
Possessive Fight...



“That is cheating, does that mean I can go all out! I can, right?

I should!” As Arch spoke it came as a surprise for Aeneas,


But he was…” He looked surprised.


What did you think? What do you think who’s there behind me?”

Arch walked towards Ersa and pointed her with his vicious eyes. She shook her head sustainably to the statement of Arch while stroking her hairs. Both seemed very much annoyed by the situation.

The schemes which they both planned now and then were failing continuously. Ersa was very disrupted with the performance of Arch because despite possessing 10 times more powerful than his opponent he was not able to gain victory. What can be worse than this?

Besides being a loyal companion of Arch and grasping the circumstances going on, several times a thought came to her mind that it was very strenuous to defeat Aeneas and Arch will probably lose if he didn't possess any high spiritual powers.