
Campbell academy

In Panja City, Campbell Academy seems like an ordinary college, but it's hiding a wild secret. Most of the big shots there, from teachers to even the boss, are werewolves! Rosie, a top student, lives the high life as the former mayor's daughter with her boyfriend, Jude, the werewolf pack leader. Damon, a true alpha hiding his identity due to some reason, moves to Panja and joins Campbell Academy. Rosie, not liking Damon's smarts, thinks of a way to get him, hire him as her tutor. Jude smells trouble, thinking something's fishy. Meanwhile, a mysterious new professor joins the chaos. As Rosie falls for Damon, Jude and Damon become enemies, and Campbell Academy gets crazier by the minute. Twists, turns, and a whole lot of secrets make this campus tale a suspenseful ride!

Segun_Ishola · 奇幻
4 Chs

chapter 4. The professor

Rosie was shocked to see the figure at her doorstep to be her housemaid.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was checking on you, ma. Your father said I should check on you," the housemaid explained.

"I am fine. You can go now and don't allow anyone to enter here if anyone asks about me tell them I have slept," Rosie instructed.

"Yes, ma," the housemaid acknowledged and left.

On her way, she encountered the hunters. She informed them that Rosie was sleeping and requested that they shouldn't disturb her. Surprisingly, they agreed and left her room unsearched, deciding to depart without further intrusion. The air in the house remained thick with secrets, and Rosie was left to grapple with the unsettling knowledge that even within her own home, shadows concealed unexpected truths.

The next day at Campbell Academy, all the students gathered at the general hall, creating a sea of faces buzzing with curiosity and whispers. The air crackled with anticipation as teachers loitered around, casting glances at their wristwatches in expectation of the principal's arrival.

The general hall, usually echoing with the sounds of lectures and occasional laughter, now stood in eerie silence, punctuated only by the hushed conversations among students. The atmosphere felt charged, as if an invisible storm were brewing, and every student was on the edge of their seat, eager to unravel the mystery of the assembly.

The teachers, normally bustling with their daily routines, now assumed a stance of quiet authority, their eyes scanning the crowd with a mix of sternness and curiosity. The general hall, usually a backdrop for routine announcements, transformed into a stage where something significant was about to unfold.

As the seconds ticked away, the students exchanged glances, speculating on the reason for this unexpected assembly. The principal's delayed arrival only added to the suspense, leaving the entire academy enveloped in a sense of anticipation, waiting for the curtain to rise on the revelation that awaited them.

After a while, the principal arrived, keenly observing the charged atmosphere in the hall. As the students caught sight of him, they quickly assembled themselves, the air thick with a mix of expectation and uncertainty.

"Good day, everyone. I hope everyone is fine," the principal began, addressing the assembled students. "This emergency assembly was called because I received some news that there is danger in the woods lately, and two bodies were found. Some say they are students of this school, but there is no evidence to prove they are qualified students."

He paused before continuing, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

"I will be glad to share some good news. The mid-session party will be held next week," he announced. The hall erupted in cheers and excitement.

"But due to the recent news in town, the party will be held within the school premises for three days," he added, injecting a note of caution that tempered the initial jubilation. The students absorbed the news with a mix of joy for the upcoming event and lingering concerns about the unfolding events in the woods. The assembly left a lingering tension, a paradox of celebration and unease in the face of the impending mid-session party.

"And finally, I'm pleased to introduce Professor Donald, the new teacher and counselor for all of you students". With those words, the new professor walked into the hall, offering greetings to the students. After a brief speech, he left alongside the principal.

The teachers then addressed the students before dismissing them to their respective classes, marking the end of the assembly. The day continued with a mix of excitement for the upcoming mid-session party and the lingering sense of unease sparked by the recent news in the woods.

After everyone arrived in their classes, Rosie felt a twinge of worry when she didn't spot Jude in the hall earlier. Attempting to call him, she found his line unreachable. Anxiously, she approached his friends who were engaged in conversation when he strolled in.

"Jude!" she called out.

"Hey, good morning, beautiful," he greeted.

"Why are you late? Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes, there was a lot of traffic," he explained.

"Okay, no problem. We'll talk after school," she said, a sense of relief washing over her.

As Rosie made her way to her seat, she noticed Damon engrossed in his reading. A mischievous smile played on her lips, and she headed to her own desk, leaving a trail of intrigue in her wake.

After a few minutes, Mr. Rajah and the new professor walked into the classroom. Mr. Rajah introduced the new teacher as the mathematics instructor, indicating that he would assist for the time being. As they prepared to start the lesson, Mr. Rajah instructed the students to take out their textbooks.

Amidst the shuffling of books, Rosie frantically searched her bag but couldn't find her textbook and the snacks she brought from home. She raised an alarm, informing Mr. Rajah about her missing items. When questioned, she insisted she had them in her bag before heading to the hall.

Mr. Rajah asked if anyone had taken Rosie's snacks and textbook, but no one answered. Frustrated, he decided to search the students' bags to get to the bottom of the mystery. The classroom tension heightened as the unexpected search unfolded, leaving everyone on edge.

Mr. Rajah began searching from desk to desk, reaching Damon's desk. After inspecting his desk and bag without finding anything, he moved on to the next spot. When he reached Jackson's desk, he found nothing on the desk itself. However, upon opening Jackson's bag, he discovered Rosie's missing books and snacks.

Mr. Rajah's anger and disappointment were palpable, and Jackson vehemently denied any involvement, claiming innocence. Despite his protestations, no one seemed to believe him.

In the midst of the confusion, Damon noticed something amiss with Rosie's demeanor. Sensing there was more to the story, he stood up and confessed that he was the one who placed Rosie's belongings in Jackson's bag. The revelation added a new layer of complexity to the situation, leaving the classroom in a state of bewilderment and uncertainty.

Amid the shock and surprise in the classroom, Mr. Rajah expressed his astonishment and asked Damon why he had done such a thing and remained silent when questioned. As Damon attempted to articulate an explanation, Mr. Donald, from a distance, interjected.

"It's not you nor Jackson who placed the textbook and snacks in that bag," Mr. Donald asserted, approaching Damon. The revelation left Damon speechless, caught in a web of confusion, as the mystery deepened, and the true perpetrator of the act remained elusive. The classroom buzzed with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, waiting for further clarification.

Professor Donald scanned the room before homing in on Mary, one of the girls in the class. His gaze pierced through the silence as he confronted her.

"Why did you put the textbook and snacks in Jackson's bag?" he demanded.

Mary, visibly shaken, stood there, speechless and caught off guard. The intensity in the room heightened, each heartbeat echoing the suspense of the unfolding drama. The weight of the accusation hung in the air, and the classroom held its breath, waiting for Mary to break the silence and unveil the motive behind her puzzling actions.

"I didn't do it intentionally," Mary confessed, her voice shaking with remorse.

She continued, "Someone called my number and said if I drop Rosie's textbooks and snacks in Jackson's bag, they would give me $50. I needed the money badly, and that's why I did it. I am sorry."

Professor Donald, stern but composed, pressed further, "Do you know the person that called you?"

"No, I didn't," Mary admitted, adding another layer of mystery to the unfolding situation.

After a prolonged silence, Mr. Rajah offered a heartfelt apology to Jackson and the entire class. He returned Rosie's property and then turned to Mary, instructing her to follow him. Both of them left the classroom, leaving behind a lingering air of tension.

Professor Donald remained, his presence a quiet reassurance in the aftermath of the unfolding drama. The class, still absorbing the shock of the revelations, awaited the return of normalcy, uncertain of what lay ahead.

After a while, Professor Donald scanned the eyes of everyone in the room with an intensity that left some students questioning his humanity. As he left the classroom, a collective hush fell over the students, and a subtle unease lingered in the air.

Whispers circulated among the students, with some speculating about Professor Donald's mysterious demeanor. His actions, shrouded in an air of enigma, left an indelible impression on the class. A few students wondered if there was more to Professor Donald.