

Two different persons but they share one body and one soul joined by a mysterious circumstance that happened centuries before their birth. Their story existed even before they were born. They're damned by their previous life and there is nothing they can do about it. They are fated to be together forever. But there is a problem, how can Pearl live with the arrogant billionaire who only uses girls for pleasure and nothing more. Alex frustrated with his feelings for the most stubborn woman he has ever seen- For the first time in his life, he was beginning to develop emotions he never thought was possible. Mysteriously, after Alex kissed Pearl they activated an old link they both didn't know existed. By the conjoining of their souls their pains were also exchanged. If Alex was hurt Pearl would be the one experiencing the physical pain and vice versa. This brought them closer and their connection intensified as they both began to look out for each other. Doing this so many drama unfolds creating a channel for comedy to kick in. Sometimes one of them would intentionally hurt themselves to physically hurt the other. At a time even their scar began to exchange. They are fated together in hate and in love. This story revolves around the modern and ancient world. If you like fantasy, mystery, supernatural elements, suspense, ancient, romance, hate to love thrillers then this story is definitely for you.

Sommy_Chi · 奇幻
4 Chs

The First Meeting

Two Thousand Years Ago

Ancient Kingdom Of Odrel

"My prince we have to hurry back to the palace. Dusk is fast approaching" anxious, Miwa the prince's personal guard tried to reason with him.

"Calm down Miwa, this is not the first time we sneaked out of the palace. The palace is a busy place, I am sure our absence will not even be noticed" Zane shrugged.

Though crowded, the palace have always been lonely for Zane. It harbored boredom, unending task and great expectations for him.

As the only legitimate son and crown prince of Odrel, so much was expected from him denying him the joy of experiencing childhood. Even now as a teenager he wasn't allowed a moment to be one or feel like one.

As an escape, he would sneak out of the palace dressed like a commoner to get acquainted with the world outside the palace walls.

Besides the king and queen, and the king's harem, only few others have seen his face on a close proximity. For the security of the throne only high officials who are members of the inner court, court attendants and high ranking warriors and a handful of others could actually tell what the young prince looked like.

Zane engulfed in words squabble

with his personal guard Miwa, his body soon came colliding with another.

"I'm so sorry... Let me pack them up" Zane squatted down and tried to pack the items now on the floor previously in a basket held by the person he collided with.

Lifting her face to the meek and remorseful voice, their eyes plunged into each other; Zane couldn't help but get enthralled over the beauty before him; her hazel eyes ensnared him. His heart raced, his mouth twitched to a smile.

"You're are unearthly beautiful" the words just slipped from his mouth.

The lady's face became flustered, her cheeks pink. She lifted her both palms to her face as her cheek suddenly felt hot.

"I am Zane. Do me the honour of knowing your gracious name, my lady?"

"Jade" Jade muffled blushing hard.


Pearl felt disgusted and angry. She might be poor but definitely not lacking morals.

Earlier, she had gone to ask an advance payment from her boss. Instead of declining he rather made sexual advances at her.

"Men will always be men" she thought to herself. Mr Haley her boss who was old enough to be her own father yet he had the audacity to ask her out, or rather more correctly; made sexual advances at her.

She wasn't even so mad because of that. What got her so riled up was his move to take her in his office and groping her ass.

He had stood up from his chair and came standing before her, touching her with his filthy hands. She had to quit after she gave him a mind blowing punch on the face.

The truth was; she hadn't intended to punch him squarely at the face but she felt her adrenaline pumping when he touched her buttocks.

At that moment she felt a wave of energy run through her, before she could control herself or refrain her hands, she saw him clashing down on the floor.

Perplexed and in pain, his nose bleeding and red he shouted: "you're fired."

"You must be more stupid than I thought if think I don't already know that... And no I'm not fired, I fucking quit!" She stormed out from his office and into the cold streets.

Of course, there was no way she would continue working there after what he did and what she's done in reiteration.

Again, she's seen herself jobless and job hunting. She didn't regret her actions of course but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel the weight of being jobless once again.

She has a sick mother to cater for that was the sole reason she had asked for an upfront payment to enable her buy drugs for her.

Pearl felt so weak and powerless, she didn't even know how to tell her mother she lost her job, no - quit is the right phrase.

Already submitted her papers to different agencies not like she had much to submit anyway. She barely finished high school that was all she had to her name. She had attended college for two years before her mum illness and she had to stop.

Little drops of sweat trailing down her neck and her stomach growling; she felt more helpless. She had being walking for forty minutes in her bide to save money as she searched futilely for a job.

The one's she had seen were either underpaid or the working hours were too long for the pay they offered. She was about calling it a day when she looked up a billboard and saw an advertisement for a job.

She paused to read and gain more information. The job detail gave her goose bumps. She wondered if she could be able to do something like that.

Growing up Pearl had always loathed men for some unknown reasons, not that the men in her life, her dad exempted had done anything to her like break her heart. When it came to heart break she was always the one to dish it out.

Besides several occasions men like her boss made sexual advances at her she hasn't really gotten hurt by them.

She would like a guy but the moment he talks relationship, suddenly, an inherent dislike for the person would appear from no where.

At first, she thought she was gay and tried having relationships with girls yet that too failed.

While courting she found out she would find the person cool but once the relationship progresses an inherent dislike for the person would appear suddenly.

She had tried on many occasions to overcome such feelings but it seems that the more she tried the worst it got.

Many times she had felt a whirlwind of emotions, something piercing her guts that something was missing in her life. Like a part of her existed outside her body.

She wondered therefore on how she would be able to work in a club since it was mostly patronised by men. Yet, she knew she needed a job ASAP. The pay was so tempting plus she only had to work at night.

She faced palmed mentally. Men had always found her appealing, she had no doubt that a lot of them would want her, but she knew she wanted the money and because of that singular reason she was determined to take the bull by its horn.

Standing between a rock and a hard surface she was confused on what to do. The club would be filled with plethora of sophisticated and rich ladies so there was no cause for alarm. Having convinced herself thus, she copied the necessary information she needed.

"Wow" she said to herself. The club looked magnificent and gigantic. The architecture was mind blowing and the aesthetic design was superb and very modern.

Confused on which route to take on the massive structure before her she scratched her hair in thought. A thought soon came to her mind.

"Good day sir" she greeted a security guard standing at one entrance to the gigantic building. He looked up and just nodded at her greetings.

"Please I'm here in respect to an advertisement for waitresses I saw on a billboard" she tried to hide how tensed she was feeling on the inside. Working in a club was certainly not her fort. 

"You're among the aspirants?" The security man asked sizing her up.

"Yes Sir" Pearl answered wondering why the man was gazing at her like that.

After what seemed like ages and an elevator ride she finally located the room the security man directed her to. To be more correct - a small hall.

Everywhere looked exotic and posh, the ambiance was calm and welcoming a contrast to the feelings she excepted.

"Aren't clubs meant to reek of sin and sex but wow.... Why does my heart dance in euphoria....? No, Snap out of it Pearl, It must be the first time jitters" she straightened herself before opening the door.

As she entered she noticed all eyes were almost immediately turned on her. She wondered why everyone was looking at her like she wore her clothes incorrectly. Subtly observing them she is piqued in realisation and reality dawned on her.

All the other girls at the hall dressed to kill. They all wore sexy and fancy outfits, caked up faces, painted lips and artificial and acrylic nails, their feets mostly on heels. Only she looked odd. Compared to others her dressing was more befitting for a formal outing or a church gathering.

Pearl wondered if they came clubbing or job hunting. It beats her imaginations why they would come for a job interview dressed like they were going clubbing or parting. Saying they dressed like sluts wouldn't be far from the truth.

She now understood why the security man was looking at her in astonishment.

Sighting a vacant chair, she made her way towards it ignoring the glare from the other girls. If anyone had the right to stare it was her she thought to herself.

After all, they were the ones dressed like clubbers; exposing half their nakedness. Her chain of thought was broken when she heard them grumbling.

"Look how she's dressed like a nun" one said.

"Does she think she was coming for a volunteer job" another said.

"She looks like a nanny" said another. On and on they went. Pearl ignored them all, not like she had anything to say to them.

"Hey! Did you not read the Ads before coming here!" Said a girl clad in red short gown - using the words clad is been generous. The dress was barely covering anything. It revealed the whole of cleavage and a proper view of her nipples perking through the tiny fabric - she wasn't wearing a bra and that was an intentional invitation to the male flock.

The whole of her back was left bare exposing the tattoos that decorated her skin. The other girls chuckled as she accosted and made fun of Pearl.

Pearl wondered why some people wore trouble like clothes. "If not what right did the heifer in red have to question me" she mumbled silently to herself.

In order to avoid creating a scene on a place she was seeking employment she decided not to indulge the Minx. She was here to get a job and she wouldn't let one bovine spoil her chances.

The girl on red was about making another utterance when the room suddenly fell silent. Pearl noticed a chill run down her spine.

"What is this feeling" she asked herself.

Looking up her gaze fell on him; a modern day Adonis. There was a ring in her heart; she had never felt this way before.

Suddenly, she felt dizzy, tiny vibration in her ears and her sight blur. An avalanche of unknown emotions submerged her.

"You... Are you alright?" Alex walked towards the female that looked like she just saw a ghost.

As their sight bored into each other he also felt a spark, an unidentified connection and pull towards her. He was both confused and in a daze, something inside of him snapped awake and restless.

All faces faded, every sound muted, only her face amplified - he felt a bond, an acquaintance.... He knew something was wrong.

It was at this moment that he noticed Pearl's face twitching and turning pale .

As for Pearl, words failed her, she wanted to speak - to move - to do something but her body felt heavy and her breath shallow. She was almost hyperventilating.

Alex knelt on one kneel, something he never did. A strong force beyond his control compelled his actions. Everything happening was a mystery to them.

"Who are you?" Alex couldn't help but ask.

Suddenly, a loud spark was heard and darkness enveloped everywhere. The only thing left were echoes of obscurity.

