
Calliope: The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

kayyteelynne · 奇幻言情
27 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three

Mido pushed his horse faster and faster. He looked up, hearing a cry above him. He watched as a group of Nequam flew overhead, just above the treetops. He pulled his horse around, following them as they flew towards the river.

Calliope stood at the edge of the waterfall. The water rushed between her calves and fell over the edge, crashing onto the rocks at the bottom and flowing quickly on downstream. The Nequam landed at the forest's edge where Scarletta emerged, hurrying towards Calliope.

"Calliope, what are you doing?" Scarletta yelled to her. Calliope spun around, backing closer to the edge.

"Calliope, don't do it." Scarletta stretched her arm out.

"I'm not going with you," Calliope said sternly.

"Calliope, you must. You're too weak. Let me help you. I will make everything better."

"You've done enough, Scarletta. You killed innocent people."

"Calliope, those people aren't your friends. They only wanted you to think that so you would trust them. They will kill you as soon as they get a chance."

"You're wrong!"

"Calliope, you know nothing of this world. These humans will never care about a witch like you."

"And you're any different?"

"Calliope, of course I care. You are my ultimate creation. You may not realize it yet, but you are. We will work together."

"I don't belong to you anymore," Calliope hissed.

Mido galloped out of the forest. Lily stopped short at the sight of the Nequam, rearing back on her hind legs and throwing Mido off and onto the ground. He hurried to his feet, wincing as the pain in his stomach grew stronger, and turned to see Scarletta and Calliope at the waterfall's edge.

Calliope saw Mido at the corner of her eye. Her heart leapt in her throat. Without hesitating, she spun around and jumped off the cliff. She heard Scarletta shout and felt two sharp claws grab her waist, stopping her fall. She kicked and swung her arms and legs as the Nequam beat his wings, lifting them higher and higher.

Mido rushed towards Scarletta, sword in hand. Scarletta laughed at him and let a force wave loose towards him, knocking him back into the cold water. Scarletta mounted her horse and she and her Nequam took off through the forest with Calliope. Mido jumped to his feet and hurried to his horse, jumping on her back and kicking her into the forest, following Scarletta.

Scarletta outran Mido quickly, her horse galloping through the woods at remarkable speed. Scarletta mumbled incantations, forcing her horse faster and faster until they arrived at the castle. The Nequam carried Calliope inside, forcing her arms to her side as she struggled to free herself. It threw her to the floor and slammed the door behind her. Calliope heard the deadbolt clicked closed.

"Make sure she doesn't get out," Scarletta ordered as she hurried away. She jogged down a flight of stairs, taking them two at a time, and through the cold hallways until she reached the dungeon. She stopped in front of the king's cell.

"Looks like I win again," she taunted. "Did you really think you could use her to get to me? She's a witch, fool. She would have led you right to your death."

The king remained silent, glaring at the witch through the cell bars.

"Calliope wouldn't have done that!" Jon yelled from the next cell. Scarletta laughed.

"You know nothing about witches. Once I fix Calliope up, she will be more powerful than ever, and she will kill you all."

Scarletta turned away from them and left the dungeon. She trotted anxiously up the stone steps and into the tower where Calliope waited, cowering in the dark corner. She did not acknowledge the witch as she entered the room; she walked right to the table, her notes scattered in chaos around the vials filled with their colorful, bubbling magic, and busied herself with a particular vial. She spun the glass carefully before her and watched as the deep lavender liquid swished around inside.

Calliope watched with fear wrenching at her gut as the woman stood with her back to her. She let her eyes fall to the wooden floor, darting back and forth in frantic thought; there had to be a way she could escape, or fight Scarletta, even if only long enough for the kingdom to prepare themselves.

Scarletta turned to her witch, her expression cold and hard as she looked down onto her. "Calliope," she began. "I'm heartbroken that you would betray me like this."

Calliope met Scarletta's gaze without uttering a word. She held her breath, waiting.

"When Mallius told me you were helping those... humans," she said with disgust, "well... I shouldn't be surprised. You were always quirky like that."

Calliope still said nothing, to Scarletta continued.

"Well, anyway. I'm sure you're quite aware of the predicament you put us both in. Unfortunately for you, I have one last plan in mind, and I need your help before I feed you to the Nequam. I'll be finishing the kingdom myself. I'd rather force you to watch, but frankly, you won't survive for that. Pity; you've made this so easy for me, bringing King Sloan right to me." Scarletta smiled as she filled the needle one last time with the purple liquid. She whispered an incantation to herself and the liquid seemed to sparkle and glow. She turned back to Calliope.

"You don't know how long I've been working on this, Calliope; how long this plan has been in action." She sighed. "It's not perfect, but I think it will be enough for what I need. What you're looking at is almost pure black magic."

Scarletta watched as Calliope's gaze shifted to the magic that waited in the needle.

"And what's even better," she continued, "is that this little bit of magic will be all I need to get my immortality. I've already injected myself with it; now I just need the other piece of the puzzle. With this in your veins, and with the help of a simple spell, the magic will be complete."

"How could you think I will help you?" Calliope muttered, her voice a deep growl.

"Oh, I had no doubt you would be reluctant. I came prepared for that as well. This will be a magic unlike anything you've ever felt; you will be at my complete control." Her lips split into a wide, devilish grin. "Black magic is a wonderful thing, isn't it?"

Calliope lurched up, clinging at Scarletta's throat. Scarletta threw an arm out, sending a magical spell through the room and in turn, sending Calliope through the air and crashing into the wall. The wood cracked and groaned at the force as she collapsed to the ground. Calliope pushed herself to her knees, gasping for breath at the impact. Scarletta's shadow crept over her as she looked down on her.

"Don't be foolish, Calliope," Scarletta mocked her. "You and your little friends don't stand a chance."

"You won't get away with this," she panted.

"Oh, but I will." Scarletta smiled. "Now, be a good little witch and sit still, or I'll make you." Scarletta kicked at Calliope's body, pushing her back and against the wall.

Calliope glared at Scarletta as the needle pierced her skin one last time. She felt the magic rush through her body as it always did when, but just as Scarletta had explained, it felt different. Too different. Evil. Tainted. Black.

Scarletta stepped back and watched as the magic took effect; Calliope squeezed her eyes shut and sat motionless on the floor. Her head spun sickeningly, faster and faster, until her world blackened.

Calliope got to her feet, her dark hair falling around her shoulders as she stood. The golden eyes Scarletta had grown accustomed to were gone; dark. Black. Calliope met her master's gaze but said nothing.

Scarletta lifted her head confidently as she looked upon her creation. "That's better, isn't it?" Scarletta turned back to the table, taking hold of a small dagger that rested on the rotted surface. Scarletta showed the dagger to Calliope, turning it in her hand for a moment. She sucked in her breath as she turned the dagger onto herself, thrusting it into her own gut.

Scarletta crumpled onto the floor, gasping and heaving as the blood seeped onto the floor boards. She sat back on her knees, her palms against the floor, using all their strength to hold her body up. "Heal me," she muttered to Calliope. "Heal me now."

Calliope obeyed. She summoned a magical spell unknown to her and cast it upon her master. The air around Scarletta glowed brightly. When the light subsided, the dagger wound was gone.

Feeling her health and strength return to her, Scarletta pushed herself up onto her feet and examined the skin beneath the tear in her dress. She smiled and turned her gaze back onto Calliope.

"Excellent," she whispered. "You are truly just what I needed, Calliope."