

Cadmus considered talking about Blair to Colt. 

He never met her before. So, he doubted he knew her.

He just had to take care not to spill too many details.

"Come to think of it, someone from your school dined here earlier," Colt told him out of nowhere. Cadmus looked up at him with raised brows. "Hershey. That's her name." 

"Wait, what? Hershey?" he blurted out incredulously. "That girl goes to a place like this?"

He crossed his arms. "For your information, this cafe is popular among high school girls."

"That one isn't just any high school girl, though. She's literally the daughter of the academy headmaster." 

"Oh, but we got along quite well despite that," Colt further disclosed, once again taking Cadmus aback. "She even gave me her email! Isn't she the sweetest?"

"Right. I forgot you're the friendly type."

"Unlike a certain someone, I am indeed."