
The Elected Representative of Arnor

“Now what happened to the dragon!” Aeneas asked in an irritated tone,

“Well, you’ll see for yourself!” Dimitri replied while hurriedly walking, he looked worried as well.

Before coming to the Yvaine’s chamber, Dimitri managed to gather everyone who was travelling with Theo except Lumiere and Herald.

“What’s going on!” Nuae asked Aeneas to which he nodded as he didn’t have any clue.

Also, there was someone missing, Naomi wasn’t anywhere around, maybe she was already out of the building.



The sector outside the Cathedral was vast and was kept quite clean. The area was embellished with dwarf trees which were planted in sequence, pots containing flowering plants were kept around trees, and few benches were erected. And the air outside was as holy and pure as it was inside the Cathedral.