how about it?" Nie Li asked with a smug smile.

Listening to what Nie Li said, everyone was stunned.

Nie Li actually proposed this kind of bet with teacher Shen Xiu after just being humiliated.

Wasn't once enough? He still had to brag and keep spouting nonsense? Is he some sort of masochistic idiot that enjoys humiliation and attention?

'Hmm?' Shen Yue was surprised by Nie Li's proclamation.

Earlier he had just pointed out that Red soul realms are unable to cultivate, but Nie Li still made a bet with the teacher, bringing attention to himself to keep an eye on and perhaps capture and interrogate in the future by someone stronger for his method or a cultivation technique.

And why exactly? Because he wanted to make the teacher he didn't like resign?

What exactly would he gain from it?

Luck had it that in the novel people that went after Nie Li were only low-rank minions of the Dark Guild, just strong enough for him to deal with, all while his other enemies did not dare to make a move against him while he hid himself inside the Holy Orchid Institute.

A part of his protection was his lie about his master, but if there was anyone smart and daring enough, based on the numerous stunts and commotions that Nie Li pulled off in the original story, Shen Yue didn't see a reason why Nie Li would not get secretly kidnapped since he's just a backwater nobody. 

This was this kind of lawless world, after all.

Nie Li was really too blindly optimistic that everything would be fine.

Without plot armor on his side, chances were that with his attitude he should have probably died a hundred times by now.

But from Nie Li's perspective, he simply despised Shen Xiu and the Sacred Family way too much. It was a hatred of two lifetimes!

The Sacred Family is a villainous bunch of traitors and deserves to be purged for their crimes. Nie Li was unwilling to let Shen Xiu and Shen Yue win one over him today after humiliating him so much.

Since Nie Li was reborn, with the level that he reached in his previous life, why would he fear facing such nobodies?

In his first life he was a timid and shy teenager, and would definitely not dare to go a gainst the Sacred Family, but in this life, if he's still useless as a scrap wood, he might as well commit suicide.

He will repay this humiliation and eventually get rid Glory City of this hypocritical family as well.

Shen Xiu and Shen Yue are nothing but passersby in Nie Li's life, his true enemy is the great Sage Emperor. How could he put them in his eyes?

Nie Li already thought about it a bit too - so what if people suspect that he has a method for a Red soul realm to become Legend rank Demon Spiritualist?

By the time he reveals his full talent, he would already gain the protection of the authorities or be able to protect himself.

He can attribute his cultivation speed to his unique talent, inheritance from ancient ruins or even forge the identity of a mysterious master.

Once his talent and status is high enough, most people in Glory City wouldn't dare to provoke him.

As for 1-star Bronze rank at the year-end exam, Nie Li can control his soul force and only show off a soul force of 100 which is not considered that outstanding, so he won't gain too much attention.

"Hahaha, funny enough to actually say you will reach Bronze rank in two months as a Red soul realm! I checked and your current soul force is 5. Do you really think that you can raise your soul force from 5 to 100 in two months?" Shen Xiu's face was full of contempt. Has Nie Li gone crazy?

"I only ask one question, do you dare or not?" Nie Li ignored what Shen Xiu just said.

But before Shen Xiu had a chance to accept the bet, Shen Yue abruptly stood up from his seat and called out to Nie Li, "Nie Li, how about having a bet with me?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Shen Yue, including Nie Li.

Nie Li sneered. "What kind of bet?"

"I'm not sure. How about we see who will have higher cultivation in two months from now?" Shen Yue asked while shrugging.

Nie Li widened his eyes and was taken aback.

He never expected Shen Yue to actually propose such a stupid bet.

He thought, 'Shen Yue has a Green soul realm, soul force 78. I think he barely managed to reach 1-star Bronze rank in the past life. He is just like Ziyun told me! Prideful, condescending and looks down on others. No wonder he made such a bet with me. This is perfect.'

"You have a Green Soul realm and you want to compete with me in cultivation? A red soul realm?" Nie Li questioned, blinking his eyes in surprise. It would be too strange if he accepted immediately.

Shen Yue appeared a bit embarrassed. "You're right. It isn't fair."

"... Fine, I accept," Nie Li called out after appearing to hesitate for a while.

"Hm?" Shen Yue faked surprise.

The other students were all also surprised.

Is Nie Li not well in the head? Thinking he can surpass Shen Yue in cultivation?

Nie Li looked at Shen Yue smugly and said, "How about this? Whoever loses will have to do the other a favor they cannot refuse, no matter what it is. Do you dare to accept?"

Nie Li sneered in his heart. If Shen Yue accepts, then he can at least make him stay away from Ye Ziyun!

In the previous life Shen Yue was always chasing after Ye Ziyun non-stop; he was a handsome guy with a good background. Although Shen Yue can't compare to him when it comes to potential, at the current point Ye Ziyun thought well of him, but saw Nie Li as a good-for-nothing. This way Nie Li could get rid of his main love rival early and have more chances to grow closer to Ziyun.

He could even make Shen Yue humiliate himself in public to soil the Sacred Family's reputation or use him in another way! It was perfect!

At this moment Shen Yue looked shocked and dazed for a moment.

A favor that cannot be refused no matter what is a big wager after all.

However, it was only an act.

Nie Li had simply dug his own grave even deeper with that kind of bet.

Shen Yue emerged with a prideful expression. Looking at Nie Li, he said, "Then I accept. Nie Li, if you can really surpass me in cultivation two months from now, then you will have nothing but my respect and admiration. But if you lose, you can only blame yourself for being too conceited."

Nie Li was surprised by Shen Yue's complimenting words, but after a moment he understood that he was only making himself look good and became enraged.

The people from the Sacred Family are really despicable and cunning, saying flowery words just to earn a good reputation!

"Shen Yue, since you agreed to the bet, don't regret it later!" Nie Li said.

"If you win this bet, then I can only accept the result," Shen Yue said. His followup words were powerful and resonating as he continued, "Nie Li, I have to say that although you are arrogant and stupid, I admire you a little. Without a determined heart, without the courage to turn the impossible into possible, even possessing outstanding talent would be useless. We cultivators are already challenging the impossible, by going against the way of the heavens! Regardless of our talent, we should all do our best!"

Shen Yue's words couldn't help but to cause the students in the class to feel their blood surging. Their admiration toward Shen Yue reached a new height. 

Xiao Ning Er's eyes were shining.

Cultivation already was going against the way of heavens. If one did not oppose the heavens, how could they talk about cultivation? Regardless of talent, they should all walk on their path!

Nie Li blinked his eyes, stunned.

It was something that he wanted to say next and motivate the commoners! But now Shen Yue stole his spotlight!

Shen Xiu laughed coldly as she saw Nie Li's dumb face. She said, "Nie Li, it seems that you still haven't learned your lesson! You keep making a ruckus, so not only for this month, but you will stay at the back of the classroom for the next two months! I just want to see what level you'll reach until then."

In response to Shen Xiu, Nie Li calmly smiled, unafraid of her stare.

This Nephew and Aunt duo are surely good with words, but so what? They simply dug their own graves!

Surpassing Shen Yue and 100 Soul Force in 2 months was not a problem for Nie Li. With the high-level cultivation techniques that he knew, it would be rather easy.

"Two months to surpass Shen Yue who has a Green Soul realm and almost reached the Bronze rank, who does he think he is? Even when Lord Ye Mo was younger he didn't reach such frightening speed!"

"He's just too stupid. He's doing it all for attention."

"Hehe, I wonder what Shen Yue will make this kid do after he wins."

"If it was me…"

Shen Xiu sneered on stage while the students chatted. 

She naturally didn't take seriously what Nie Li said.

In two months he would surpass Shen Yue whose soul force was already at 76 and had a genius-grade soul realm? Shen Xiu thought of it as a joke, this kind of stuff will absolutely not happen!

She felt quite amused that her nephew managed to make this kid bet something like a favor. She looked forward to the day that this egoistic orange-haired brat is further humiliated.

But despite all the insults, Nie Li himself swallowed this humiliation and was soon calm, focusing on the future.

A faint smirk graced his lips.

Although his reputation took a hit now, it will all be overturned soon enough. How can such a small step-back affect him?

If Nie Li felt depressed right now then his two lifetimes would have been in vain. In two months it will be this aunt and nephew duo that will be humiliated instead. 

[Nie Li's hatred +0.5]

[Nie Li's reputation - 3]

[Hatred: 8/10 (annoyed that you're sitting next to Ye Ziyun, belong to the Sacred family and are popular in class, and despises you for humiliating him)]

[Reputation: -18 (looked down upon by the entire Fighter Apprentice Class, including Ye Ziyun and Du Ze)]