
Chapter 30-4

"Marley. Never." His hard, no-nonsense tone made her flinch.

"I'm sorry. I don't think you're...I didn't mean to accuse you I promise. You've never...Aiden." she sighed, staring up at him through her lashes.

He blinked, as if thrown off guard. Marley watched his Adam's apple bob. Once. Twice.

"I'm sorry." he breathed out, looking away from her. His eyes became distant then. Something on his mind. "It's a...personal subject for me. I don't mean to be so sensitive about it."

Her heart melted into a puddle. She didn't even think before she placed her hand over the one resting on his desk and drawing circles. The heat of it sent a shiver up her spine.

His head shot back to look at her. Their eyes met. Marley knew that his blue ones were the eyes she was always meant to look into. Maybe since forever.

"You're not sensitive. My joke was insensitive. You'd never hurt me. You're not a bad guy, Aiden. Bad guys do that."