
Caledonian Pantheon

This world we live in, you and I, has been long abandoned by those powerful beings that appear in Mythological prose and stories. But what if that weren't the case? A young woman from the Azure Archipelago (A fantasy interpretation of the Scottish Islands) joins up to the Archipelago's military to serve as a rank and file soldier but is soon the only one who can helps the Gods of these islands restore the very pillars that holds their society together.

SchemeRat · 奇幻
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Day of Enlistment

Volume #1 - Enlistment

Chapter #1 - Day of Enlistment

"Your ceremonial uniform is to be maintained in pristine condition and treated with better care and respect than you would your peers. Your footwear will shine as bright as Oronsay's night sky and dare not a crease in sight. The uniform you proudly wear is a contract between you and the Divine, of your service and their trust." Excerpt from 'Trainee Standards and Regulations', penned by Laird Nelson. Instructor at the Divine Strathwhillan Military Academy.

Thum, Thum. The bass drum sounds as the streets of Strathwhillan remain silent in anticipation. The cobblestone pavements lined with onlookers trying to get a glimpse of the parade. The street stretches to as far as the horizon with commoner and nobility alike.

Thum, Thum. The bass drum sounds once more. The young recruit can hear her heartbeat pump in synchronization with the drum with a similar phenomenona occuring with the rest of her peers.

THUM, THUM! The Parade Leader on that particular day was 1st Ranked Mage of Arran Manor, Laird Nevis. Nevis' stature was large and his number of heroic deeds larger. An older gentleman in his early 60s who has experienced his fair share of battles. A fact so obvious to anyone who has gazed upon his scars for even a second. He fills his diaphragm with air and releases it in a swift, forceful movement. "PARADE! FORWARD!" Nevis roars, as his shout echoes off the brick walled buildings on either side of the street as. His voice travels the stretch of the road to the viewing gallery followed by the parade itself.

The rest of the marching band joins in. A piper from each of the Divine Manors form the front of the formation each adorned with their respective Manor's tartan and insignias. Their music is met with cheer and celebration from the spectators.

The young recruit keeps her eyes forward, marching in unison with her peers. One wrong step and she may envoke the wrath of the Divine. As the parade approaches the viewing gallery, the young recruit fixates her eyes on the eleven figures who casually await them.

"Oh my! Even in his old age, Laird Nevis still knows how to... captivate an audience!" One of the divine's says, her voice laced pinch of seduction. "I can shout louder and further than he can!" Another Divine says, his chest puffed out in pride. "Ugh you brute, of course you can!" She retorts. "But you lack a certain... Gravitas that can only be found in men like that of Laird Nevis."

"Are you two quite finished? Keep in mind that we have a ceremony to officiate." This Divine one, although of equal standing, seemed to command some sort of dominance over her brothers and sisters. The pair remain silent and prepare themselves for the ceremony ahead.

The parade comes to a halt, the music stops and the dominant one steps up to the front of the viewing gallery and addresses all of those who have gathered to listen. "The Caledonian Pantheon humbly thank you all for your attendance. The people of the Azure Archipelago truly are unique and today we celebrate those of you who have decided to enter into the service of your fellow peer. We will now formally commence this year's Enlistment Ceremony!"

"Laird" - The Scots (Scottish) word for "Lord".

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