
Chapter 3/ Hey Aarib

It's is Friday night which means hanging out with Zoha and Mehwish.

"Where should we go?" Wish asks, putting the car in drive.

"Pizza parlour, obviously," I state, leaning my head against the back window and gazing out at the houses passing by.

Aarib's words kept on playing in my mind. I just couldn't stop playing it in my mind over and over again. Yes, he did hurt me, but then I again reminded myself that this is how he talks. There's never a good word that can leave his mouth.

Zoha groans, and looks back. I move my eyes to her, and raise a brow.

"Pizza? Seriously, again!" She whines, pouting.

"Pizza is the only food I love, and you know that."

Her eyes perform a 180. "Fine."

Something's changing between us friends. I can't really put my finger on what but I definitely sense it. It's like she gets annoyed by everything I do and say. I think it has something to do with Aarib.


The waiter stops by and we give our orders.

I personally like this place. It gives off such warm and cozy vibes through the dim lights and the soft music that is always playing in the background.

"I've heard Maya's diamond necklace was stolen yesterday," Wish says, studying her nails with interest.

Why does Zoha always sit next to Wish and I sit alone? Can she ever sit with me?

Zoha nods her head, agreeing with her. "I feel bad for her, like really bad. It was gifted to her by her grandmother. She was crying so much today in school."

That was so bad! "Really, did the—"

"Oh, Wish! What about your online game tomorrow?" Zoha cuts me in, and they both chat with each other, ignoring me completely.

My face falls and I look away, blinking back tears. The conversation takes many turns but none involve me participating in them. Even when our food was served, they still wouldn't look at me.

I sigh sadly. When I look up from my untouched pizza, I see Aarib striding in through the door alone with his journal tucked under his arm. I don't why but my face lights up. And then I no longer cared about what he had said to me before.

Zoha looks up at me as I pick my pizza and stand up. But I don't acknowledge her.

"Where are you going?" she asks me just when I take a step away.

I look over my shoulder and say, "To meet a friend." It was necessary to put emphasis on the 'friend'.

I don't wait for her response, and walk over to Aarib's table which is on the far end of the room.

"Hey!" I chirp, dropping the box of pizza, and taking a seat opposite to him.

He groans lightly, muttering something like 'great' under his breath. My smile turns into a pout, and I could have sworn, I literally could have sworn his lips twitched at the corners.

"I don't study at nights," he mutters, putting an arm on his black journal.

I raise a brow. "I thought you didn't study at all." I laugh at my own joke but he just stares blankly.

Soooo, we're not in a mood to play.

I clear my throat for dramatic purposes and offer him my pizza. He says no, and asks, "What do you want?" He is so good at hiding his emotions that it's scary. I have heard boys like him should be avoided at all costs.

I should've probably taken notes. Isn't it funny how I literally know he is dangerous, yet still decide to sit here?

"My friends are acting weird. They won't talk to me," I tell him taking a big bite.

"I'm not some toy you can use for time pass."

I take another bite. "Oh, yeah I know."

He shakes his head, probably at my annoying behavior. I can't help but laugh, spilling food from my mouth and onto his hand that was placed on the table.

"Eww, can you stop being so disgusting?" he shouts, grabbing a tissue and wiping the half chewed, saliva coated pieces of pizza.

I laugh harder.

When I've calmed a little, and successfully swallowed in, I raise my eyes to his. "How are you doing?"

<Aarib's POV>

She's sweet. So very sweet. But she's not like me.

We both have had our own differences which makes us so different in every way.

How are you doing.

Such a simple question yet it holds so much emotion in it. Nobody asks me that. Nobody has ever asked me that. I have always wanted Mum to say it but she never has. She never did. She never will.

It's just how my life is. I need to live it because there's no other option than to bare every day.

As I now look into those warm eyes of her, there's this urge to let her in, spill out everything that's going in my mind rather write them down in my journal.

That's the one thing keeping me sane.