
Chapter 48-2

"Hm." Marley grinned, glancing up at Aiden as he rested his arm over her shoulders, "Sounds a lot like someone I know."

Aiden's eyes turned thoughtful as he smiled down at her, almost nostalgic, "You told me you didn't like heroes once, you know."

"I did," she remembered that too, "and I don't like heroes. They're overrated. But, are you saying that you think you're a bad boy?" she teased.

He shrugged, "If I was a good one would you have fallen in love with me?"

If I was a good one would you have fallen in love with me?

That took Marley a second to digest, to comprehend. If Aiden Matthews was a golden boy, perfect attitude and always did the right thing, if he never lied or made mistakes. If he considered his actions before doing them?