"Hey…" he said with concern. He quickly grabbed a robe from the wardrobe and pulled it over his mother's shoulders. "Did you catch a cold?"
"Oh I'm fine," she said, though she pulled the garment tightly to herself. "Just a cough here and there. It comes with old age you know."
"I don't want to hear that," Feng replied, his forehead scrunching with worry. "Remember to cook some porridge with the dried scallops. It will help with that cough. When I get back to the village, I will ask Ping'er for herbs that can help."
"You are being fussy. I'm really fine," Yin said, trying to assure him.
He shook his head and helped his mother into bed, next to Zhuyi. Feng pulled a thick blanket over the two most important women in his life, tucking them in.
"Get some sleep," he said sternly to his mother.
She gave him a playful 'hmmph!' in resistance but he soon heard her even breathing as she drifted off to sleep.
Feng rose from the bed and rolled out a straw mat on the floor. When he was younger, he slept in the bed with his mother and Zhuyi, as was the custom in their culture that the family slept side by side. But as he grew older, he became too big to share the bed, so he moved to the floor three years ago.
He pulled a blanket out from the wardrobe, and wondered if his mom and Zhuyi would be warm enough with just one blanket, as it was a chilly night. He pulled another light blanket out, and shook it slightly to get any dust off of it. Heading back over to the bed, he draped the blanket over the two ladies, who were both sleeping soundly.
Feng moved a loose strand of hair from the young woman's face. When he was younger, he used to study her face for hours, waiting for any sign of movement that would indicate that she would wake up. But sadly, that never happened.
Though he called her Zhuyi, he often still wondered what her real name was. After they brought her back to the cabin 5 years ago, he thought for sure someone would come knocking one day, and claim her as their daughter or wife. And yet, time came and went without a single soul looking for her.
Working in the village with the blacksmith, he would ask travelers from neighboring towns if there was a young lady missing that fit Zhuyi's description. On the few rare occasions that Feng accompanied the blacksmith to another location, he would also be on the lookout for anyone searching for a missing relative. He had been vigilant about the search for her family as Feng hoped he could help reunite them someday. But as thorough was his search, no one was looking for her, which was an entire mystery itself.
Are you really a fox demon? he thought curiously. Can fox demons be reasoned with?
His mom made a solid point that Zhuyi hadn't eaten or drank much of anything for the last 5 years. How could anyone survive that? She was no normal human being for sure… Maybe she wasn't a demon, he thought. Maybe she was a fairy.
But no matter what he hoped she may be, the one wish he really had was for her not to leave if she ever woke up. Would she stay if he asked?
"Zhuyi," he whispered quietly to her. "If you are a fairy, can you grant me one wish?" He lifted her hand gently from underneath the blanket and kissed it, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of the golden shell necklaces that he had been holding onto. Taking the chain, he wrapped it loosely around her wrist.
He reached into this pocket for the other shell necklace and slipped it over his head around his neck. "We are now binded. I will protect you for as long as you allow me to."
The last thought on his mind as he drifted off to sleep a little later, was that he had to work harder so that he could buy a house in the village. Then he'd be able to move both his mom and Zhuyi there, so he can take better care of them.
When morning came, Yin rose a bit earlier so that she could pack a small pouch of red bean bao for Feng to take on the road with him. It was one of his favorite foods and she made sure to always send him off with a few, so that he could eat it throughout the week.
Sending her son off was always bittersweet, even if she did get to see him again at the end of each week. She supposed it was her maternal side. Yin could never get used to not having him around.
As usual, Feng gratefully tucked the pouch of baos safely away in his satchel. In turn, he pulled out a small pouch of his own and placed it in her mother's hands.
Yin frowned, and tried to push the pouch back to him. He was giving her money again.
"Mom, don't fight with me on this," he said as he gently nudged the pouch back to her. "Buy something warmer to wear. And the weather's getting cold. Buy a little more food at the market, so you don't always have to walk back and forth for groceries."
She shook her head disapprovingly but he was more persistent. In the end, she gave up and accepted the pouch. "I will use it to buy more of your favorite foods then," she said.
"Buy something for you. I mean it, Mom," he said sternly.
They both rolled their eyes before chuckling about it. After exchanging one more hug, Feng set out on his journey back to the village. Yin's eyes still turn misty, every time after he turns away. She watches his form until she can no longer see him.
* * *
Tuzi breathed in the crisp fresh air as she stretched herself lazily against the expanse of an endless array of blossoms. A sweet floral scent from the pink sakura trees caressed her nostrils as flowers brushed up against her hair. Her hazel brown eyes gazed warmly up at the bright blue sky with rays from the sun shining warmly on her face.
It was another beautiful day, just like every other day. She had been here for so long now, that she lost count of how much time had passed.
Every few days the Lady Goddess would visit her here and keep her company. Those are the days she longed for the most as sometimes, even this endless bliss can get lonely. Tuzi would constantly crave for deep conversations, exaggerated jokes, and the warm touch of another living being. And the instances where she could lay in her Goddess's warm embrace were her favorite as it felt like time stood still in those moments.
Her Lady Goddess would sometimes bring her new spells to learn, some silly and easy, like creating instant potatoes out of nowhere. Others were more advanced, such as the ability to read someone's memories or cast divine dreams. She had yet to master those enchantments. The spells themselves were difficult enough to learn, but to do so without a partner was extremely difficult. Unfortunately, she was all alone in this dream world.
Other days, the Goddess would bring her weapons, and she would continue her self defense training. But again, it was hard to train by herself.
Tuzi understood that she was here because the Goddess was trying to protect her, by holding her safely in the land of dreams. However, she wondered what was happening in reality. How was everyone in the Realm of Gods? How were her friends? What is everyone doing right now? So many questions she had…
She started humming a simple melody quietly to herself, to tune out the thoughts running wild in her mind. Tuzi knew it was better to not think and just live in the present, else her loneliness would begin to devour her.
As she listened to the melody, a warm sensation began to envelope around her wrist. Tuzi sat up quickly in surprise and held her hand out in front of her examining it. Tiny specks of gold swirled around her hand. First spinning slowly and then increasing in speed. A smile began to form on her pink lips because she recognized what this is.
In a matter of seconds, the orb of the golden shell formed with its thin chain loosely wrapped around her wrist. She gasped in delight clutching onto the small piece of jewelry. It had been so long since she saw the treasure that was gifted to her by the Goddess. She was overwhelmed with joy. It was like meeting a long lost friend again.
"I didn't think I would see you again!" she exclaimed breathlessly.
She held on tightly to the shell. The Goddess must've transported it here to help ease her bouts of loneliness. Now whenever she is bored, she can whisper her thoughts, and the Moon Goddess would hear her.
Thank you for reading! If you are enjoying the story, help a girl out with a power stone, a review, comment, or add it to your library! Thank you so much!
Tuzi has finally been reunited with her golden shell. What could this possibly mean?