
Calliope: The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

kayyteelynne · 奇幻言情
27 Chs

Chapter Two

The council hall had been erected nearly a hundred years ago along the coast of the Animula Sea between the borders of In'audis and Teridia. Since its completion, the land around it became unowned territory where the seven kingdoms of Praecanto could meet peacefully, regardless of warfare or political standings. It had been many years since it last saw the kings and queens of Praecanto, but now, the faces of each leader was of a new generation, and they looked upon the building with awe as each made their entrance.

Though the building held a lot of history and discussions in its walls, the structure itself was not extravagant. The rulers of generations past chose to preserve their resources on more pressing matters, and as a result, the council hall was of simple design. It consisted of one large room, the walls tall enough to hold the banners of each of the seven kingdoms of Praecanto. Three lined the walls on either side of the large double doors with long windows between each of them. The seventh and largest banner hung by itself on the wall across from the double doors framed by two more windows on either side of it. In the center of the room was an oversized table with five chairs on either side and two at each end.

Guards bearing the emblems of six of the kingdoms stood guard around the premises, and more accompanied each of their respected leaders, standing along the interior stone walls as their leaders sat themselves around the table. King Sloan took the chair at the far end, the banner of Ri'iam framing him from behind. His son, Lucas, took the seat beside him. King Sloan looked around at his allies, nodding to them as they each took their own seats. Lucas, too, regarded them with curiosity in his gaze.

To his left, filling the five chairs on that side of the table, were the leaders of the far eastern kingdom of Nyrdirid. Queen Draneya and Queen Hevi'ra sat close together, warm smiles on both of their faces. While Queen Hevi'ra had her long hair pulled back in tightly braided dreads, Queen Draneya kept hers down, loose curls bouncing freely around her face as she turned her head to chat quietly with her wife. Beside them was the drastically paler Queen Amisha of the kingdom of Qalede. Her dark hair matched her dark eyes, both striking against her pale white skin. Kings Vaerta and Co'nitia of Teridia took up the remaining two chairs.

There was a sense of comradery on the left side of the table. The three queens and the two kings of the east clearly formed a close friendship with one another over the years as they chatted quietly together. Their eyes pulled at the corners when they smiled - genuine happiness to be in the presence of one another. So had it always been, for as long as King Sloan could remember. Perhaps it was due in part to the great forest that split the content in two. Librona certainly had very little trade with the three eastern kingdoms, but even so, their relationships with their own neighbors, Asmar and In'audis, were strained to say the least. And the right side of the table proved to be less welcoming to one another.

To his right were King Cederic of In'audis and King Rowan of Asmar. King Rowan sat on the far end, leaving three empty chairs between him and King Cederic. He was the youngest of the rulers of Praecanto. Incredibly young, in fact. His blond hair hung boyishly over his forehead, ending just at his brows. His expression was creased fiercely, and he made no attempt to greet any of his fellow leaders, avoiding each of their gazes as they took their seats around the table.

"Thank you for coming," King Sloan addressed the group once everyone had settled. "As you may know, my kingdom is suffering under the threat of Scarletta. Her recent witch has been wreaking havoc on the villages across Librona. It is far stronger than any of Scarlett's past witches. I simply do not have the forces to spread across my kingdom offering my people protection, and to send out to find Scarletta's whereabouts." He paused for a moment, letting his gaze settle on the young king of Asmar, but King Rowan did not move his eyes from his gaze on the wooden table.

"I know some of you have offered assistance to Librona in the past. I have tried to keep you all away from this terror, but I fear that we won't be able to hold our protection much longer. And if we fall, there is no doubt in my mind that Scarletta will come to destroy the rest of the kingdoms. We must work together to prevent that from happening and keep our world safe."

"And what do you think you're going to do if you find Scarletta?" King Cederic asked, his gaze narrowing on King Sloan. "Surely you can't expect to be able to stop her. What chance do any of us stand against her power?"

"It is unlikely Scarletta is as powerful as she is leading us to believe. In all these years, she has never once stepped out of hiding. She has only sent her own witches into the kingdom, and even they're power is flawed."

"How can you make such assumptions?" King Cederic pressed.

"Scarletta is no ordinary witch," Queen Draneya spoke up in a rather bored tone. She inspected her nails as she spoke. "In fact, she's just as human as you and I."

"Mortal," Queen Hev'ira confirmed with a nod.

King Cederic turned his gaze to the Nydirid queens. "How can you possibly know this?"

Queen Draneya turned her attention to King Sloan. "Your father found Serafina, did he not?"

"He did," King Sloan said simply.

"And he murdered her," Queen Hevi'ra said with a slight hiss in her voice. Her gaze hardened on the king.

"Of course," King Sloan said.

"Serafina begged for the life of her daughters," Queen Draneya continued. "To spare them, for they were only children. Human children."

"Children that possess magic," King Sloan said, narrowing his gaze on her. "Scarletta has gone undetected for almost half a century. She poses a threat, not only to my kingdom, but to all of yours as well."

"And what of her witch?" Queen Draneya pressed. "What will become of her?"

"She must be killed," King Sloan said slowly, as if it should have been obvious. "Just as Scarletta must be killed."

Queen Hevi'ra stood abruptly, almost knocking over the chair behind her. Her lips pulled up at the corners into an almost inhuman snarl. "How can you be so crass in such a situation?"

King Sloan's brows furrowed in confusion. The other kings and queens turned their questionable gazes to the two Nydirid queens.

"Crass?" King Cederic echoed. "This is a witch we're talking about," he said. "Are you suggesting her life be spared?"

"I'm suggesting you not take the situation so lightly," Queen Hevi'ra said through gritted teeth.

Queen Draneya put a hand on her wife's arm, and Queen Hevi'ra returned to her seat, her gaze still fierce.

"We understand you want to protect your kingdom, King Sloan," Queen Draneya said gently. "You and King Rowan have seen more than enough death and destruction at the hands of Scarletta. We want to help you bring the suffering to an end, but we cannot possibly stand by and let you murder her witch."

The lines in King Sloan's forehead deepened. "And why is that?" he asked slowly.

"It is a very delicate situation," Queen Draneya explained. "One that cannot be taken so lightly. Certainly not without discussing it with Queen Ryenna."

"Queen Ryenna has never bothered herself with the rest of us," King Rowan said with a snarl, speaking for the first time. "Even now, she's not here. Why should she be of any concern to us?"

"I realize you've been huddled in your own corner of the world, King Rowan," Queen Hevi'ra said through her teeth. "But Queen Ryenna remains this world's true leader. She comes from a long line of Cælé, the very people that created this world."

King Rowan narrowed his eyes on them. "Cælé?" he repeated. "Are you suggesting Queen Ryenna is a God?"

Queen Hevi'ra's lips pulled into a sly smile. "No, certainly not," she said. She lifted her chin as she regarded the young king. "She is a being of magic, like a witch."

The word hung over them as the room fell silent. The leaders each looked to one another in confusion. King Rowan stood and leaned his palms against the table.

"Lies," he hissed. "Witches do not belong in this world. They are unpredictable and full of evil intentions."

Queen Hevi'ra stood once more, leaning over the table as she spoke to King Rowan. "While the history of Praecanto may be lost on you, it is not lost on us. The Cælé are responsible for all life on Praecanto. This world has never belonged to humans. It was a world of magic and power."

"Then where are these witches now?" King Cederic asked over the Nydirid queen.

Queen Hevi'ra hesitated, her eyes moving to the side as she glanced at King Cederic. "They were banished," she said softly. "Banished when they started using dark magic."

"And yet Queen Ryenna remains," King Rowan hissed.

"Queen Ryenna is no mere witch," Queen Draneya said. "Do not mistaken the Cælé for witches. She has done nothing but keep peace in Praecanto. Under her rule, we have been safe. She is responsible for keeping the dark magic sealed away. Without her, the witches would be able to return and destroy us all."

"And yet you defend Scarletta's witch; the witch that threatens our entire world," King Rowan barked.

"We do not defend her," Queen Draneya said, her voice calm and even. "But if she were a threat, if she wielded a dark magic, she would have been sucked into the seal of the Inbetween years ago. Queen Ryenna would have seen to that."

"And yet she does nothing," King Rowan said, his voice a low growl. "She is content to stand by and watch this world fall to the very things she created. Seems convenient, if you ask me."

"You distrust Queen Ryenna?" Queen Draneya asked, her gaze narrowing on the king.

"We have no reason to trust her," he said simply.

Queen Draneya stood beside her wife, turning to address the other rulers. "We are more than happy to help you in your war against Scarletta, King Sloan. Regardless of Scarletta's family history, she is a threat that needs to be delt with. But we cannot stand idly by if you plan to kill her witch. This is a matter that must be presented to Queen Ryenna and handled as she deems necessary. Our faith is in the Cælé, as should it be for all of you. If you stand against the Cælé, however, you will not have an ally in Nydirid. My kingdom is well aware of all the Cælé have done to keep this world safe. I am sorry that history has been lost on the rest of you, but we stand by Queen Ryenna. The choice is yours."

"If you choose Queen Ryenna," King Rowan said, directing his gaze first to King Sloan, and then to the rest of the rulers around the table. "You will have Asmar as an enemy."

"King Rowan," Sloan started, his voice soft. "I sympathize with you. But it would be unwise to stand against Queen Ryenna."

"What do you think you're going to do?" Queen Hevi'ra asked, her gaze narrowed on King Rowan.

King Rowan held his gaze on her. "Nothing," he said simply. "But I will not aid those who place their trust in a witch."

"You're a fool," Queen Hevi'ra hissed.

"I will have no part of this," King Rowan said firmly. He turned his attention back to King Sloan. "Do as you please, but know that Asmar is no longer your ally, Sloan. Do not seek our help any more. We have done enough for you." The last part he said with a wicked hiss. Without a word further, he stood, turned his back on the council, and left the hall. No one spoke further until the double doors closed loudly behind him.

King Sloan addressed the rest of the members of the council. "If Queen Ryenna can help us, then we should seek her assistance. I will cooperate, Queen Hevi'ra. The witch will remain unharmed until Queen Ryenna gives us word otherwise. If we come across the witch, we will hold her in contempt until Scarletta is defeated and Queen Ryenna makes a decision about her. Do we have your cooperation in our war against Scarletta?"

The two queens of Nydirid, now seated, nodded in silent agreement. King Sloan moved his gaze around to the other rulers, and one by one, they nodded as well.

"I do not wish to see strife between us," King Cederic said. "We have lived in peace amongst one another for quite a long time. However, I do hope you are right about Queen Ryenna."

"What about King Rowan?" Queen Amisha asked.

"I suspect he will stay to himself," King Sloan said. "He should cause us no trouble."


A raven's caw echoed off the waves of the sea as King Rowan stood on the beach, looking out over the horizon. Somewhere across the sea, somewhere he had never seen with his own eyes, sat the great island kingdom of Ri'iam where Queen Ryenna ruled. He narrowed his gaze on the horizon. How foolish he felt, knowing so little about the kingdom and its witch queen. He was infuriated that the queens of Nydirid supported the witch. However, it seemed no mere coincidence. He had always been suspicious that there were more witches in hiding in the world. He knew now that Ryenna was one, and based on what had just happened in the council hall, he was sure the Nydirid queens were witches, as well.

Of course Ryenna would have spies all around Praecanto. He didn't know how many more there were, but one thing was certain: he couldn't trust anyone. Witches did not belong in the moral world. He knew first hand of the destruction they could - and would - cause. There was simply no such thing as a good witch.

Queen Ryenna needed to be stopped before witches inhabited the world once more. But surely he would not stand a chance with such a powerful being. Not him, a mere mortal human. But perhaps another witch.

Working with a witch was the last thing he wanted to do, but if what was said was true, Scarletta wouldn't pose nearly as big a threat. Being human, after all, made her flawed. Surely she could be reasoned with. Plotted against.

It was the perfect plan. He would approach Scarletta with his proposition; her help in ending Queen Ryenna in exchange for… well, whatever she wanted. It didn't matter to him, because he would not hold up his end of the deal. As soon as Queen Ryenna was gone, he would destroy Scarletta as well. He would bring an end to witches once and for all. Praecanto would remain a mortal world.

King Rowan turned his gaze to the raven that continued to crow. The jet black creature stood alone on a branch of an old, barren and decaying tree which stood just on the edge of the beach where the sand met the tall grass. It's silver eyes were unsettling in contrast to it's dark body. King Rowan made his way back to his soldiers, waiting on the dirt road with his horse. The raven's eyes darted, its head cocked, and it stretched its wings and took flight above the King of Asmar, fading in the distance.