
Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader)

In a world where quirks grant extraordinary abilities, freedom becomes a precious commodity, and the pursuit of heroism takes a daunting turn. "Burn Me” unravels a gripping tale of liberation and resilience as you break the shackles of oppression to discover the true meaning of heroism. Forced to seize your freedom, you face a defining moment when you defy a malevolent machine sapping your quirk's power. Stepping forth to protect the iconic hero ‘All Might’ from a merciless villain, who once subjected you to torment and manipulation, you mark the turning point in your own destiny. Having vanquished the villain, you secure not only your own freedom but also liberate two fellow prisoners, survivors of the villain's malevolence. However, amidst the haunting echoes of your past, a glimmer of hope arises as you are offered a remarkable opportunity—a full scholarship to the prestigious U.A. High School, renowned for nurturing aspiring heroes in Class 1-A of the Hero Course. Yet, with your soul tarnished and hands stained by your dark history, the question looms large: Can you embrace the mantle of a true hero, walking the path of light and virtue? In this enthralling narrative, you grapple with your inner demons, your past choices, and the potential for redemption. As you traverse the halls of U.A. High School, you must confront your doubts and fears, striving to heal your battered soul and prove that heroism knows no boundaries. “Burn Me” weaves a spellbinding tale of self-discovery, courage, and the unyielding human spirit. Join this transformative odyssey, where the journey towards becoming a hero demands not just extraordinary powers, but an indomitable will to rise above the shadows and into the radiance of true heroism. Will you find the strength to claim the light within and fulfill your destiny as a beacon of hope in a world yearning for heroes? Word Count: 165,377

SMVI · 漫画同人
91 Chs

Chapter Eighty Two

The echo of multiple footsteps filled the hallway as Class 1-A ran, having no clue what direction to go the class was left to resort for dumb luck.

Mina and Ida slowly came too, feeling like they had each been thrown against the brick wall, each was also locked in a vivid dream and was confused about their whereabouts when they awoke.

"How long is this thing!?" Kaminari panted, it felt like they had been running for miles with no door or end in sight!

"We have to keep going!" Midoriya encouraged.

The class ran, their footsteps deafening against your eardrums.

"Hey-" Midoriya went to ask, seeing a familiar stain against the wall. Had they been running inside circles!? Before the greenette was able to speak another word a sheet of darkness instantly surrounded them, bringing the class to a halt.

"Who turned out the lights!?" Kaminari couldn't even see his hand waving in front of his face. Shoto ignited flames in his hand gritting through the pain trying to offer some light, knowing you didn't like the darkness. With wide eyes, the class watched as the darkness slowly ate away at Shoto's light.

"I-I don't like the looks of that." Jiro breathed, feeling the temperature around them drop. From the corner of her eye, Toru flipped around shirking watching three figures dressed as clowns running towards her.

"What the hell-!?" Kirishima turned hearing Mina scream, large spiders of different colors crawled around her feet, nipping at her shoes.

"Everyone calm down!" Ida called out, "This must be due to a quirk!"

"N-No!" Toru cried, Tokoyami wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into his chest hiding her face, she instantly felt safe against him. The class slowly watched the clowns fade from sight.

"This is a quirk." Midoriya breathed, "Mina, you have to overcome your fear!"

"B-But they are so gross!" Mina jumped, seeing another three spiders pull themselves from the darkness trying to crawl up her leg, her arm wrapped in a makeshift sling.

"Here-!" Kirishima raced over, picking her up. "-now they can't get to you!" The class watched as the spiders slowly disappeared.

"Th-Thanks Kirishima." Mina breathed, relaxing against Kirishima's strong grip.

"What the-?" Asui attracted everyone's attention; a small purple dot was gliding over her chest. Asui lifted her arm to cover her breasts.

"Mineta!" Mina snapped.

"H-How is that me!?" The short boy defended himself.

Slowly the purple dot trailed over each student, Katsuki tried to swat it away once it landed on him. A low dark chuckle echoed through the area as the dot brushed over your shoulder.

"P-Please-!" A small, cracked voice gasped out.

With furrowed brows, the popular class turned around hearing the strange voice come from behind them. A little girl with short hair chopped to her chin was on her knees, bubble tears dripped from her large round eyes.

An icy shiver ran up each of the student's backs.

"Please-!" The little girl no more than eight years old begged, "-just do what you were trained to do!" She screamed again; her voice cracked under the weight of her fear. A figure appeared behind her; his yellow eyes glowed against the darkness as purple tentacles emerged from his cloak wiggling around in the air around him.

Katsuki quickly turned to you, only to see you were gone, as well as his other classmates. He stood alone inside the darkness as the little girl begged.

"I-I can't..." A tiny voice croaked out under the tears. Katsuki flipped around standing inside a kid's version of himself. Shadow Jack's dark purple tentacle wrapped around the girls' little legs, lifting her upside down she hung in the air crying so hard her throat was stripped raw.

"Last chance." His cold voice sent shivers down Katsuki's back.

"I..." Katsuki found himself speaking words that didn't belong to him. "...I can't!"

Shadow Jack narrowed his eyes looking appalled.

"Very well."

Katsuki's eyes widened as he watched Shadow Jack pull on the young girl's leg, the girl cried out in pure agony. Slowly he watched the skin tare under the pressure, the tendons and muscle ripped apart, blood painted her skin and dress as Shadow Jack dropped the discarded limp.

"Oh my God." Mina covered her mouth with her free hand, her stomach rolled as vomit threatened to escape. The young girl's screams bounced off the darkness as Class 1-A was introduced to what true evil looked like.

"Stop this at once!" Ida arrogantly called out.

"What the fuck is this!?" Kaminari looked around trying to find any classmate so he wouldn't be alone inside this hellish nightmare.

"Guys!?" Toru cried, unable to look away from Shadow Jack as he rips apart the rest of the little girls' limps from her torso. Jiro bent over, throwing up her portion of sugar snacks from the movie night in the park.

"What hell is this?!" Momo breathed, watching the little girl's head bounce as it was tossed carelessly to the side.

In a flash Ochaco looked over, seeing her friends all around her once more. But she was too stunned in silence to reach out to her terrified classmates.

"Midoriya." Shoto swallowed the lump in his throat, reaching out his fingers brushing over the material of the greenettes trembling jacket.

"Please-!" Mixed voices cried out.

"Oh no." Toru cried, seeing dozens of people fall on their knees pleading with their eyes,

"-please-!" They all screamed, "-just do your job!"

You stepped forward, the pain inside your chest felt like your ribcage was about to burst open from the guilt that's racked you for years.

"Please!" The dozens of voices begged.

Jiro looked down at her arms, her flesh was painted up to her elbows with glistening fresh blood.

"Aah!" Toru screamed seeing the blood on her hands. The class looked down, finding themselves on their knees, kneeling in a puddle of hot shiny blood, each in the same situation.

"What is this!?" Asui cried out; it was like a switch flipped. In a wave, each person before began to be ripped apart as Shadow Jack laughed in the glory of your agony.

You stood on your feet, shaking your head you felt like you couldn't breathe. Your lungs were tied up as you shook your head hearing their voices pounding against your skull, their blood stung your nostrils as your eyes teared.

Your trembling hands slowly reached up; your muscles tensed as your hands found their way into your hair you let out a howl of the pain overfilling you like a balloon about to pop under pressure. You dropped to your knees in defeat, the second you fell to your knees the room shifted.

Class 1-A looked around, each sitting alone inside a cemented cell where the air was so cold it stung their flesh. Mina reached out her good hand, there was barely enough room to stretch her arm completely. Sitting beside her was an old rusty bucket and a small roll of toilet paper.

Jiro looked around the windowless room, she wrapped her fingers around the rusty bars. There was barely any light to see, she strained her eyes searching for anything but all that could be seen as a dark hallway leading to what felt like nowhere or maybe even hell.

"What the fuck?" Kirishima breathed, looking around the area he was held captive in, pounding against the stone going nowhere fast.

"(y/n)!" Katsuki shouted as loud as he could. "This isn't real!"

"What?" Asui looked up from curling up into a ball in the corner of her cell.

"(y/n) this is a memory, this-this isn't real!" Katsuki repeated, "Listen to my voice!"

"(y/n)?" Mina breathed looking around, was this...was this all from your memory? After a moment the walls felt like they were caving in, but the illusion dissolved. Class 1-A turned around, seeing Katsuki on his knees holding you tight.

"Listen to my breathing-" Katsuki whispered into your ear, your hands gripped the fabric of his shirt tightly as you trembled in his arms. "-breath with me. In and out slowly...focus on my breaths." Katsuki nuzzled into your hair, "Listen to my heartbeat, feel the warmth of my body. Do you remember what I told you?"

You shook your head; your thoughts were all scrambled. You could still hear their faint screams of agony.

"Nothing could ever hurt you as long as I am here, got that?" Katsuki kissed the side of your head, "I promised you, remember?"

You shook your head yes.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya's lips parted seeing how soft Katsuki was being, he didn't think it was possible. The class looked at different angles seeing the darkness shatter around them. The red-eyed hero snapped his eyes over to the motion he spotted in the corner of his eye. He watched a shadow leak through the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Kaminari was the first to speak after a handful of still moments. The class was still trying to gather their thoughts and process what they had just seen.

"(y/n)-" Shoto questioned, not noticing how you still shook in Katsuki's arms. "-was that where you were being held while-"

"Shut up!" Katsuki snarled, turning his head glaring at the dual user. "Now isn't the time."

"So those were your memories." Midoriya breathed, his eyes falling to the ground.

"Dude." Sero shook his head, still trying to get those screams and desperate eyes out of his mind. "I-How the fuck are you-"

"I said shut up!" Katsuki snapped again. "Why don't you be fucking useful and go check where that door leads!"

"Huh?" The class turned to spot a door resting just a few feet away.

"Where did that come from?" Asui asked.

"Just go look!" Katsuki snapped, snaking an arm under your knees as he rose to his feet. You clung to his shirt, hiding your face in his neck as your world spinning.

Sato opened the wooden door, revealing a staircase. The class looked up and then down.

"Which way do we go?" Aoyama asked the big question.

"Um..." Midoriya looked up in both directions.

"We have no idea how many floors there could be." Shoto pointed out, "Or what could be waiting for us in either direction."

"Do you want to just stay here!?" Katsuki pushed past them.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima called out, "Where are you going!?"

"I'm damn sure not gonna stay here like some dumb ass sitting duck," Katsuki replied, glancing back to his class. "Aren't you the ones who said we needed to keep moving?"

"But we don't know-!"

"Do you think as pro-heroes we are always going to have a map of the place just lying around?" Katsuki bit, he glanced towards the downward stairwell. He watched that villain go down. He narrowed his crimson eyes, so will he.

"Hey-!" Kirishima called after him, "-wait for us!"

Midoriya watched in amazement as his classmates blindly followed the angry blond. As Midoriya chased after Katsuki keeping up, he saw how his classmate was beginning to step into a fine leader.

Kirishima's heart hammered inside his chest, he constantly kept glancing at the walls then behind him. Where were those two villains and why did Kirishima have the feeling they were just playing with his class, like mice trapped inside a maze?

"Look-!" Mina gasped out, "-a door!"

"I got this!" Sato popped a few sugar cubes hidden in his pocket. "HA!" He punched through the door, causing the metal to break apart under intense force. Sato was over this cat and mouse game, he wanted to get his friends and himself out of this place!

"Wait..." Momo looked around the familiar room. "...what...?"

"This is the same room-" Tokoyami looked at each empty cage. "-we awoke in."

"How the hell-!?" Kaminari cursed, kicking a piece of rubble from the control panel.

"Son of a bitch!" Katsuki cursed.

"How are we back here?" Momo questioned.

"It doesn't make any sense!" Toru looked around the room.

"Bakugo why did you lead us this way!?" Sero turned to the blond.

"Hah!?" Katsuki snapped, "I didn't ask you morons to follow me!"

"Someone has to be controlling the building," Shoto muttered.

"Why did you choose to head further down Bakugo?" Ida wondered.

"I saw that damn villain go between the floors. I thought we would run into-"

"You were making us chase after a villain!?"

"I didn't tell you, idiots, to follow me!"

"We don't have time for this!" Momo shook her head, "We need to head back and try a different route."

"Yeah." The class agreed, turning on their heels, beginning their backtracking.

Class 1-A runs upstairs, through large double doors Sato smashed through. The young heroes stumbled to a stop seeing a small girl standing in the middle of the empty room.

"Miss-!?" Ida steps forward, "-are you in need of-!?"

"Step aside!" Kaminari and Mineta shove past Ida.

"Are you alright my dear!?" Kaminari walks over.

"It's going to be ok-" Mineta flashes a smile, "-we are heroes here to save-"

The stranger chuckles, her light voice echoing around on the walls before followed by a snapping sound of her limbs. It twists your stomach at the bitter sound of her bones cracking. With mouths agape, you and your class watched the petite girl cast a shadow over the class, putting Fat Gum's size to shame.